
Showing posts from 2014

New hairy hats!

These are all sold, but I will take orders! This hat was inspired by Frozen ! It was made to match a hat from Pinterest. I've had a friend asking for at least two years for a bearded hat, and I finally made a pair! The beard will come off so that it can be worn without it as well. I'm also doing scarves to match headbands or hats... This scarf/headband combo has interchangeable flowers. Contact me if you would like to place an order!

Rachel Hauck Fires Up the Romance with “A Brush with Love” Kindle Giveaway!

"Fire" up the romance in the new year with Rachel Hauck 's newest book, A Brush with Love , by entering her Kindle Fire giveaway!  And be sure to catch a sneak peek of the soon-to-be-released  How to Catch a Prince ! One grand prize winner will receive: A Kindle Fire A Brush with Love by Rachel Hauck Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway only runs for a week, 12/30 – 1/5.  Winner will be announced January 6th on Rachel's blog . {NOT ON FACEBOOK? ENTER HERE .} {MORE ABOUT  A BRUSH WITH LOVE } A Year of Weddings novella (Zondervan, December 30, 2014) Ginger Winters is a gifted hairstylist with scars no one can see. The last thing she expects from the New Year is a new chance at love. Overcoming a childhood tragedy, Ginger emerges from the pain and trauma with a gift for bringing out the beauty in others. From the top big city salons to traveling the world as personal stylist to a count...

Quilts of Love | MASTERPIECE MARRIAGE – Kindle Giveaway!

Don’t miss the newest Quilts of Love book, Masterpiece Marriage  by Gina Welborn . December’s QOL release celebrates the ebb and flow of marriage. Enter to win a Kindle HDX! One winner will receive: A Kindle Fire Masterpiece Marriage by Gina Welborn Swept Away by Laura V. Hilton and Cindy Loven Quilted by Christmas  by Jodie Bailey Enter today by clicking the button below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on January 18th. Winner will be announced on the Quilts of Love blog January 19th. {NOT ON FACEBOOK? ENTER HERE .} Enter today and spread the word—t ell your friends about the giveaway via FACEBOOK or  TWITTER and increase your chances of winning . {MORE ABOUT  MASTERPIECE MARRIAGE } New from Abingdon Press’ Quilts of Love series He wants to save his business. She wants to be a professor. But are they asking for more than they can really have? After a flood damages the looms at Zenus Dane’s...

He has Made Me Glad

He Has Made Me Glad Gwen R. Shaw and Psalm 100 I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter his courts with praise! I will say this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice for he has made me glad. He has made me glad! He has made me glad! I will rejoice for he has made me glad. He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I will rejoice for he had made me glad.

So, I guess I lied

I knew as much as I said I was going to leave my decorations up until New Year's it wasn't going to happen. Old habits die hard. I did wait until two days after this year. That's a whole day longer than usual. I'm not going to say it was quick getting everything down, but it's a whole lot quicker taking down than going up. While I love my beautifully decorated tree, I'm glad everything is put away. I just have to put up my craft inventory somewhere to get it out of the middle of the sun room. I didn't count how many ornaments went up on the tree and garland down the stairs, but easily in the hundreds.

This year, it can wait

Normally, as soon as December 26 arrives, I'm ready to take down my decorations and pack them away. This year, I've been so busy that I am seriously contemplating waiting until New Year's Day. I know that isn't unusual for most people, but it is for me. Mom said the same thing. I think decorations should be up a full month if you go through the trouble, and I didn't get everything up until December 2 this year. Plus it's all so pretty. As big a pain it was to get everything up, I wish I had a way to tuck the tree in a closet fully decorated. Maybe I could drag it into the sunroom. ;)

Merry Christmas!

After a great day, I'm kind of stuck in my chair unmotivated to do much of anything! Peyton was happy with her bungee chair she didn't know I was getting her, Paige loved her canvas, Brian was pleasantly surprised with his hammer (long story), Dad almost forgot he wanted a light for the work bench for a minute, and Mom promises she was not hinting for a Kindle upgrade. After opening all of our presents and lunch, we had a 42 tournament. It's not unusual for Paige, Peyton, Dad and I to play, but Brian teamed up with Peyton. Dad somehow convinced Mom to play. We got some good laughs out of it. I hope all of you and your families have had a very Merry Christmas!

Down to the wire

It's not at all unusual for me to finish a project for a family member the day before Christmas. One year I was working on something until 5 minutes before family arrived. I never should have made that particular item. Long story. I don't know if the gift was ever unfolded. Anyway... This is the scarf Peyton wanted me to make her along with her requested headband. I made 3 flowers that are all interchangeable. Usually, my parents and I go to a movie on Christmas Eve, then go out to dinner. There weren't any movies we cared to see, so we just went out to eat at Applebee's because while there is one in town, we don't go there often. I splurged on steak and shrimp. It was so good. Since we couldn't find a movie to go to, we rented one on DirecTV Pay Per View. While watching the movie, I made the scarf below for someone I'd made a headband for. The teal, purple and pink are ribbon colors for thyroid cancer awareness. Just worked out that some o...

More from NLB Horton, author of The Brothers' Keepers

Part 2 of an interview with NLB Horton, Author of  The Brothers’ Keepers Click here to read part 1 Q: Which of the characters in the Parched series, and particularly  The Brothers’ Keepers can you relate to the most, and why? That’s a tough question. I can understand all of them — their motivations and desires — and enjoy them all, except when their conversations keep me awake at night by forcing me to take dictation at my computer! But like readers my age, I especially relate to Grace: her faith, skepticism, flaws, and humor. I agree with the reader who wrote, “I want to be Grace!” I also identify with Grace because I am a Christian who is “in the world, but not of it.” My career, my education, my travel: each of these elements formed me, but they occurred in the midst of people whose beliefs did not always ally with mine. I am invigorated by God’s creation, as is Grace. I want to experience it! And I hope her character portrays a demographic of Christ...

Meet NLB Horton, author of The Brothers' Keepers

Part 1 of an interview with NLB Horton, Author of  The Brothers’ Keepers It could be argued there is no stronger instinct on earth than that of a mother to protect her family.  The lengths she will go to do so are explored in  The Brothers’ Keepers  (RidgeRoute Press/November 17, 2014/ISBN: 9780991401734/ $14.99) , book two of the Parched series, written by award-winning journalist and world traveler NLB Horton. In  The Brothers’ Keepers , we meet archaeologist Grace Madison who is in Brussels cataloguing looted antiquities when her son’s bride is attacked in Switzerland. Her day careens from bad to catastrophic when daughter Maggie disappears in France. Coincidence is a luxury Grace cannot afford as history — saturated in espionage — is repeating itself. Q: The title of the book,  The Brothers’ Keepers , refers to heroine Grace Madison’s determination to protect someone important to her. To what lengths would you go to protect someone ...

A Common Love

A Common Love By Charles F. Brown Used by permission. CCLI # 1132191 A common love for each other A common gift to the Savior   A common bond holding us to the Lord A common strength when we’re weary A common hope for tomorrow           A common joy in the truth of God’s Word

A step in officially being Christmas

Alright. It's official. I've melted chocolate and butterscotch chips and put some nuts in it. It must be Christmas. Peyton helped me with chocolate covered peanuts and cashews. We also made peanut butter balls. I've been trying to get to the point to clean up the craft stuff out of the kitchen and dining area to do this, so it's kind of a big deal. Kids at church will be some of the lucky recipients since I'm subbing in the morning and decided I needed to do holiday goodie bags.

I feel so old

Tonight, Paige had some friends out to her Dad's house for a Christmas party. He had a cattle emergency he needed to tend to and was running late to get back home for the start, so he asked if I could run out to the house until he got there. Other than the Google Hangout very non-festive "virtual party" I had with my co-workers today, this was my only party of the season. No offense to my co-workers, but it was very low key, and I'm not sure that it counted. Being around 13-14 year olds is a sure fire way to feel like a fuddy duddy (and just saying it makes me one for sure). It also makes me thankful I do not have children of my own because there is entirely too much to worry about. I kept hearing about "friends" coming over or "all these girls" are supposed to be at the house. I was a little surprised when the boys arrived. I don't think anyone was trying to be sneaky, I just don't think dear old dad was listening. I learned that t...

We have a plague!

I haven't been able to hang up the paper frogs yet, but there are giant plastic flies in place for the lesson on the 10 plagues in our classroom! Kind of freaky when you can't see the string on the ones towards the back. 

Another venture

It's all about the paint, about the paint around here. This is Paige's canvas request for Christmas. I hope she likes it. I thought this was going to be the last of the paint before Christmas, but I have a letter to make.

I don't pick all the colors

Since it's a slow book month, I'm going to have to flood you with crafty pictures. This request - a black and orange hat to match someone's grandson's baseball team. The camera on my phone does not do justice to the horrendous color. In other news, when Grandmother was in town for her treatment yesterday, she almost wiped me out of what is left in my hat box to sell. I gave her one for Christmas and she bought one. That makes 5 she's gotten in the past few months. I give her credit for dealing well with her hair loss from chemo... she loves to accessorize! There must be a matching hat for every outfit! ;)

I might ought to do something about my Christmas list

The annual bah humbugs have settled in again. It was bound to happen. I won't go into all of the reasons as to why, but now I'm going to point to the shopping part. I have one thing for each of my parents, but want to get something else to go with what I bought. I take it back, I did get Dad a book on Amazon earlier. I'm debating upgrading Mom's Kindle. She wants an upgrade to a Fire. If I hadn't already bought one thing, I wouldn't debate at the great sale Amazon has on one right now, even though they are no longer buying back her model. I could get it as a Christmas/Retirement present. I need to buy Peyton what she wanted, and make the scarf she picked out yarn for a couple of months ago. And a headband. So, once I finish the hat I am working on, I need to get on that for her. Then, I really need to get Paige's canvas painted that was the only thing on her list for me to get her. I'm ready to get the box of all my paint off of the kitchen table...

Seek Ye First

They were a little bicker-y this particular morning. Seek Ye First (Matthew 6:33) and Karen Lafferty Used by Permission. CCLI # 1132191 Seek ye first the kingdom of God       And His righteousness And all these things shall be added unto you Singing Allelu-alleluia. Ask and it shall be given unto you Seek and ye shall find Knock and the door Shall be opened unto you. Singing Allelu-alleluia. Man shall not live by bread alone But by every word That proceeds from the mouth of God. Singing Allelu-alleluia.

Just another Saturday of painting

At the Crafty Dad and Daughter , I for one was glad not to get up really early and have a booth today. However, I worked on letter orders. One of these is probably the coolest I've done thus far.

Countdown to The Bachelor

The commercials are already starting teasing Chris Soules, aka "Prince Farming," and the latest season of The Bachelor which starts January 5 .    And every time a new season starts I wonder why I am going to submit myself to this: The good news for me though is that I have a new laptop so that I don't have to write notes and post the next day. While I am on the subject of being able to blog while sitting in my living room like I am now, I have to say that a laptop with a touch screen seems about twice as heavy as one without. Not that I had to have a touchscreen because I know I won't use it a lot. I don't use it on my desktop I got about three years ago either. My legs may go to sleep during a two hour show though. Hopefully, by the time The Bachelor starts I will have bugs worked out. Every time this computer does a Windows 8.1 update, it craps Microsoft Office 365 up. You would think the two would play nice together. Back to The Bac...

Those are some mighty big flies!

As though I didn't know this before, in the past six weeks, I have especially realized there are not enough hours in the day. My to-do list and want to-do lists are both in direct conflict with reality. Some days with everything going on, it's been a struggle to get all my hours in at work where I have plenty to do too. In middle of all my craftiness with orders to fulfill before Christmas, I'm still trying to add to the decorations in the classroom at church. I never did post a picture of the section of ceiling Joseph's dream about his brothers. In the next there weeks, the lessons of the 10 plagues and the Red Sea are coming. The Red Sea that Rachel and I are building this time isn't going to be as grand as the one that Jenny and I built about 12 years ago. However, it needs to be put together by the first Sunday in January. While I'm sure not going to do something for all 10 plagues (I'm skipping the bloody decorations with possibly the exception ...

Crafting until Christmas

The picture I teased on Monday night was the ornaments I made for my co-workers. I shipped them off earlier today, and they are set to arrive this weekend. We'll see if they read my blog daily and if I just told them what they were getting. Birds are a part of our logo and branding. Saturday night after the market we were at all day, we made a run to Hobby Lobby to try to find the big Christmas balls for this order. They were out! Dad had to cut these, but I like them better because they are thicker wood.  Next up... painting these letters! Each is for a very different order, but it's the only word I could spell!