My one fond Halloween memory
Actually, my one fond Halloween memory has very little to do with Halloween. I really detest the holiday quite frankly. It's become insane how parents load kids up on to trailers and visit certain neighborhoods to get candy. In my opinion, you can go buy it for 50% or more off the next day because they are getting ready to put out Christmas candy. I live on a very busy street, so I get home before dark, lock myself up in the house and keep the inside lights off so that no one comes knocking. My brother brought all the kids by via the back door last night so that I could see them and had out some candy. I looked out my window at one point to see a Corsicana police car whiz past a turning car while pedestrians occupied the street. In my opinion, a number of officers should be charged with reckless endangerment going down my street especially. Oh, but you better bet that they will ticket speeders and set up traps along my road. But I digress. I could get into the fact that I o...