
Showing posts from November, 2020

A Common Love

A Common Love By Charles F. Brown Used by permission. CCLI # 1132191 A common love for each other A common gift to the Savior A common bond holding us to the Lord A common strength when we’re weary A common hope for tomorrow A common joy in the truth of God’s Word

My Halls Have Been Decked... At Least My Entry Hall Has

I bought a new Christmas tree this year because I was so tired of assembling 10 levels of Christmas tree branches. Actually, more so than that, I broke the base of my tree last year and was pretty sure the Super Glue that Dad used to put it back together wasn't going to hold. I'd been wanting one for the former reason anyway, but I was being picky. I didn't want it to be so thin that I saw through it.  I'm surprised the last one lasted as long as it did given how many stupid fake needles it shed every year in the put up/take down process.  What I learned about this three part Christmas tree is that assembling the branches weren't any better. While some of the branches are plastic and don't lose needles a lot of them still are. I even bought the more expensive one. Home Depot had one on Black Friday sale for $79 for the month of November, and I still bought the $199 right next to it because it wouldn't lose as many needles.  I started it last Saturday night a...

Spread Kindness and Cheer this Christmas

Part 2 of an interview with Allison Hottinger and Lisa Kalberer, Creators of  The Giving Manger Read part 1 of the interview here. The Giving Manger  tells the story of a family who shifts the focus of their Christmas. Young Anne and Ben always look forward to Christmas. Each year their dad makes a special wooden toy for them, but he tells them this year will be different. They are starting a new tradition, and there will be more gifts this year, starting December 1. The kids misunderstand, thinking they will be getting more gifts, but instead, the gifts are given by them to others. Initially disappointed, the children quickly change their attitudes when they see the joy that doing kind things and giving to others brings. Throughout the Christmas season, Anne and Ben do acts of kindness for others, placing a piece of straw in the manger their father made for them, and on Christmas, they place the baby Jesus in a full bed of straw. Once your family reads the story tog...

The Bachelorette: Tayshia: Week 3: You Snooze You Lose

I am admittedly several days behind on getting to this post.  On Tuesday instead of watching, I worked late, trying to get some things taken care of before taking some time off this week. I never give myself time off, but it's a holiday week, and was going to make myself chill some. On Wednesday night, I needed to work some on my Christmas tree which I started last Saturday.  On Thursday night, I came home and crashed on the couch in pain because I ate too much and was oh, so sick. On Friday night, I made myself finish all my decorating. It's Saturday, I meant to start watching earlier, but wanted to also take photos of craft product to post on Facebook and sale. Then, I decided I wanted to make some more sports signs if I was taking the time to photograph after I got it all brought in. Then, then my white paint pens weren't cooperating for the basketball signs. Throw some other things in there, and here I am late into the night just starting. I think my laptop battery is g...

Deep and Wide

There always seems to be a struggle with this one! 😂 Deep and Wide Deep and wide. Deep and wide. There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide. Deep and wide. Deep and wide. There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide. Hmmm and wide. Hmmm and wide. There’s a fountain flowing hmmm and wide. Hmmm and wide. Hmmm and wide. There’s a fountain flowing hmmm and wide. Deep and hmmm. Deep and hmmm. There’s a fountain flowing deep and hmmm. Deep and hmmm. Deep and hmmm. There’s a fountain flowing deep and hmmm. Hmmm and hmmm. Hmmm and hmmm. There’s a fountain flowing hmmm and hmmm. Hmmm and hmmm. Hmmm and hmmm. There’s a fountain flowing hmmm and hmmm. Deep and wide. Deep and wide. There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide. Deep and wide. Deep and wide. There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide.

The Bachelorette: Tayshia: Week 2: An Obviously Scripted Episode

Hey! I actually quit work, ate and was ready to start on time tonight. That's an achievement.  I'm hoping this goes by quick. The second group date of Tayshia's first week is with Montel, Ivan, Demar, Ben, Chasen, Ed, Joe and Bennett. It's the first time for these guys to really see her since the first night.  Two of Tayshia's friends lined up today's date, so supposedly, she doesn't know what is happening. They are in what looks like a classroom. They are going to do a Grown Man Challenge. Ash Kardash and her man Jared are leading the challenge.  Tayshia is looking for a smart man, so the men will be tested in math and spelling. The first question calculates time. Bennett went to Harvard and thinks he is smart, but gets the first question wrong. And the second. He argues the wording of the word problem. Next is spelling. Limousine. Bennett can't spell either. Demar went to Arizona State and did better. That was his point, not mine. Nothing against ASU. ...

Win a copy of Ottoman Dominion by Terry Brennan

Over the next few weeks, my blog tour team is reviewing Ottoman Dominion, the final book in the Empires of Armageddon trilogy.  Learn more about this new release and the series, and while you're here, enter to win a copy of your own.    About the book:   Diplomatic Security Service agent Brian Mullaney wants out. He's been drawn against his will into a dangerous international mission with world-ending implications--and his final assignment is going to pit him directly against the terrifying, evil entity known only as the Turk.   But when the Turk's minions breach the US embassy in Israel and the American ambassador disappears, Mullaney has no choice. He must accept his role as the final guardian of a mysterious box, his only weapon against the powers of darkness bent on preventing the second coming of the Messiah, no matter who or what they annihilate to accomplish their goal. Can this man who's already lost so much find the strength and faith to save the world-...


Sanctuary By John W. Thompson; © Kruger Organisation Used by permission. CCLI # 1132191 (girls echo) Oh Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary Pure and holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living Sanctuary for You. It was you Lord, who sent the Savior Heart and soul Lord, to every man. It is you Lord, who knows my weakness, You refine me with Your own hand. Lead me on Lord, through my temptations You refine me from within Fill our hearts with the Holy Spirit, And take all our sins away. Lord teach Your children, t o stop the fighting, And start uniting, all as one. Let’s get together, loving forever Sanctuary, for You. And when He comes with shouts of glory And our work on earth is done O, how I long to hear Him saying, “Faithful servant well done.”

Join the Roots of Wood and Stone blog tour!

    Join the blog tour for Roots of Wood and Stone by debut author Amanda Wen. This book releases January 26 from Kregel. The tour dates will be January 26-February 9. I'll be sending out emails about who made the tour around December 11. The day before the tour starts (January 25), I will send out more details, including a book giveaway, an author Q&A, and the form for you to submit your tou...

What do you pray when you don’t know what to say?

Part 2 of an Interview Stacey Thacker, Author of Threadbare Prayer What do you pray when the words just won’t come? When you’ve been on your knees in prayer and your jeans start to show wear, what else can you possibly say? Sometimes we can be worn to the point we simply don’t have the words to express our pain, worry or fears. Those are our threadbare prayers. Stacey Thacker started writing her own threadbare prayers in her journal during her Bible study time. The prayers were very personal, but as she began to share them on her blog and social media, her friends and readers encouraged her to turn them into her next book. Throughout the pages of Threadbare Prayer: Prayers for Hearts that Feel Hidden, Hurt, or Hopeless (Abingdon Press) , readers will see glimpses of some of the authors most threadbare moments. Through these 100 short but heartfelt devotions readers will find inspiration and words to pray during difficult times. Q: How is it possible to pray when you don’t have...