
Showing posts from February, 2014

Friday evening escape

I am thankful to Angie for seeing me comment on Facebook this afternoon that I sure could use an escape to Hobby Lobby after work. The next time we decide to do that, we're going to have to sneak off and leave work early. Traffic was AWFUL on I-20 and it took much longer than it should to get there. We only had 35 minutes in Hobby Lobby before it closed at 8:00 which was an absolute crying shame. I NEEDED MORE TIME! I did find these birds for my bathroom though. (I admit I posted these pics after Friday night.) Even if we didn't have enough time there, I took Angie to Cracker Barrel. There is something wrong with her. She had never eaten there before! It won't be her last though. And yes, we had to take pictures of our food to make everyone jealous via social media because that's what you do. And my life hasn't been exciting lately. Makes me hungry just looking at it. What was semi-exciting was the car on FIRE on 360 coming home. Angie was kick...

Dishing it, but I can take it too

So obviously lately I have been trying to become a popular blogger with my posts on The Bachelor . I've been sharing the links via social media on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, etc. including the show's pages. I'm not going to become famous anytime soon because the posts only show between 100-150 hits though I can tell more people are coming to the blog than it shows. Anyway, I have picked up some readers. I've also picked up some comments on Facebook from people that don't agree with me. Ok. I share my opinion, you yours... It's really kind of been funny. This week's comments were actually the first ones disagreeing I received. Admittedly, I called Juan Pablo a shallow jerk and shared my link. One reader wrote back: "If you can call him a jerk, and clare, "fake teeth," is it OK to call you FAT?" I responded: "Since it is true, yes." I deserved that for the fake teeth comments. That's on par. The jerk thing is a p...

Pre-order Distortion by Terri Blackstock for $4.99. Kindle Fire Giveaway and Facebook Party!

Don't miss Terri Blackstock 's latest release in the Moonlighters series, Distortion . The book releases March 11th, and Terri will be kicking off the release with a fun Facebook Distortion party and giving away a Kindle Fire HDX. PLUS readers can pre-order the ebook for just $4.99 between now and 3/11 everywhere ebooks are sold. One winner will receive: A brand new Kindle Fire HDX Distortion  and  Truth Stained Lies   by Terri Blackstock Enter today by clicking one of the icons below . But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 11th. Winner will be announced at the Distortion Facebook Party on March 11th .  Connect with Terri for a "suspenseful" book launch party with prizes, a book chat, and more. Don't miss a moment of the fun;  RSVP today  by clicking JOIN on the event page.  Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or  TWITTER  and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 11th! {MORE ABOUT  ...

Juan Pablo wins Mr. Insensitive title on #TheBachelor, but that's ok!

I have really been trying to get my blog posts on The Bachelor to go viral. By doing so, I've been sharing links on The Bachelor's Facebook page. I've been able to get a lot of blog reads from doing that, but one woman took exception to the fact that I couldn't call the women "ladies" and that I called Clare's sister's dog ugly. It's just my opinion folks, just my opinion. I stand by both comments. Tonight promises to hold lots of drama as we get glimpses of the overnight dates in St. Lucia. First is fake Clare and her fake teeth. After she gushes over never having expected a year ago to be in this place with the man she loves, she says she has been going back and forth on her answer about staying over for the overnight date when the time comes. Evidently, "swimming in the ocean," is code for, well, you know. She talks about how swimming in the ocean made him uncomfortable. Once they board the yacht, they talk about her family...

Evidently, #TheBachelor is for the birds, cows and squirrels

Chris Harrison should win the Oscar, Emmy and Golden Globe for all the drama he inserts into just the preview of tonight's episode... part of a special two night event. What I never thought I would see? I bet it's not that outlandish. I am ready for all these parents who think their daughters are idiots. BRING. IT. ON.  We start off with Nikki in Kansas City which is somehow now synonymous with cows. I don't know why they start off with cows when introducing KC. I don't think I saw cows there. Fountains, yes. Cows, no. Union Station - yes, I've seen that. I guess it is because of the BBQ places. However, I think that KC BBQ is more PORK than BEEF.  Nikki says that it is make it or break it time. First challenge: gas station BBQ (Oklahoma Joe's). The sauce is spicy for him. He said it was amazing. Side note: gas station BBQ meant something else to me in KC. I had to chug Coke in order to burp after eating the nastiest BBQ I've ever eaten there. ...

Don't make me embarrass you!

This morning was one of those mornings. It just was. After more than one child plopping a Bible down or bending back the covers, I had enough! I sang them the song we sing to the babies' class about loving our Bibles. Seriously. Then, we didn't have much time for the song I wanted to do today, so I warned them that I would embarrass them by making them sing "This is the Way We Love Our Bible." To make sure they got something out of the lesson today, I made them tell me what they learned. We now know what despise means. I used the example of the fact that I despise marshmallows.

Audra's brain - where great ideas go to die.

I always have such grandiose ideas, plans and intentions. If only they all came to fruition. Honestly, I don't know how people with kids get anything done because I don't have that excuse and have half finished projects abounding. I think I'm just lazy. Other than the baby blanket I started 2 months ago that is still only halfway done, I'll tell you what else I am working on. The last time I worked on this new project was two weeks ago, by the way. Based on the fact that one of the most popular posts EVER on my blog was my list of children's Bible class songs, I am trying to put a songbook of the words together for the teachers at church to use. I've started it, and have great plans, but I've not worked on it much. What I would like to do is post the words, and then videos of kids singing them, but I don't know what to do about sharing the "book" when I am finished because of copyrights. I can use my church's CCLI number for us, b...
Don't miss Stephanie Landsem 's outstanding sophomore effort, The Thief . Best-selling author Tosca Lee had this to say of the book: " Filled with memorable characters, The Thief is a tale of hopelessness turned to hope, of high stakes made higher, and ultimate love. What happens when a character at the lowest rung of society crosses paths with the most well-known figure in history? The story of The Thief . I couldn't stop reading. " Stephanie is hosting a Kindle Fire HDX and book giveaway at her website. CLICK THE BUTTON to find out more and enter to win. Find out what readers are saying HERE . (Click the REVIEWS bar.) {MORE ABOUT  THE THIEF } A Roman centurion longing for peace and a Jewish woman hiding a deadly secret witness a miracle that transforms their lives and leads them to the foot of the cross. Longinus is a Roman centurion haunted by death and failure. Desperate to escape the accursed Judean province, he accepts a wager. If h...

Barbara Cameron’s SCRAPS OF EVIDENCE | Quilts of Love Giveaway

Barbara Cameron 's Scraps of Evidence  is the newest book in the Quilts of Love line, and Barbara is celebrating with an "intriguing" Kindle HDX giveaway! One winner will receive: A Kindle Fire HDX Scraps of Evidence by Barbara Cameron Tempest's Course by Lynette Sowell Aloha Rose by Lisa Carter Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 8th. Winner will be announced on the Quilts of Love blog  on March 10th. Spread the word—t ell your friends about the giveaway via FACEBOOK or  TWITTER and increase your chances of winning . {MORE ABOUT  SCRAPS OF EVIDENCE } A Quilts of Love book. Tess has taken some ribbing from her fellow officer, Logan,for her quilting hobby. He finds it hard to align the brisk professional officer he patrols with during the day with the one who quilts in her off-time. Besides, he’s been trying to get to know her better and he’d like to be seeing her during ...

PRINCESS EVER AFTER $200 “Princess” Giveaway and Facebook Party with @RachelHauck!

Rachel Hauck  is celebrating the release of her latest "swoon"-worthy romance,   Princess Ever After , with a fun $200 "Princess" prize package giveaway and a Facebook "Princess" party on March 6th. Grab your tiaras and RSVP today!   One winner will receive: A $200 Visa cash card (buy your very own "princess ever after" gown or tanks of gas for your "royal" ride) Princess Ever After, Once Upon a Prince , and The Wedding Dress  by Rachel Hauck Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 6th. Winner will be announced at  Rachel's "Princess" Facebook Party on March 6th .  Connect with Rachel for an evening of "royal" book chat, princess-themed trivia, laughter, prizes, and an exclusive look at the next book in the Royal Wedding series! So grab your copy of Princess Ever After  and join Rachel and friends on the evening of March 6th for a chance to connect a...

Janette Oke invites readers to join her during live online event

Janette Oke's newest book, Where Courage Calls (co-written with her daughter, Laurel Oke Logan), is receiving rave reviews. It is the companion story to Hallmark Channel's TV series  When Calls the Heart , set in the Canadian west. Janette and Laurel are celebrating with an iPad Mini giveaway and a Facebook author chat party on March 4th. One winner will receive: iPad Mini Where Courage Calls  by Janette Oke and Laurel Oke Logan When Calls the Heart DVD Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 4th. Winner will be announced at the Where Courage Calls Facebook Party on March 4th .  Connect with Janette and Laurel for an evening of book chat, trivia, laughter, and more! So grab your copy of Where Courage Calls  and join Janette and Laurel on the evening of March 4th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!) Don't miss ...

The women on The Bachelor are all kinds of crazy

After the day I have had, I'm not sure how much The Bachelor drama and literal defining moments (Juan Pablo fakes his lack of English, I am certain) I can stand. The intro promises plenty. We're back to the US, specifically Miami. Juan Pablo drives up to a mansion to go see Ca-Me-La. who he hasn't seen since he left Los Angeles. As if he hasn't had enough pool time, he goes swimming with his daughter. The six remaining women are taken by limo to their latest resort hotel. Who can afford these places? There are boxes in the room with special bikinis. There are only three boxes, so I'm afraid of what that means. Already anticipating home town dates, Sharleen is not ready to introduce him to her family. However, back at the family home, Juan Pablo tells his cousin that Sharleen may be the one. When he comes to the hotel, he personally delivers the one-on-one date card to Sharleen who accepts it like it's a piranha. Awkward. "Come SEA my City....

I Will Call Upon the Lord

I wanted the kids to work on this one a little more, but they confidently said they had it. Not too bad considering they did the parts.  

I could teach as well as she did

Rakia, Angie and I joined the Painting with the Twist craze. Rakia had actually been to one before, but Angie and I were newbies. Even though I have a degree in art, painting was never my thing, although I do think I could have taught better than our instructor. She took a lot of breaks leaving me to want to ad lib, and as the only one looking at the original, left us with really crooked Eiffel Towers that didn't look like the original. She couldn't figure out why there was a semi-circle on the pink on the left side, so we had it in the wrong place because she didn't realize it was the arch of the fourth side.  I came home wanting to go shopping at Hobby Lobby to see what it would cost to buy supplies to start teaching my own classes. Except my classes would have an official karaoke element because singing 80s songs was a lot of fun.  But then again, if I just held classes at home, it wouldn't have been as much fun without Blake and Clare there. Blak...