
Showing posts from December, 2018

I feel like I was the last person to see Mary Poppins Returns

Everyone I know on Facebook has been posting about seeing Mary Poppins Returns , so I feel like I am the last one to see it. Mom and I headed out to the 7 PM showing to get out for New Year's Eve. We didn't make it on Christmas Eve this year. That's usually the one time of the year we are most likely to go. I think everyone in town stayed home and set off fireworks because when we got out of the theater about 9:15, there were 8 cars in the parking lot, and not a worker was to be found in the theater. I think one movie started after ours, so no one must have been in it. As we drove home, no one was out and about. However, some people were already starting with the fireworks. Outside my house, it smelled like fireworks smoke, and the smell was even seeping inside. Everyone was doing them early too. Illegally, of course. Anyway, if you are wondering what I thought of the movie, I liked it. I don't know that I was a huge fan of the original per se, but I'd heard s...


I taught this morning, but I still need to get videos uploaded, so I'll share a throwback from a few years ago. Hosannna by Carl Tuttle Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest Lord we lift up Your Name, With hearts full of praise, Be exalted Oh Lord my God, Hosanna in the highest. Glory, Glory, Glory to the King of Kings Glory, Glory, Glory to the King of Kings Lord we lift up Your Name, With hearts full of praise, Be exalted Oh Lord my God, Hosanna in the highest.

I'm slightly addicted to Live PD

I have a problem. I have more than one. I have more than one right this minute. I'm trying to catch up on all the blogging I'm behind on because I am bound and determined to catch up on back posting for the past couple of months. One of my new year's goals (not resolutions) is that no matter how busy I get, I don't get this far behind. I won't let myself just let it go, knowing posts will go unseen. I've been trying for weeks to make myself sit down and work on it. Playing in the background is my other problem of the moment. Live PD has been on for hours. It has kept me from resorting to Hallmark Christmas movies when I am downstairs. It all started when we were down in Houston for one of the craft shows. Dad watches it all the time and had it on in the hotel room on Thanksgiving. We watched it every night in the hotel. Then we watched it the next two Friday nights before craft shows. When nothing else is on, and I'm tired of Say Yes to the Dress and...

I won't be getting a job as a sports photographer

I take absolutely horrible action pictures, especially using the action setting on my camera. This is Peyton, playing in a tournament this afternoon. I took a break to watch her between getting some work in, doing a live video/interview for the Write that Book Facebook Group (a subscription group that is a great resource for aspiring authors), eating leftovers at Mom and Dads (had turkey and dressing four times this week now) and coming back to finish up more work and do graphics for a client. While I haven't gotten up early to start to work this week, I have gotten some hours in. I like trying to get some things done while everyone else is taking time off. It tends to be more productive work. I find myself needing to do something all the time because my brain won't turn off, even to take a holiday week off.

Motherhood Requires Grit and Grace

With everyone being so busy over the holidays, I wanted to share this opportunity to sign-up to review Grit and Grace again. If you signed up a couple of weeks ago, no need to sign-up again. Read the excerpt below to learn a little more. JOIN THE BLOG TOUR! Grit and Grace: Devotions for Warrior Moms By   Suzanne Hadley Gosselin  and   Gretta Kennedy Harvest House Publishers Tour dates: February 12-26 CLICK HERE TO SIGN-UP! ...

I don't have piles upon piles of mess... except in the craft room

There isn't piles and piles of stuff on tables.  There aren't signs waiting to be glued or with glue drying.  There aren't 12 bins of books that had to be sorted and reboxed in the boxes they belonged in.  There aren't orders to be shipped off.  There aren't leaves in the floor that need to be vacuumed up from bringing stuff in and out of the house. There is a pair of shoes that need to be taken to the closet, but that's just one pair.  There are a few Christmas decorations that need to be put away. The hoard of books that had been stacked down the staircase has dwindled down into one small bookshelf in the corner. It looks practically empty in here.  The room could use a good dusting. There are plenty of dust bunnies. Maybe it will stay this way for a while. ...Don't go looking in the craft room though. There's a path to walk in, but there are stacks of things I keep dumping out there. That's one of the nex...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight! This morning I needed to head over sort of early to assemble and cook the dressing to go with our turkey, but found myself sleeping until 9:30 AM. I guess since I wasn't getting up early to see what Santa brought me... I was catching up on sleep I've needed for oh so long. I got the weighted blanket I've been wanting today. If I had it last night, I may have slept through lunch.  Normally, we wouldn't have turkey and dressing for Christmas lunch, but Mom, Dad and I had Whataburger for lunch on Thanksgiving. (That's a story I need to type up the post for. I am terribly behind and trying to catch up on my back posting. Lots and lots of back posting.) Since we didn't get our turkey and dressing then, we wanted it now. It was good, too.  After hearing all about how Paige is running her school and how they will be missing her when she graduates in May, we sat down for gifts. That round thing that lo...

The last minute Christmas Eve project

It just wouldn't be Christmas without trying to finish one gift for someone at the last minute.  I decided a couple of days ago that I would make my sister-in-law something to go in her classroom since I needed something else for her gift. I haven't made anything for anyone this year, and I didn't have to make stockings this year. I usually have something going up to the last minute. So, I started this at 11 PM on December 23.  Amanda decorated her classroom with cactus this year. I thought the phrase was cute. It took Dad a minute to get it when I showed him the picture. His response was, "Interesting." Mom said he was sleep deprived. His latest excuse. My brother got it quicker. This is the sign I made a few months ago for her: Most of today was like the day before Thanksgiving, cooking cornbread, picking apart the turkey, etc. That's what you do when you eat Whataburger for Thanksgiving. We did go out to Brian and Amanda's for...

Unto Thee Oh Lord

I didn't get enough videos of the kids during my Sunday/Wednesday rotation this past month, so I have to share a throwback this week. Unto Thee, Oh Lord By Charles F. Monroe Used by permission. CCLI # 1132191 (women echo) Unto Thee Oh Lord, Do I lift up my soul. Unto Thee Oh Lord, Do I lift up my soul. Chorus Oh my God,  (women echo) I trust in Thee,  (women echo) Yea, let me not be ashamed, Let not my enemies triumph over me. (women echo) Yea let none that wait, On thee be ashamed. Yea let none that wait, On thee be ashamed. (women echo) Remember not, The sins of my youth. Remember not, The sins of my youth.

The Queen of Procrastination

Even though I've been a real Scrooge, maybe even a Grinch regarding the holiday season, I really don't want to be.  I did break down and put up my Christmas tree. I wasn't really determined to do that. I needed to do it to realize the change of seasons. Nikki and I talked about this the other day.  With being busy and tired, I thought I might not make my Christmas treat bags. After all, I wasn't teaching class on the Sunday before Christmas. However, I bought the stuff and decided I would. So, that's what I needed to do today. Do my annual treat bags for the kids in my class and anyone else that wanted one. First, I really needed to finish boxing up the last set of books stacked up on the kitchen table. Then I needed to make sure I cleaned all my kitchen surfaces because of all the book dust and spray paint glitter that had been all over the place. That was all before making three kinds of treats.  I should have gotten started early on my Saturday...

When you wait too long for even Amazon to deliver

Last weekend I tried shopping here in town, but I can't buy for my entire family at farm supply stores and the dollar stores. Well, I could, but... When I finally decided to do my shopping online, I was past the final day for guaranteed by Christmas shipping. Some of those things would have made nice presents. I did find a few things on Amazon I needed as gifts, and thankfully, I was eligible for a free Prime trial. I usually, luckily qualify to pull that trick at Christmas-time. At least I will have a few things in time. There's something I really wish I had ordered my dad weeks ago. I wanted to get him a cap with our The Crafty Dad and Daughter logo. I finally found a place where I didn't have to buy 48 caps. I get why they sell multiples, but Dad doesn't need that many. I didn't get the order done in time for Christmas delivery. Heck, I didn't even get it done in time for his birthday two weeks after Christmas. I have guaranteed delivery for January 1...

It looks like a hoarder lives here, seriously

The first of the boxes to come back to my house from the craft trailer were boxes of cut books. All 14, 15, however many boxes there were. For the last few shows, we brought are extras to make sure we had enough. After all, being in Houston, it's not like you were going to meet anyone later or be able to bring any back the next day of a two-day event. So, all the books came back because I was trying to dig through some of them for orders. I also needed to fill in some holes with certain letters at the shop we work with here in town. Because I was ready to get home after the last show, I told Dad to just hurry up and pack the books, and I would sort later. That means after the two boxes of A-E, none of the alphabet are in the right boxes. I didn't realize he was that far from being packed up.  We don't want to take all those boxes next time because we don't need 22 W's to start with. I needed to pull some extras back out. I also wanted to double check ...

Write that Book with Tricia Goyer

Are you an aspiring author that doesn't know where to start? Maybe you've gotten started on the writing part, but just don't' know what the next step is on the road to being published. Then, look into "Write That Book," a subscription based Facebook group led by Tricia Goyer. Facebook is doing beta testing on subscription groups that offer a value for its members. This one helps writers learn all about what it takes to become a published author. I'm going to share from the About page to give you an idea of what members get from being a part of the group. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Imagine if you were friends with a successful author willing to show you the ropes. Tricia Goyer is that friend. The author of more than 70 books, she’s the writing coach you’ve been looking for and she’s ready to help you: -learn from her expertise -network with experts so you can cash in on what they know -discover the community who needs to hear your ...

Faith Suit Up

Part 2 of an interview with Lauren Gaskill, Author of Into the Deep Following Jesus doesn’t guarantee sunny skies and smooth sailing. In fact, the waters of life are often tumultuous, crashing over us. Sometimes we can feel that we’re drowning in a sea of confusion, division, frustration, complacency, or disillusionment. We need more than a shallow faith to survive these deep waters. Into the Deep: Diving Into a Life of Courageous Faith (Abingdon Press) is an invitation to dive headfirst into a life of courageous faith. With endearing warmth and authenticity, Lauren Gaskill shares how she and others have learned to swim with Jesus in the deep waters of life—facing challenges such as anxiety, depression, and chronic illness—only to discover a more authentic, enduring faith that cannot be shaken by circumstances. In addition to examining the character of God and the lives of women and men of the Bible who chose to dive deeper with God, she provides practical examples and ...

What does Exodus have to do with the Gospel?

Part 1 of an interview with Kristen Hatton, Author of The Gospel Centered Life in Exodus for Students The first in a series of small group studies for teens and young adults that traces God’s story of redemption through the whole Bible,  The Gospel-Centered Life in Exodus for Students  is a twelve-lesson resource written by Kristen Hatton to teach students how to study God’s Word and connect it to their lives. As students come together to read and discuss they will discover that, just like the ancient Israelites, we all need a Redeemer. As the Israelites grumble, complain, disobey, worship false gods, and try to be their own Savior, teens and young adults will see that they too do those same things. But they will also see how God gives grace to the guilty and over and over again comes to the rescue, pointing to the deliverance of God’s people that is later fulfilled in Christ and the gospel. Q: What are some of the parallels between Exodus and the gospel m...