Hope and Grace for Hurting Marriages
Click here to request digital review copies. As a husband, what can you do when you are caught in the prison of pornography use? It might be tempting to give up and give in, but there is hope for your struggle and there is hope for your marriage. You might feel weak, helpless, and powerless to change, but Curtis Solomon points you to Jesus who is powerful and the true source of change. In Christ our great Redeemer, it is possible to find the courage and grace to fight this battle, and your heart and your marriage can be redeemed, restored, and renewed. In Redeem Your Marriage: Hope for Husbands Who Have Hurt through Pornography , Curtis will guide you through a process to help you understand the hurt pornography has caused and to lament the effects of your struggle on your marriage. But you will not be left without hope—Curtis will help you learn to believe in the forgiveness of sins and Jesus’s power to help turn away from sin and live for God’s glory instead of momentary pleasure.