
Showing posts from August, 2013

Entertaining Miss Peyton

I would say that I didn't know what was up with Peyton yesterday, but what was up is that I played into one thing and got sucked into something bigger. Today was Mom's birthday, so she and Dad went out to pick up the girls and bring them into town so they could spend the day. Paige wouldn't let Peyton use a certain tool in the yard, so Peyton's feelings were sort of her. The "mean ol' Paige" thing. I told her I would take her with me to get a bag of chips at my house since we needed them to go with our lunch a little later. Well, that was it. Stuck like glue. We went to get the chips, then to an estate sale where we bought this hen shaped cookie jar as birthday present, "just from ME and YOU, not from Paige." Oh, we saw a guy washing his airplane (minus the wings) at the car wash on the way. Because I got my hair cut last week, Peyton decided she wanted me to take her to get hers cut. OH, how she begged. I told her that getting a wal...

That's the way to start a holiday weekend!

With maybe an exception or two, I finished off everything I planned to do this week for work. And look at this number of emails in my inbox! About 25 of the ones left have been in my inbox forever as "research when you get a chance." You know how those go. And with that... Let the weekend begin!

It looks like I have a fall schedule

I was just sitting here looking at the Mildred 7th grade volleyball (Paige is playing) and football (Paige is cheering) schedules. Aye carumba! Volleyball on Mondays and football on Thursdays. I hate football, but I'd like to see Paige cheer. Yeah, I'm not going to be able to make all the out of town games that my dad will want to make (and will want someone to go with him). He's retired and that will be good for him, but the volleyball games start at 4:30 and football at 5:00 regardless of home or away. I can set the alarm earlier and start working earlier to get off earlier for home games. But even at that, I'll be scrambling to get my work hours in before having to leave the office 30 minutes before start time to get there on time. I get stressed thinking about scrambling 2 days a week for the whole fall. So, I'm making the decision now: I'll be the best supportive aunt I can be, but my awesomeness status may get knocked down a level. Last night at ...

Is anyone even going to be interested in this when I finish?

Over the past week, I've gotten back into crocheting again. I've picked back up on the project I keep revisiting. I plan to try to sell a couple of my projects when I finish them this time, but I'm not convinced anyone will be interested. My inspiration is a quilt my great grandmother made (it's made of hexagons of different colors). However, I'm not sure if it has too many colors in it. I started with a color palette that keeps expanding. I should have kept it at more muted colors. My question for you my readers is A) does anyone actually like it and B) if so, how big should I be making it (lap afghan for the couch, queen overlay, king overlay)? Once I finish the hexagon one, I also have one like this except with squares in the works too.

The reveal...

Most of you have probably seen this on Facebook. This is the new haircut. I was having issues with my phone getting my whole head in the picture. Yea webcam! When I showed my stylist the picture of what I was thinking of, she got excited. I guess because I could finally show what I was thinking of. She was so excited to chop, chop, chop! I'd never seen her so giddy. ;) But, I can assure you, it won't look like this again. For one, I don't blow dry. I told you a few days ago I was low maintenance. I can handle the curling iron to get the curls. I stopped by my mom's office on the way home just to show her what it was supposed to look like since she wouldn't get to see it look like that again.

What is this, a job interview? An audition?

You've read about my friend Angie before. Oh, and her son Deacon. Well, a few weeks ago on our way to one of our Girls Night Outs, Angie said, "you've never been over to our house." I replied that none of my friends ever invited me over that people just came to my house. This is partially true, but a slight exaggeration when it comes to some of my friends. Completely true of some others, but that's not the point. Angie said we needed to make plans for dinner once I got back from vacation. Last week, I was sick as a dog, so tonight was the night. One night last week, Angie was amused by the fact that her husband Joey and I were both commenting on the same things on Facebook while watching the Ranger game. Having only met Joey once at one of Deacon's t-ball games (I went to watch Deacon and Layton), we weren't friends on Facebook up to this point, but became friends so we could find out what was amusing Angie so much. Angie did warn that Joey defriends...

Things you normally don't ask your waitress to do

There's a reason why we don't take my brother anywhere. ;) After church today, my parents, brother, nieces and I went to lunch. We veered from our normal Mexican food place for lunch (that we go to after church with some friends) because service got so bad, and like Uncle Si, we decided that we all needed to bring our own gallon of tea with us because we had to collectively do the wave to get the waiter's attention and get a refill. Evidently, we should have done the same today. Of the 6 of us, three got water and the other three got unsweet tea. Dad and Brian complained about the tea not tasting right. Mom suggested it was possibly the water, but Paige and I thought the water tasted like water. "It tastes like sink water," both girls asserted. I believe most people call it tap water, but I would agree. A few minutes later, the waitress comes by to check on us. My brother is nothing if not blunt and to the point. "What's wrong with the tea?...

In need of a makeover

I've always been a low maintenance girl. However, this summer even brushing my hair has become a chore. Honestly, some days I don't really. Man, I'm a lazy slob. A) I work from home, so no one sees me. B) Some weeks I only get out of the house for church. C) It's hot! All my hair is up off my neck, away from my face and doubled-up in a bun or some sort of mess. D) To straighten my thick, curly mass of hair, my straightening iron has to be really hot, and I don't want to sweat while doing my hair right now. E) Even when I straighten it, at some point during the day, it ends up in a ponytail. I've been saying I was waiting until it was cooler to get my mane tamed because I have to have it all up. Well, I'm done with being a lazy slob. Next week, inches will go. Cut, layered, thinned.  This past week, I went perusing on Pinterest for ideas. Still not sure. Bangs? No bangs? I don't want anything that takes much work though. H...

Southern delicacies

My boss Amy, the owner of Litfuse Publicity Group , is more than a bit of a foodie. If you were to scroll through her Facebook, Pinterest or blog, you'd find lots pictures of food from restaurants she's gone to or recipes she has tried out at home. In these pictures, you would find culinary endeavors you've probably only seen on Food Network's  Iron Chef America . Her husband owns a food tour company in Seattle, White Moustache Urban Adventures , so they go places and try foods way outside the comfort zone of most of us. I'm the complete opposite. You know me. I lament about cooking for one. I blog about making the world's most disgusting potato soup. I barely keep the most basic of ingredients in my kitchen for the rare occasion that I do actually cook. However, I'm the one that leads some of the most interesting food conversations in our little company. I'm the one that introduces some of the simplest foods to the group. This week's discove...

The sites to see

Most of my vacation pictures are usually architectural or landscape. And animals... I get random animals. I didn't get a squirrel this time, and didn't upload my ducks. I always get ducks. Here are some of my favorites in no particular order than how they uploaded.  The infamous dock Jase tried to flood on Duck Dynasty. Union Station in Nashville Church in Nashville Ryman Auditorium in Nashville Antique Archeaology in Nashville Union Station clock tower Frist Museum Another church in Nashville Nashville's first public school Loved the colors of the Ferris Wheel in Pigeon Forge. This doesn't do justice. I think Ferris Wheels are just cool to take pictures of anyway. Chapel near our cabin. Near the aquarium in Gatlinburg Inside the aquarium... you kind of have to look close, don't you. From the Smoky Mountain National Park road between Gatlinburg, TN and Cherokee, NC. ELK!!! ...

Vacation smiles!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from vacation. This first installment has people in each picture. If you know me, I take a lot of pictures of architecture, etc. Those will come tomorrow! A Paige selfie taken on a rooster on the carousel at Dollywood. Paige and Peyton taking pictures of themselves while I was driving down the road. The Gaylord Hotel  Outside the Grand Old Opry. Peyton shocked at all the food on her plate at The Old Mill in Pigeon Forge. Ready for the 5D ride. Riding the Great Smoky Mountain Wheel. We were trying to recreate a picture while on the Ferris Wheel. #fail My parents at the Pancake Pantry in Gatlinburg. Peyton at the Aquarium in Gatlinburg. Peyton found Nemo. So did Paige! 5000+ feet and about 0 visibility Antique Archeaology of American Pickers fame in Nashville. Our cabin, Hibernation Station!  Feeding goats at Goats on the Roof  Peyton thought she was going to be ...