All About Jesus, From A to Z - Review the Acrostic of Jesus
Click here to request a digital review copy. You may also fill out the form at the end of this post. Resurrection , because Jesus gives life to the dead ; Before he was risen, he gave his life in our stead . See, all of us will die, returning back to the dust ; But he’ll raise us like Lazarus—we just have to trust . Without sin, he is righteous , born of a virgin . By his resurrection, our salvation is certain . Now he is risen , ruling , and reigning , Soon he’ll be returning , to begin the final raising ! Catechism can be fun! The Acrostic of Jesus is a joy to read over and over again, and a brilliant tool to help kids gain a greater understanding of Christ. Young readers will learn “Christology”—the study of Jesus. The more we learn about Jesus, the more reasons we have to love him! By giving children an alphabetical list of the names and attributes of Jesus written with a...