Help Wanted

Tonight, I ask for your help. Here are a few of my questions for you. I've casually, for lack of a better term, searched for jobs over the past few years, but not so aggressively.  I'd like to get your feedback about what's worked best for you.

  • In your latest job searches, what websites were the most useful for you? 
  • Did you pursue your job through Monster? 
  • How about Career Builder? 
  • Any hints for making the most of Linked In? 
  • Have you tried BeKnown through Facebook and Monster?
  • How useful is the BranchOut application in Facebook?
  • Have you used any resume services that send out your resume for you? 
  • If you have used any services, what are dos/don'ts? Which do you recommend?
With the current economy, lots of people are looking for jobs, and the jobs are few. I'm sure many of you have searched for a job recently, or someone close to you. I hope the discussion here will be of help to those searching. 
