What changes at midnight?
If I were to look outside on this New Year's Eve, I just might see the neighbors trying to pull this off in the sky. Someone around here has some legit fireworks they are shooting off. I'm trying to be nice and not call the police on them. It may indeed be a long night given their early start. As for me, I crawling into bed early. I am beat. My big exciting NYE included going for an eye exam this morning where the doctor was running late it seems from the get go. I swear, if I get COVID, it's from sitting in a waiting room. With my eyes dilated, I did venture out to Whataburger and back home. I slept off the dilation because I couldn't do anything on the computer and really watching TV was a bit off. If this doesn't sound like an exciting day, just hold on to your horses! I was expecting some packages, and I think the mail came at least three times today. When I awoke from my nap, I had an email about a delivery. Why delivery people don't knock or ring the do...