
Showing posts from September, 2012

It's Sunday, and I don't want to blog

I turned on my computer because I needed to check my email and post a blog. And I'd really just rather not. You ever feel like that? I did get my house cleaned and straightened up - so much so that Paige was very impressed that my towels were folded and put away instead of in a basket at the foot of my bed like is there at least 300 out of 365 days a year. She came over here to get something with me after church today. Today I didn't really get my nap in because since Friday morning the whole weekend has been somewhat in the air since my aunt, Carol, passed away. We didn't know what family might be around when. Then some of the family doesn't so much talk to others (myself included), so you never know what might be said when it is. Kind of stressful. And it's the end of the weekend, and I'm just tired. And know I'll be busy once I can start working tomorrow after the funeral with 8 new books coming out this week. So I'm rambling. I was listening ...

How many books are you reading at once?

I really don't know how many books I have STARTED, and with as many books as we have releasing next week, I can't tell you how many I need to FINISH. In the last 24 hours, I've finished two. One is a blog tour book we're working on right now, Denise Hunter's The Trouble with Cowboys . Be sure to check out my post from a few days ago with more info, including how you can win a Kindle! (Or just click to the left. The other one I finished is an author I just worked with on her latest book, Sibella Giorello. I worked on her 5th books, The Stars Shine Bright . (I made a few posts about this one.) I'm still not sure how I missed reading her books before. I bargain book purchased her first book, Stones Cry Out because it's actually out of print. The publisher sent me books 3 and 4 which arrived this week, but I found a great deal on Amazon for book 2, River Runs Dry earlier today, so it's on the way. I buy books even though I have a stack of at LEAST ...

What's the best season premiere you saw this week?

What show were you most looking forward to this week? Anything new that's a must watch? I caught a couple of new shows via watching online this week. Did anything disappoint you? Share! And I'll share mine later. Ok, honestly, I just want to get something posted today, and it's been manic. And for other reasons I need to be off the computer early today . 

Do you have kids in the house? This one is for them!

I'm working on at least 8 books releasing next week, so do be prepared for some book posts on new releases.  Here's a special one though - for young readers - Life with Lily by Suzanne Woods Fisher and Mary Ann Kinsinger.  About the Book: For a child, every day is a thing of wonder. And for six-year-old Lily Lapp, every day is a new opportunity for blessings, laughter, family, and a touch of mischief. As she explores her world, goes to school, spends time with her family, and gets into a bit of trouble with her friends, Lily learns what it means to be Amish and what it means to grow up. From getting a new teacher to welcoming a new sibling, Lily’s life is always full of adventure. The first of four charming novels that chronicle the gentle way of the Amish through the eyes of a young girl, Life with Lily gives children ages 8-12 a fascinating glimpse into the life of the Amish–and lots of fun and laughter along the way. It combines the real-life stories o...

I think that I am missed

After being with the 5th graders for a year, I have now been away from teaching Sunday morning Bible class for four weeks. I took a break when they went off to junior high. But I think they miss me. Tonight, Thomas came up to me. "Do you miss me?" "No." Then, I thought about it and kind of felt bad. "Well, maybe. Kinda." He nods and says, "yeah," and was on his way. I stepped across the aisle to talk to someone and Emily came up. "Do you miss me?" "Thomas just asked me the same thing. I guess I kind of do." I do, in a way. Interacting with the kids. Not the trying to keep the quiet so I can try to teach something. I don't miss the crowd control. Or trying to figure out what the 1970s material is getting at in between suggesting the singing of songs to strange tunes. My assumption, and I assume incorrectly often, is that the fact they are asking if I missed them is that they in fact miss me. Right? Maybe? ...

The Trouble with Cowboys

What's the trouble with cowboys? Well, it depends on what kind of cowboys you are talking about. Around here, there's plenty of trouble with the Dallas Cowboys. (I know this even though I am not a football person.) There's other trouble to be had with other kind of cowboys too. All sorts of it.  This is my current "on my Kindle read". Because I'm in the big middle of two different books. One on Kindle. One paperback book. I actually have several others started on Kindle. Too much access to too many books. I'm a hoarder, no thanks to my job! This is one of our current book tours too. I'm glad because I read the first two book in Denise Hunter's Big Sky Romance series ( A Cowboy's Touch and The Accidental Bride ) when I was with my last job. Be sure to RSVP for Denise's Facebook party so that you can win a Kindle Fire. If you don't have one, I can tell you, you want one. Then, you'll be addicted to it like me. Not just for rea...

It's still 90+ degrees, but don't tell the TV networks

Short blog today... Lots to do, and as soon as I "leave the office" today, I'm going to the Ranger game. Today's temps are still in the 90s. It's officially fall which means that is wrong. Wrong, I tell you! But at least the new TV season gets into full swing tonight (the Rangers better be swinging well tonight too). My Tivo won't cover everything I want to watch tonight because after a two season hiatus, I'm watching Dancing with the Stars again. I also much record Blake and Adam tonight on The Voice . However, CBS better let me watch How I Met Your Mother online tomorrow. It got booted as a 3rd choice show tonight. What are you most looking forward to starting back up this week? Cannot wait for Grey's Anatomy on Thursday!

Sundin brings history to life With Every Letter

“By telling this redemptive wartime tale of love primarily from the perspective of a young flight nurse,  talented historical-fiction and romance author Sundin offers a unique perspective  on the lives of military women during this time period.” ~ Book List Combining a flair for romance with exceptional research and attention to detail, Sarah Sundin vividly brings to life the perilous challenges of World War II aviation and nursing in her latest release. With Every Letter (Revell, September 1, 2012, ISBN 978-0800720810, $14.99) launches Sundin’s new Wings of the Nightingale series in which three WWII flight nurses will discover friendship, love, and peril in the skies and on the shores of the Mediterranean. With Every Letter takes place in the fall of 1942, and follows the events of the war, including Operation Torch (the Allied landings in North Africa on November 8). Sundin shares more about the background and research behind With Every Letter in the intervi...

A pressed pennies Pinterest project

Ok, so here it is... I have actually followed through on a project I found on Pinterest. Actually, I guess this is the second one because I have made baby blanket using a crochet pattern I found on there. My mom's friend Ruth Ann told her she saw a pressed penny bracelet on Pinterest. My mom had forgotten to tell me that, but I heard someone talking about it a month or so ago at Belk. I looked them up, and there were some cool ones, but I didn't want them dangling or bulky. Last weekend we got the loops at Hobby Lobby, and today my dad drilled the holes in the pennies, and I made these two bracelets. I still have quite a few pennies left, but I picked my favorites. I did ask Dad if he wanted to practice on one from Branson first because I could probably get those replaced easily. Times Square was less likely. I like how they tuned out. The only thing about the ones with the vertical pennies is that they tend to flip. I may take the extra rings out and have it more like ...

Understanding more about the Amish

You all know that I'm going to be hooked on Breaking Amish .  (Oh, and last night, I figured out when/where  Amish: Out of Order  airs!)  I also admitted to not being an Amish expert and could not answer the questions Jenny and Rachel had.  However, I work with a couple of authors that likely can.  In the interview below Suzanne Woods Fisher, a best-selling author of Amish based non-fiction and fiction, discusses some of the most popular misconceptions about the Amish people and their lifestyle. In the interview below, she talks about the research she has done on the Amish, her own family connections, and what drew her into the Amish fiction genre. By the way, Fisher is excited to announce the launch of the Amish Wisdom iPhone app and to share about her latest fiction release, The Haven (August 2012). Both the first book in a series for young readers, Life With Lily (written with Mary Ann Kinsinger who was raised Old Order Amish), and the expa...

What would Yoda snort like?

That's the question of the day. Don't ask why. It just is. Just know that throughout the month of October #snort should be the trending topic on Twitter. It's been that kind of evening.

Time and Money Saving Meals

Are you having a harder time than your kids getting back into an after school routine? Is dinner the last thing on your mind after a long day at work? Crystal Paine, aka The Money Saving Mom, offers money and time saving tips for keeping your family happily fed with healthy foods. Even though I am childless, I may have to do break down and do some of these. I have no desire to cook when I turn off the computer for the day.  Crystal is doing a whole series of freezer cooking posts this month at . Be sure to check them out! Stock Your Freezer with Delicious Food in Just an Hour Each Week I don’t know about you, but there are some days at our home when life whizzes by so quickly. All of a sudden, it’s 5:00 PM and dinner isn’t even a figment of my imagination. For most people, the fallback is order takeout or grab something at the grocery store at the last minute. But this is stressful and expensive, not to mention unhealthy. The...

Praying the Wisdom of Proverbs

Tonight I will share one of Litfuse's latest blog tours, a new book from Summerside Press -- Proverbs Prayers ! About Proverb Prayers :  Praying the Wisdom of Proverbs into Your Life Every Day Experience God’s wisdom as never before and find encouragement, peace, answers, and a better life through this devotional prayer book. Many people read a chapter a day from the book of Proverbs as a regular devotional practice. They consider it their favorite book in the Bible because its daily practical guidance offers tools to make the right choices and have the inner strength to stand against pressure, size up a situation and know how to respond, make fewer careless mistakes, and avoid unnecessary trouble. In these pages, readers will find a chapter from Proverbs followed by a heartfelt prayer that includes all of the insights from that chapter. In a mere thirty-one days they can pray all of the wisdom of Proverbs for their lives. Meet John Mason:  John Mason i...

Why you don't let a retired person plan your weekend

As I was saying last night, you don't let a retired person plan your weekend. By saying "I need to get out of the house," I would have been content with things such as: Going to Home Depot or Office Depot. Just not Walmart Going to a movie Going up to Ennis and back just to get Starbucks Going to Cracker Barrel at some point during the day These things would not take ALL-DAY-LONG and would qualify as getting out of the house.  But, noooooooooooo. My dad has a tendency to be the activity planner without input of anyone else. Here's his response, "I'm going to call the girls and see if they'll go up to Lois' with us."  READ: Other side of Dallas and multiple hours, really taking up the entire day. I say, "If you do that, you really need to go see Eula Mae because we've not gone to see her." This is my way of saying, well, you really should be more broad in your plans and have you run this by anyone anywa...

Don't let a retired person plan your weekend

When worked in an office, much like my mother, I appreciated a quiet weekend at home doing nothing. To an extent, I am sill that some way. However, after working at home all week, sometimes I itch to get out of the house on the weekends. Well, Dad is home all day everyday, but doesn't work. His ideas are much different. I am typing on my phone during Breaking Amish commercials, so will have to elaborate later. Let's just say that I need another weekend. Stay tuned!

My Saturday in one picture

This sums up my Saturday...

My life's not fair rant

I've been rejected a number of times over a number of things in my life. A string of "no's" when interviewing for jobs. A lot of "no, I do not want to interview that author" responses. But this week, I have been rejected more than anyone with an excellent credit score should have. Let me just do this public service announcement for anyone who falls under the technical definition of "self-employed" even if you are contractually working for a company with regular hours and pay. If you have not been self-employed for two years, you better be able to buy a house with cash because you will not be able to buy a house otherwise. The exception to that would be the ability to pay a rather large down payment - one larger than the typical payment these days. I'm telling you, banks will not look at your credit score, your bank balance, your debt to income ratio, your income, anything if you fall in the self-employed category and haven't held a ...

Win an eReader from Sarah Sundin!

Celebrate with the release of With Every Letter along with Sarah Sundin by entering to win an eReader (winner's choice of Kindle Fire or Nook Color)! See what folks are saying about With Every Letter ! One fortunate winner will receive: A Kindle Fire or Nook Color (winner’s choice) Handmade With Every Letter First Aid Kit With Every Letter by Sarah Sundin Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on September 26th. Winner will be announced at the “With Every Letter” Author Chat Facebook Party on 9/27 . Connect with Sarah, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at a trivia contest, and chat with readers just like yourself. There will also be gift certificates, books and a Book Club Prize Pack to be won (10 copies for your book club or small group)! So grab your copy of With Every Letter and join Sarah on the evening of the September 27th for a chance to connect with Sarah and make some new friends. (If you haven’...

Introducing Taming the Wind - Win a Free Kindle from Tracie Peterson

Enter to win a Kindle Fire from Tracie Peterson and RSVP for her 9/26 Facebook Party.  See what people are saying about Taming the Wind . One winner will receive: A Brand New Kindle Fire with Wi-Fi The entire Land of the Lone Star series by Tracie Peterson Hurry, the giveaway ends on 9/25/12. Just click one of the icons below to enter. The winner will be announced at Tracie's  "Taming the Wind" Author Chat Party on 9/26 !  Connect with Tracie, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at a trivia contest, and chat with readers just like yourself. There will also be gift certificates, books and a Book Club Prize Pack to be won (10 copies for your book club or small group)! So grab your copy of Taming the Wind and join Tracie on the evening of the September 26th for a chance to connect with Tracie and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the book – don’t let that stop you from coming!) DON’T MISS A MOMENT OF THE FUN, RSVP TO...