I guess I better get around to that list
Do you have a "to do" list at home that you just don't seem to get around to? Upload photos to CVS or Wal-Mart that I haven't printed for September-January. Yeah, I just don't want to mess with that. I'm ready to get off the computer because I've spent way too much time doing absolutely pointless things on Facebook. Load photos onto digital photo frame I got for Christmas. Well, I'd have to make sure I had all horizontal photos and sort through them. I'm ready to get off the computer. I've spent way too much time messing around on my blog that everyone has already lost interest in. Figure out if it's the new camera that is sucking the life out of the rechargable batteries after just 5 pictures or if it's the battery charger or just the rechargable batteries. The batteries that came with the camera are a battery pack that would have to be charged on an Easy Share dock. Mom and Dad have one, but who remembers to take the camera over there...