
Showing posts from January, 2018

Ordinary people who found extraordinary love

Rhonda Stoppe shares inspiring stories of true love orchestrated by God Do you believe in true love? In a world of broken relationships and hurting people, it can seem as though heartache is all around us, marriages are doomed from the beginning and relationships aren’t worth the risk. However, in Real-Life Romance: Inspiring Stories to Help You Believe in True Love (Harvest House/February 1, 2018/ISBN: 978-0-7369-7141-6/$14.99), Rhonda Stoppe sets out to show that heart-fluttering, long-lasting love is all around us, if we just take the time to look for it. Stoppe warns Christians not to let the world define romance but to examine how God is at work in the hearts of His people — knitting together hearts in a love that forever endures. Each chapter tells a real-life account of how God brought together two hearts and intertwined them so completely that their love stands firm regardless of the trials of life. Readers will see how from the highest heights to the depths of ...

Remembering "Christy" with Suzanne Woods Fisher

Learn more about "Christy" by Catherine Marshall and the 50th anniversary at . You can also find out more at . Suzanne Woods Fisher ( ) remembers "Christy" and the impact it and other writings of Catherine Marshall had on her and on the publishing industry. Litfuse Publicity Group is excited to be partnering with    Gilead Publishing  to create and distribute videos featuring some of your favorite authors sharing their memories of reading Catherine Marshall's  Christy ! The five videos will be released week by week every Monday. One reader who shares the videos on his or her social media platforms or blog will receive a $100 Amazon gift card! To enter, fill out    this form . You can fill it out for as many times as you share the videos. The winner will be announced March 2 and contacted via email. This week's video features author Suzanne Woods F...

Enough of Krystal the resident drama queen of #thebachelor

For reasons I can't get into, I have had an emotionally and mentally draining day. I was downstairs and ready to blog on  The Bachelor  when it first came on except for the fact my laptop didn't even want to open an internet browser when it came back on. I've wasted 20 minutes trying to get going. I even tried my junk computer that couldn't get an internet connection. I'm having a similar problem here.  I will admit saying, forget this stupid  Bachelor  blog because I just couldn't deal, but now, hopefully, I am on the right track.  I hope Krystal gets sent packing tonight, and if the teases are a true indicator, it could happen. But when are the teasers ever an accurate indication? From Lake Tahoe, they move on to Ft. Lauderdale tonight. Arie thinks Ft. Lauderdale can be a beautiful place to fall in love. I know. Big shocker. There have been season were Albuquerque was, so why not Ft. Lauderdale? After all, there are beaches and yachts everywh...

Wrapped Up, Tied Up, Tangled Up

Wrapped Up, Tied Up, Tangled Up I’m all wrapped up, I’m all tied up, I’m all tangled up in Jesus. I’m all wrapped up, I’m all tied up, I’m all tangled up in God. I’m all wrapped up, All tied up, All tangled up in Jesus. I’m all wrapped up, tied up, tangled up in God. Repeat, faster each time

Weekend adventures part 1

Angie and I met up with Rakia in honor of her birthday which was last weekend. At least we got around to acknowledging someone's birthday. Angie and I were so busy in November we didn't get around to taking each other out for lunch.  We headed up to Fort Worth where Rakia lives. Rakia and I have been talking about going to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens for years. Even though the gardens are open year round, I don't suggest going just any time of the year. Most of the gardens are plain out brown right now. The Japenese Gardens boasted being beautiful year round, so we decided to give it a shot. As you can see, there is some green, but a good bit of brown and naked trees.  You can also tell I was looking into the sun for our fourth attempt at a selfie. Thankfully, bamboo is green year round. I have been here in the spring, and I can tell you all those naked trees are beautiful red maples. We'll have to go back to see them. I love taki...

Being Brave: A 40-Day Journey to the Life God Dreams for You

Part 1 of an interview with Kelly Johnson, Author of Being Brave: A 40-Day Journey to the Life God Dreams for You The world can be a scary place, and the fear it produces can spiral us into a sort of paralysis that keeps us from speaking truth, living boldly, and encouraging others. To spur us back into action, life coach Kelly Johnson has written a devotional, Being Brave: A 40-Day Journey to the Life God Dreams for You (Abingdon Press) , to help fan the flame of bravery that lies in wait within everyone. Q: How did your daughter first start you on the journey to study about being brave, and what role did she play in encouraging you to write this book? When my youngest daughter was nine years old, she was having a particularly tough day. She had worn me out with her growing list of worries, complaints, aches, pains, and fears, and I told her I didn’t know what else I could do for her. I had depleted my reservoir of mommy tricks in my efforts to help her get to the ot...


Just another Thursday night watching Peyton play basketball. Before Christmas, they were were doing well. Since Christmas, something has happened, and they've been blah. Only one game left this year. Her last game of junior high! I can't believe it.

The Importance of Video in Connecting Readers

I was having internet connections during our video time this week, so I had been joking Caitlin about frozen faces. That's why I'm being weird in the video. I referred to the Kalen Reacts videos. Here's his YouTube channel. If you haven't watched any of his videos, check out the cornbread one and the one with potato salad cake.

Making stuff for my 2nd least favorite holiday

I've headed out to the craft studio because it's not as cold as it has been. I have to finish a project for mom pretty soon, or she won't have her hearts for her front door by Valentine's. I haven't had a chance to get to in the past few weeks. No, I'm not making mass decorations for my second least favorite holiday. I don't have time for one thing. For another, I don't have a good outlet for them since we're still a few months from having a couple of events. In case you were curious, Hallowween ranks as #1 on the list of least favorites. 

It's Krystal clear who needs to go home on #thebachelor

Tonight I am actually starting this blog on time and hope I can finish it in the two hours. I am also hoping by the end of the night Chelsea, Krystal and Bekah are gone. Ok, I hope most that Krystal is gone. Some of the women are sitting around talking about how they think the age difference between Arie and Bekah - 14 years - is a big deal, and he needs to know. I really don't know that many of these other women are much older than 22. At least a few of them are young. Krystal has decided she is going to be the voice of reason. Chris Harrison comes in to tell all the women it is time to pack up because the 15 of them are about to head out of the mansion on a world-wide journey. First stop: South Lake Tahoe, Nevada. (You've got to start somewhere on a worldwide journey.) No doubt, Lake Tahoe is a great place to fall in love (insert my own sarcasm). Brittany says Lake Tahoe has been on her bucket list. Kendall enjoys the cabin where they are staying because there is all so...

A Common Love - Bind Us Together

This week we have a couple of repeat songs from this group, but they have their favorites. 😊 A Common Love By Charles F. Brown Used by permission. CCLI # 1132191 A common love for each other A common gift to the Savior A common bond holding us to the Lord A common strength when we’re weary A common hope for tomorrow A common joy in the truth of God’s Word Bind Us Together By Bob Gillman Used by permission. CCLI # 1132191 Bind us together Lord; Bind us together with cords That cannot be broken. Bind us together Lord; Bind us together Lord; Bind us together with love. There is only one God. There is only one King. There is only one body; That is why we can sing. (repeat first part) 

I had to send Kevin back to the robo pound

My robo vac, Kevin, gave us a couple of days of funny blogs back a few weeks ago, but that's going to be the extent of it. . Today Kevin went back to the robo pound. Even though he had been well charged, I had unwound the hair ball from the roller and did everything else listed in troubleshooting section of the owner's manual, Kevin would venture out 2 feet and stop.  He never, ever went out at his scheduled time, even though the base was set up to do so. It's a good thing he didn't. He got into too much trouble unsupervised. I couldn't trust him to not get caught up in my bedroom on electrical cords.  The whole point of getting a robo vac was because I am a lazy housekeeper. Having to supervise it at all times defeats the purpose. Only once did he ever find his way back to the base on his own. Getting stuck in the same place every time he circled the kitchen must have done him in. I really don't know why he had a malfunction and would only go out tw...

Algorithms: How Important are They?

I swear, Caitlin only wants me on these videos for comic relief. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.  

Were they “bad girls of the Bible” or just misunderstood?

Part 1 of an interview with Sandra Glahn, Editor of Vindicating the Vixens     Bathsheba, Tamar, Rahab, Hagar, and the Samaritan woman at the well—were they really the “bad girls” of the Bible or simply women whose situations were greatly misunderstood? In Vindicating the Vixens: Revisiting Sexualized, Vilified, and Marginalized Women of the Bible (Kregel Academic) , sixteen writers, alongside general editor Sandra Glahn , take a closer look at the stories of these and other prominent women to help readers gain a better understanding of these women’s God-given roles in the biblical narrative. The church has a long history of viewing notable women of the Bible through a skewed interpretive lens. For example, Eve is best known for causing the fall, Sarah is blamed for tensions in the Middle East, Ruth acted scandalously on the threshing floor, and Mary Magdalene is infamous for a life of prostitution. But do these common representations accurately reflect what Scri...