Entertaining Miss Peyton

I would say that I didn't know what was up with Peyton yesterday, but what was up is that I played into one thing and got sucked into something bigger. Today was Mom's birthday, so she and Dad went out to pick up the girls and bring them into town so they could spend the day. Paige wouldn't let Peyton use a certain tool in the yard, so Peyton's feelings were sort of her. The "mean ol' Paige" thing. I told her I would take her with me to get a bag of chips at my house since we needed them to go with our lunch a little later. Well, that was it. Stuck like glue. We went to get the chips, then to an estate sale where we bought this hen shaped cookie jar as birthday present, "just from ME and YOU, not from Paige." Oh, we saw a guy washing his airplane (minus the wings) at the car wash on the way. Because I got my hair cut last week, Peyton decided she wanted me to take her to get hers cut. OH, how she begged. I told her that getting a wal...