
Showing posts from March, 2020

Hip, Hip, Hippopotamus

I'm going back a few year's for today's song post. Since we've had suspend worship assemblies thanks to COVID-19, I haven't been able to record new videos in a couple of weeks. Instead, I've been teaching Sunday class to whatever kids want to join via Zoom on Sundays. We can't sing together that way because of lag. I tried it last week, and it was worse than singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" in rounds. Hippopotamus Song In the beginning, God made the sea And the forest filled with trees He made the mountains up so high And on the top he placed the sky God’s fingerprints are everywhere Just to show how much He cares But in between He had loads of fun He made a hippo who weighs a ton. Chorus Hip-hip-hip-hippopotamus! Hip-hip-hooray! God made all of us. Hip-hip-hip-hippopotamus! Hip-hip-hooray! God made all of us. Creation sings of His praise, The sparrow and the tiny babe. We can sing and say, “well don...

There is a titanic conflict going on around us

Part 1 of an interview with Terry Brennan, Author of Ishmael Covenant The inspiration behind Terry Brennan’s Ishmael Covenant started with one idea: that three ancient empires of the East—Persian, Ottoman, and Islamic—appeared to be on the cusp of rising again. The idea caught fire when he was introduced to the Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman, who was the most revered Talmudic scholar of the late eighteenth century Brennan took the idea of the rising empires and the premise of an unexpected treaty between Israel and all its Arab neighbors, wrapped it up in the Vilna Gaon’s messianic prophecy, speculated about a second prophecy that was yet to be revealed, and started writing. Not only does Empires of Armageddon borrow from numerous threads of actual history, Brennan did an extensive amount of research into the US State Department, NATO policy, and the Diplomatic Security Service to make sure all aspects of the story were as accurate as possible. However, Br...

Survivor: Winners at War: It's a Young Person's Game

Is it just me or are the people on Extinction way more interesting than the people left on any tribe? Seriously, who remembers Sophie, Adam or Nick when they won their seasons? Do I just not pay attention anymore when I watch (a possibility while scrolling on my phone or something) or do I have some form of dementia and only remember 15 or more years ago? We start at night 16 on Extinction where Parvati tells the crew how no one would work with her anymore. Then, Sandra shows up. (They were just both voted off on the same night.) This gives Parvati a small feeling of consolation. When Sandra tells what happened, Rob asked why she ever gave that much power to Denise. Her answer was that she was human. She let feelings get to her and she felt a little something for Denise. They talk a little bit about the food situation. Sandra knows this island is not for her. She's not going to be out there 23 days to do one challenge to try to get back in the game. She isn't good at ch...

If Your Kids Have Questions, You Want Them to Come to You for Answers

If Your Kids Have Questions, You Want Them to Come to You for Answers Honest Answers equips parents to explore God questions with their tweens Who would have thought two weeks ago that we would be facing so much fear and uncertainty? There are so many unknowns, so many questions, and if we have them, we know our kids have them too. And they are going to be asking a lot of them in the coming weeks, including questions about God’s goodness and if prayer works. Are we prepared to answer their questions concerning faith? Janelle Alberts and Ingrid Faro set out to help parents confidently have these hard conversations with their new release, Honest Answers: Exploring God Questions with Your Tween ( Kregel Publications/March 24, 2020/ISBN: 9780825446443/$15.99) . Somewhere between “Jesus Loves Me” and high school cynicism, the childlike acceptance of pat answers about faith is lost—often forever. While many parents find this transitional period daunting, they don’t want ...

Creation Song

We try... and sometimes that's what counts, especially on Wednesday nights. Creation Song Day one, day one God made light when there was none, Day one, day one God made light when there was none. Day two, day two God made clouds and skies of blue Day two, day two God made clouds and skies of blue Day three, day three God made grass and flowers and trees Day three, day three God made grass and flowers and trees Day four, day four God made sun, moon and stars galore Day four, day four God made sun, moon and stars galore Day five, day five God made birds and fish alive Day five, day five God made birds and fish alive Sixth day, sixth day God made animals and man that day, Sixth day, sixth day God made animals and man that day. Day seven, day seven God rested in His heaven Day seven, day seven God rested in His heaven

Calling all Comparison Girls!

New tour announcement! Join the review team for Shannon Popkin's upcoming release  Comparison Girl . The dates will be May 19-June 2. I'll be sending out emails about who made the tour on April 3. When I send out all the details ahead of the tour, I'll have a Q&A you can use, we'll be doing a book giveaway and will provide you with all the tour materials you will need. I'll also have a fo...