Do you ever wonder what people really think of you?
Of course, by and large, I would rather not know what some people really think about me, but a certain email this morning had me wondering. A co-worker (shout out to Vicki) sent me an email with the subject line "Peep Show" and a note that this made her think of me. The attached photo had several pink Easter bunny peeps (you know those really disgusting marshmallow candy things). One pink bunny was wrapped around a stripper pole while the others were standing around wearing g-strings and pasties with money in their waistbands. Three big fat yellow chicken peeps were in the audience. I get that this picture was comical, and that someone was very, very creative with way too much time on their hands. I can appreciate that. Why this screamed my name, I still don't know, even though I asked. Vicki said that I was always talking about "my peeps". I may talk about my peeps, but I never realized I called them "my peeps". My dad was talking about junk email at