
Showing posts from July, 2012

What's so funny about the new life?

The kids made introduce the video this week, so you see me. Gag. Do not ask what Paige is laughing about. I don't know. She doesn't know. But she gets everyone giggling.

Transportation hates me - the rest of the story

I promise... this is the last of my vacation posts. Dear Paigey-Beth - After the last email I sent you, I didn't have internet again for a couple of days. When I got internet back, it was either late or hectic, or I was back on a plane without a good opportunity. Once I got home, I was either catching up on sleep or working. So back to Day 6... I emailed you about day 5 while I was waiting for my French toast for breakfast. It was pretty good French toast. I know, you can't believe I ate French toast without you. We went to the hotel parking lot to meet the trolley we had tickets for again. A trolley driver and a bus driver got in an argument, and the trolley driver drove off. We had to wait for another to come. We had the worst luck with trolleys! We rode around Stanley Park and got off the trolley a few times and back on. A few times we had to wait for another one to come because we just missed it back at the stop or it was full. One time when we got off

Why Customs Officers do nothing for the Tourism Bureau

Before I go turn on the TV to watch more of the Olympics I accidentally stumbled upon  online (UGH! AGAIN!), I'll share my next vacation letter. Don't worry! There's only one more after this that covers days 6-8. Vacation Day 5: We finally found free wi-fi at the place we are having late breakfast. At least I think it's later... My battery on my watch went out before we left out of Seattle yesterday morning. I spent the day looking at the wrong time. The train ride up to Vancouver was beautiful! I never thought about dairy farms in the mountains of northern Washington. We saw an eagle flying by too. Canadian customs people don't like me or are just snarky in general. What are you doing here for three days without any plans? That sure is a long way to come... Blah, blah, blah. Everyone up here wants to know where in Texas we are from and there have been a lot of people from Texas up here, they have said. We took a trolley around yesterday since a

My Olympic commentary for days 1-2

Last night, Jenny and Rachel came over to color pirates for VBS (long story). We had an impromptu Opening Ceremonies watching party. I had set the DVR knowing that I'd miss some of it since Jenny and I already had plans to go eat. That's the way to watch it because we didn't watch all of the parade of nations and the parts that we didn't care too. There's so much that didn't make sense to me. So random. And Matt Lauer and Bob Costas put together are about like Tom Grieve and whoever is his partner at any given time (even if Steve Busby is better than anyone in a while) doing the Ranger game. Or maybe the pompous Alex Trebeck comment that someone made on Facebook is closer on target. Anyway, the best part, definitely better than the Queen looking miffed the whole time, was Mr. Bean during "Chariots of Fire." In case you missed it, here it is. It's kind of edited down, but I can't find one that hasn't been. I told my mom about the

You know what else you can buy at Dollar Tree?

A few months ago, I did a video blog about items that you can buy at Dollar Tree. Things that you probably don't want to buy for a dollar necessarily. The 5th grade boys saw the video after I forgot it was there and they got my YouTube user name. They didn't understand my joke about the dollar pregnancy test. Rachel and I ended up at Dollar Tree this afternoon. I was looking for some VBS stuff. There's a new addition to Dollar Tree, right at the check out. Right next to the dollar pregnancy and ovulation tests... The dollar "Home Marijuana Drug Test." For the person who isn't sure if they can pass a random test at work? For the parents trying to test their kids? For parole officers to buy in bulk? A)  Again, how reliable could they be?  B) I never knew this existed, but I'm naive. C) Is this an impulse item?  D) It's next to the gum and candy, right where the kids are going to be looking. So, here's your public service announcement.

What exactly is a Texas name?

Last week while I was gone, you got mostly book posts. So this week, you're getting the run down of last week. I hope you are enjoying it. I'll be mixing it up again soon enough. I thought I might change it up today, but plans change.  Especially, when I'm trying to get a project completed for work. Vacation Day 4: Hey all! One thing that happened last night after I sent the email is that when we got off the boat and got a cab, the ignorant driver did not know where the place we told him we wanted to go was. He asked us how to get there and we told him that he was the driver! This morning we went to find where the train station is for tomorrow. We finally found it, but the building is under renovation and the station is in a hole. Then we went via monorail to the Space needle area. This monorail inspired Walt Disney. We went to the Chihuly Glass and Garden. He's the artist that did the cool glass currently up at the Dallas Arboretum (but wa

If you know you have motion sickness...

Continuing with the tales of my vacation, and taking the opportunity to post pictures since everyone said, "take a lot of pictures," I present the next installment. Rakia's status of the day on Facebook was, " If you are going to take a 3 hour boat ride, please pack medicine for motion sickness...seriously it was like that scene Chunk know that one time at the movies....#theystillusebarfbag s " Vacation Day 3   A foggy morning Today was another early day. We got to the front door of the hotel just in time to run after the shuttle to the train. As in we literally ran after the shuttle. We got held up on the train because a bus broke down in the tunnel. The trains and buses use the same stations to stop at. To make sure we got to the dock in time to get on our boat to Victoria, we took a cab. It was a good thing too! A picture of the gardens actually inspired our trip to BC. When we got on the boat, all the window seats wer

Wavy Jones - the Duck, not the Monkee

 Vacation Day 2 This morning, we got up a lot later than the 3 AM Texas time yesterday. It was great to sleep! We took the shuttle with a family from Texas. They guy's dad lived in Hubbard. The shuttle took us to the train to go into downtown. Wavy Jones, our Duck captain We went into Nordstrom's to go to the restroom. They had some $195 shorts on sale. And some guy had his dog in the store. I can't believe they let his dog in that high $$ store. We bought our tickets for the Duck tour. Guess who's getting a quacker when I get home! We went into a Starbuck's until our Duck loaded. The guy at one of the 117 Starbuck's in Seattle could not remember what was in the drink that I wanted, but the people in Target in Waxahachie and Ennis can. A jet pack powered by water! There was a family in Starbuck's from Oregon with Ranger caps. They went to the game last night, then found out where the Rangers were staying and got Josh H