
Showing posts from August, 2021

Sign-Ups are Open for The Church as a Culture of Care

Click here to request a review copy or fill out the form at the bottom of the post. We all know people in our world are struggling—eating disorders, addictions, depression, sexual issues, marital problems—the list goes on and on. Can the church help or is that an outdated concept that no longer fits modern problems? In  The Church as a Culture of Care,  biblical counselor Dale Johnson explains that the church is still the primary place where those who struggle can receive lasting hope and healing.   Pastors and lay leaders in the church often feel inadequate to address certain needs and are unsure of how to help. This book is designed to help erase the stigma of “mental health issues” in ...

Sign-up to review Robert K. Cheong's Restoration Story: Why Jesus Matters in a Broken World

Click here to request a review copy or fill out the form below. What unanswered questions do you have about your life? Some of us struggle to find meaning, others wonder about identity, and all of us want to be loved. Your story—the events and relationships that define you—will guide how you answer those questions. But God has a story too. His story is about sending Jesus to this broken world to mend all that is broken. Author Robert Cheong, a pastor and counselor, helps readers connect their story to God’s story which will transform how they live and love.  We all have our own back story—our sometimes unconscious beliefs—that have been shaped by our families, relationships, and life experiences. Our stories shape the personal narratives we ...

Win a Copy of Husband Auditions by Angela Ruth Strong

It's release (and tour launch) day for Husband Auditions by Angela Ruth Strong! If you are looking for a funny romance to wrap up the summer, this is your book! Learn more about the story, and scroll to the end of the post to win a copy of your own.  In the coming weeks, watch for an interview with Angela, right here on the blog.  PLUS... The author is giving away a free round-trip airline ticket on Allegiant Airlines! Click here for more details and to enter. About the book: How far would you go to find the perfect husband? All the way back to the 1950s? In a world full of happily-ever-after love, Meri Newberg feels like the last young woman on the planet to be single, at least in her Christian friend group. So when she's handed a strange present at the latest wedding--a 1950s magazine article of "ways to get a husband"--she decides there's nothing to lose by trying out its advice. After all, she can't get any more single, can she? Her brother's r...

Sign-up to Review the Latest in the Good News for Little Hearts Series!

Click here to request a digital review copy.   Gwen Raccoon is embarrassed when she gets a failing grade on a math test. But that’s not the big problem: the big problem is that she is cultivating the habit of lying to do what she wants and cover up her mistakes. Gwen’s lies pile up. But when Mama confesses her own failure to tell the truth, Gwen gains the courage to confess and ask forgiveness of Jesus and of those she has lied to.  This colorful, beautifully illustrated children’s book invites children ages four through seven into Gwen Raccoon’s world to learn alongside her how to have the courage to always tell the truth.   Edited by Edward. T. Welch,  Gwen Tells Tales  helps young readers see how God always accepts us when ...