Let's just move on
Let's just move on past this Happy New Year stuff. I know, you expect that coming from me. I have a love/hate relationship with the last 6 months of the year. In a way I love the fall for the weather it is supposed to bring (some years, nature doesn't bring it). However, with the seasonally shorter days and every other excuse there is, the end of the year (starting with mid-November around my birthday) puts me into a funk. More dealing with family situations, more reminders of another year that has gone by without much change from the last, people going on about how they plan to improve themselves. Oh, my goodness, can we get to January 2 already? In 2011, I feel short of reading my Bible every day by one day. December 31 was the only day I missed. If only I did so well in 2012. I know I missed a week. The only resolution I may have met this year, and I'm not sure it started off as a resolution or a formal goal, but all 366 days of 2012, I posted on this blog. Now, ...