Valentine’s Day is the day for romance

Goodness knows I don't celebrate the upcoming holiday known as Valentine's Day, nor am I married. However, we're working with author Rhonda Stoppe, and she has some great advice leading up to Valentine's on how romance looks different for a married couple. Please share this post with anyone you think would find it insightful. :) If you are a radio host or producer, let's set up an interview! How does romance look different for a husband and a wife? By Rhonda Stoppe Valentine’s Day is when Americans focus on love and romance. What love means for a man is different than what a woman thinks about love. After all, that is how God created them! Understanding what each partner needs is key to a long and happy marriage. Rhonda Stoppe, author of If My Husband Would Change, I’d Be Happy , explains more about the differences between men and women when it comes to romance. Kim was busy with last minute dinner preparations when David waltzed into...