The decorations were packed away on the closet with care
When do you take down your Christmas decorations?
In my family, we start putting up the day after Thanksgiving, so they come down the day after Christmas. They get their time for a month. I don't understand the put up the day before tradition. It is just too much work for just a few days, especially with as much stuff as I have on mine.
All three of mine are down, back in their boxes in my dad's truck (if he has not unloaded them yet), and the decorations neatly organized and back in the closet.
Now, I just have to vacuum the masses of fake needles all over the floor. I've had so many needles on the floor that I am surprised my trees aren't bare.
When I was younger, I used to always get sick around Christmas. This year, the tradition returned, and now I am having a hard time convincing myself to just hurry up and finish straightening up the living room. It would only take 5 minutes to vacuum if I would just do it. But for some reason, I just hate vacuuming. Anyone else have that problem?