
Showing posts from August, 2019

I just thought I was finished with house decorating

After getting all my pictures hung up down the hall and in the guest bedroom, I thought I was all finished in fixing up the house for a while. I had really wanted to paint the whole house before I moved in, but for the sake of expense, just did the bedrooms and hall. Other projects were put on the "someday list." After all, my bathroom is the color of mud.  Then, when Grandmother was over, she gave me some money for a project. I knew that was having the front entry painted. The painter was able to get to it right away, and while he was here, I had him do the kitchen walls. The cabinets could use redoing, but right now, they are a faux finish that hides a lot of dings. I think a fresh coat of paint would reveal more hiccups.  Everyone had agreed that they didn't like the rust color of both the kitchen and entry. It matched nothing I had. So, I went extreme. Here are the before and afters.   I won't lie. We joked about the kitchen color and ho...

New releases in the God Made Me children's series

For review copy and interview information, contact: Audra Jennings -  - 903-874-8363   We are so excited about these new releases in the God Made Me Series and think you will be too! NOW AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW! Click here to request copies.   By signing up to receive these books, you are agreeing to: 1. Post a review on your blog or website within 30 days of receiving the book. Because release dates for these books will vary, all of the books will NOT be sent to you at the same time. 2. Post your review on the New Growth Press website as well as other consumer websites (Amazon, GoodReads, etc.) 3. Share your review via your social media accounts. 4. Email your review link to so that we can share your review via our social media accounts as well. 5. Since we do keep track reviews that are and are not posted, you understand that a failure to post a review on a requested title means you may no...

The Judges

The Judges God set Judges over Israel,  One brave woman, fourteen men. They helped Israel fight their battles,  led them back to God from sin. Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Abimelech, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson, Eli, Samuel.

My interview with Denise Pass about Shame Off You

An Interview with Denise Pass, Author of Shame Off You Enter to win at the end of this blog post! Shame is an assault on the core of who we are. It assassinates our character, minimizes our worth, and dashes our hope. Like Adam and Eve, we often hide shame, but hiding never heals it. Left unattended, shame can develop into a crippling reality that paralyzes us. Like an infectious disease, shame impacts everyone . . . but not all shame is bad. Shame can either be an oppressive and powerful tool of worldly condemnation or a source of conviction that God uses to bring his people back to himself. Having the discernment to know the difference and recognize shame in its many forms can change the course of one’s life. In a transparently honest style, Denise Pass shares of her experience dealing with shame after learning that her former husband was a sexual offender. Having lived through the aftermath, she leads you into God’s Word where you will see for yourself that God is...

Change Starts When We Finally Face Our Weaknesses

Part 1 of an interview with Tim Riddle and Fil Anderson, Authors of Blind Spots: What You Don’t See Can Hurt You To the outside world, examining and exposing your own blind spots can be viewed more as a weakness than a courageous step toward change in your life and relationships. However, true transformative change starts when we finally face our weaknesses—and we all have them. Uncovering our own unseen areas for spiritual growth is impossible without the help of God and trusted individuals. What does Jesus see that we tend to miss, and what does he think about the threats that blind spots pose? With the release of their book, Blind Spots: What You Don’t See Can Hurt You (New Growth Press), authors Tim Riddle and Fil Anderson discuss Jesus’s primary mission to expose the deadly nature of blind spots, sharing how he alone has the cure. Q: How did the two of you come together to write Blind Spots ? How did the idea evolve? Tim Riddle Tim Riddle (TR): I was re...

The Plagues

The Plague Song To the tune of “This Old Man” Then God sent, plague number one Turned the Nile into blood.  Chorus: All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low;  Moses told Pharaoh “let them go!” Then God sent, plague number two Jumping frogs all over you. ( Chorus) Then God sent, plague number three Swarms of gnats from head to knee. ( Chorus) Then God sent, plague number four Filthy flies, need we say more? ( Chorus) Then God sent, plague number five All the livestock up and died. ( Chorus) Then God sent, plague number six Boils and sores to make you feel sick. ( Chorus) Then God sent, plague number seven Hail and lightening down from heaven. ( Chorus) Then God sent, plague number eight Locust came and they sure ate. ( Chorus) Then God sent, plague number nine Total darkness all the time. ( Chorus) Then God sent, plague number ten Pharaoh’s son died so he gave in. All the people in Egypt were ...

Hanging 52 pictures

My task for the weekend was to hang up all my travel pictures in my hall and in the guest room. The guest room was the catch all for the past few weeks. My motivation to get it done was put on fast forward when I found out Grandmother was coming to town to see the house on a few hours notice. I hung 52 pictures on the walls and put out a lot more. With this, I can say that my house is now done, at least until I get to paint something else. Eventually, I'd like for this bathroom to be painted turquoise over the chair rail.

Finishing touches on the office

This week, I finally, I say finally because it felt like an eternity since this is where I spend most of my time, got everything hung up and put away in the office. My desks didn't fit the way I had them before, but I like them better this way anyway. It desperately needed the flowers and other decorations on the walls.  The lights hanging in the corner used to be in my craft room but work perfect in here.

Weeping May Last for a Night

*Be sure to enter to win your own copy of Shame Off You  at the end of this blog post!* Weeping May Last for a Night Excerpted from Shame Off You by Denise Pass, ©2018 Abingdon Press What is it about crying that makes us feel shame? We are shamed for being less than perfect, then doubly shamed for crying out for help about it. Sounds like a serious plan of condemnation from the enemy! But what looks like weakness becomes a secret source of strength for those who know and trust in God. For the record, crying has been given a bad rap. Weeping in cultures all over the world is deemed something to be embarrassed by. Goodness, we even apologize when we do it. Showing emotion is often seen as a sign of weakness, sometimes associated with mental or personality disorders. Add the sting of shame to the feelings of inferiority for just expressing emotions, and the overwhelming humiliation begins to paralyze us and affect our ability to function. Getting to this place o...

Time to sign-up for these studies in The Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series

For review copy and interview information, contact: Audra Jennings -  - 903-874-8363   Announcing two new studies in the Gospel-Centered Life in the Bible series! NOW AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW! Click here to request copies.   By signing up to receive these books, you are agreeing to: 1. Post a review on your blog or website within 30 days of receiving the book(s). 2. Post your review on the New Growth Press website as well as other consumer websites (Amazon, GoodReads, etc.) 3. Share your review via your social media accounts. 4. Email your review link to so that we can share your review via our social media accounts as well. 5. Since we do keep track reviews that are and are not posted, you understand that a failure to post a review on a requested title means you may not be eligible to review future releases. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Audra Jennings at audra@newgrowt...