New book gives kids a glimpse into life in Africa
An interview with J.A. Myhre, Author of A Chameleon, a Boy, and a Quest Nearly 80 percent of the world ’ s population lives on less than $10 a day. For globally-aware parents who want to give their children a glimpse of majority-world reality, long-term medical missionary to Africa J.A. Myhre has penned A Chameleon, a Boy, and a Quest (New Growth Press/October 6, 2015/ISBN: 9781942572084/$15.99) . This beautifully-written adventure book for young readers brings to life the African savannah Myhre calls home, inviting readers to explore the country through the eyes of a 10-year-old boy named Mu. Orphaned as a toddler, Mu has served his whole life in his great uncle’s house where he is unloved and ignored. In his drudgery-filled life, Mu has little hope of happiness and doesn’t believe anything will ever change. Then one morning something special happens. Q: You have served as a medical missionary for more than 20 years. How did you make the leap to children’s author? ...