
Showing posts from March, 2015

Kim Vogel Sawyer's new book explores the complexity of family relationships

Kim Vogel Sawyer writes of an Old Mennonite family struggling to survive their secrets Bestselling author Kim Vogel Sawyer believes in the power of second chances — a theme she’s captured with poignant grace in her new book, When Grace Sings (WaterBrook Press/March 17, 2015/ISBN: 978-0307731333/$14.99) which follows the CBA bestseller When Mercy Rains in The Zimmerman Restoration Trilogy. Sawyer says the series is based on one simple truth: “God gives second chances. We as humans make our mistakes, we flounder and err and build walls that seem insurmountable,” Sawyer reveals. “When we confess our wrongdoings and ask God to redeem us, He brings restoration.” When Grace Sings introduces readers to Alexa Zimmerman, who has relocated to Arborville, KS, where she’s converting her grandmother’s farmhouse in Old Order Mennonite country into a bed-and-breakfast. Inspired by her own experience of running a B&B, Sawyer was able to depict perfectly the charm and challenges ...

Rethink Inner Beauty with Barb Roose’s ‘Enough Already’

Learn how to recognize your own outer and inner beauty as defined by God, not the media or others, in Barb Roose 's new book, Enough Already . What would it take for you to believe you are enough already? Most women know God loves them, but might he love them more if they finally lost that last ten pounds, or got their hair to lay right, or finally found a pair of jeans that looked good and let them breathe? Well, maybe God doesn’t care about jeans, but women do, and all the talk about inner beauty hasn’t kept all of us from staring into a mirror and taking an inventory that never quite measures up. Barb is celebrating the release with a giveaway! One reader will receive a cash card and writing supplies for her own inner-beauty weekend getaway!   One grand prize winner will receive: A $75 cash card for your own inner-beauty weekend getaway A notepad / pencil set for your inner-beauty quiet time A copy of  Enough Already Enter today by clicki...

I'm All Wrapped Up, All Tied Up, All Tangled Up in Jesus

Wrapped Up, Tied Up, Tangled Up I’m all wrapped up, I’m all tied up, I’m all tangled up in Jesus. I’m all wrapped up, I’m all tied up, I’m all tangled up in God. I’m all wrapped up, All tied up, All tangled up in Jesus. I’m all wrapped up, tied up, tangled up in God. Repeat, faster each time

My latest crafty projects

It's the weekend, so you know I've been working on my latest projects. I'll have more photos tomorrow. Also check out The Crafty Dad and Daughter  site! I also bought a plum tree and got my the oil changed in my car today, but that's about the most excitement I've had.

Brooks offers authentic, down-to-earth wisdom from one dad to another

  Part 1 of an interview with Tez Brooks, Author of The Single Dad Detour: Directions for Fathering After Divorce In The Single Dad Detour: Directions for Fathering After Divorce (Kregel/February 27, 2015/ISBN: 978-0825443602/$14.99), Tez Brooks offers authentic, down-to-earth wisdom from one dad to another. This much-needed guidebook addresses the spiritual and emotional health of fathers as well as their financial and practical arrangements. Using the experience of his own divorce and the real-life stories of other single dads, The Single Dad Detour is a humorous and invaluable companion for single dads at all stages of their journey. Q: The Single Dad Detour shares insights and encouragement from your time as a single dad. You’ve said it was difficult to write it because of the memories that surfaced. What led you to write it anyway? I really struggled for several years. I didn’t want to go there, but the Lord started working in my heart, and I remembered how t...

Does Christianity have a place in today’s world?

Professor and seasoned debater brings important discussion about God and the public square The concepts of tolerance and political correctness are having a chilling effect on the public practice of Christianity. That’s why readers will find Dr. John C. Lennox’s new book Against the Flow: The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism (Monarch Books/March 27, 2015/ISBN: 978-0857216212/$19.99) incredibly timely . Lennox, who has defended the Christian faith in debates against the likes of Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, gives every follower of Christ the intellectual foundation they will need to argue the role their faith should have in the public discourse.  While anyone who has spent time in a Sunday-school classroom is familiar with the biblical story of Daniel, Lennox mines this classic historical account to encourage cultural bravery in Christians trying to find their place in a postmodern society. The story of these four young men born in the tiny st...

Animals smell really bad and I may be allergic to all of them

Last night after being around all the dirt and livestock at the Youth Expo, I woke up with stopped up ears and drainage gunk. Just ugh. However, I was kind of pumped to stend a few hours away from the office to see how the girls fared at the rabbit show. There were lots more rabbits this year and the judge was crazy meticulous. As I sat around watching the judge count rabbit toes and check all their parts, my face was itching like crazy... The same way I get around a friend's cats and dogs. We had pet rabbits when I was a kid, but I don't think I was allergic to them. After close to four hours, the girls' rabbits were eliminated. No telling how long it took to finish out the judging, and then do showmanship. I was away from the office 5 hours and worked until close to 9 tonight because I needed to get work done and my hours in. I barely touched a rabbit yet was trying not to smell the stank of youth expo that clings tightly to anyone that steps foot out there all aftern...

Run piggy run!

It's a busy week to be a spectator. Last night Paige won both the 1600 and 2400m at her track meet by a lot. Tonight Peyton showed her pig. Paige was supposed to show too, but one of their pigs lost weight and didn't make the weight limit. It wasn't as exciting as last year's show where Peyton got second in her class and Paige won Grand Champion, but Peyton did well. Both did way better than I did with my picture taking from afar.

Colleen Coble talks about the Journey of the Heart serials

An interview with Colleen Coble Author of the Journey of the Heart series   Colleen Coble’s Journey of the Heart series take readers back to her very first book. Revised to read as a single epic novel, the Journey of the Heart serialization launched in March (2015) with A Heart’s Disguise , and an installment will follow each month through August. In the following interview, Coble shares why this story remains so close to her heart. Q: What made you want to be a novelist? What really kick-started your career? I wrote my first story in first grade about a horse that had twin colts. The teacher praised it, and the dream of being a writer was planted. It went underground for a while when I started raising our family, but when my younger brother, Randy, was killed in a freak lightning storm, the dream resurrected. Q: What inspired the story in Journey of the Heart ? My first book was really a grieving book for Randy. I wanted to write a story about him i...

The B-I-B-L-E

B-I-B-L-E The B-I-B-L-E Yes, that’s the book for me I stand alone on the Word of God The B-I-B-L-E

That was a bust

Well, all the hard work I've put in the last three weeks to have stock ready for a booth today was a complete waste. There were supposed to be 30+ vendors at the Mabank Pavilion for a Relay for Life race this morning. I was up at 5:15 this morning. That's 5:15 AM on a Saturday when I normally have a 9:00 Saturday rule. This after seeing 2:00 AM a time or two this week. I sold three items. Three. Like 1-2-3. A crocheted headband that I made probably back in October. A plaque that was one of the first I did. A jewelry holder. I spent what money I made after paying for a booth on paint pens at Walmart on the way back home. (Though the positive is I found colors I had not been able to get here in town.) Once I got home, I had to put up this mess, and try to reclaim my house for a home not disaster area. (I guess it's the dining room, but it's mainly the room that connects all other rooms. You go through it to the kitchen, to get to the stairs, get to the hall...

Someone needs to go to bed earlier

I've been staying up way too late trying to finish off some projects for a booth we're doing this weekend. I really, really, really hope some of this sells! Of course, you can mosey on over to The Crafty Dad and Daughter and order something you see!

Special needs parents need to take care of themselves too

Part 2 of an interview with Laurie Wallin, Author of Get Your Joy Back Click here to read the full Q&A! As special needs parents fight tooth-and-nail for the best life for their child, their mental, emotional and spiritual reserves quickly deplete. Wallin offers replenishment in her book, Get Your Joy Back: Banishing Resentment and Reclaiming Confidence in Your Special Needs Family (Kregel Publications/January 27, 2015/ISBN: 978-0825443398/$13.99) . “I’ve been married for 16 years to a man with a wicked sense of humor and an Asperger’s diagnosis,” she reveals. “Two of our four daughters have half a dozen medical, developmental and mental health special needs. Daily we try to balance their care with ‘normal’ family stuff like sports, homework and my desire to lock myself in a closet and watch entire seasons of Downton Abbey in a single night.” Q: What makes Get Your Joy Back stand apart from other books written to special needs parents? It’s not about the kids...

A Story of Faith and Healing from Helo Matzelle’s ‘Halo Found Hope’ (Plus a Kindle Giveaway)

This story of hope and faith in the midst of great physical and medical adversity is sure to encourage you in your faith. Helo Matzelle's   Halo Found Hope is a must-read.  Machines beeping, the blur of medical staff running, a crash cart whizzing into an ICU room—was there any hope?  Halo Found Hope is the story of a beautiful, busy wife and mother of three whose life changes instantly with the diagnosis of a rare brain tumor. Halo is offering a Kindle Fire to one lucky reader to celebrate the release of  Halo Found Hope !   One grand prize winner will receive: A Kindle Fire Halo Found Hope Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on April 3rd.  Winner will be announced April 4th on the Litfuse blog . {NOT ON FACEBOOK? ENTER HERE .} {MORE ABOUT  HALO FOUND HOPE } Machines beeping, the blur of medical staff running, a crash cart whizzing into an ICU room—was there ...