
Showing posts from May, 2021

I've Been Redeemed

 Another throwback, but I should have new videos next week! I’ve Been Redeemed I’ve been redeemed. (girls echo) By the blood of the Lamb. (echo) I’ve been redeemed, (echo) By the blood of the Lamb. I’ve been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, Filled with the Holy Ghost I am! All my sins are washed away, I’ve been redeemed. Well, I went down,  to the river to pray… Felt so good that I stayed all day… And that’s not all, there’s more beside… I’ve been to the river and I’ve been baptized…             My God and I, we both agree… That I love Him and He loves me… The devil and I, we both agree… That I hate him and he hates me…

Loving Others Despite Our Differences

Part 1 of an Interview  with Amberly Neese, Author of Common Ground In her new Bible study, Common Ground: Loving Others Despite Our Differences , author, speaker, and humorist Amberly Neese leads women in a study of sibling rivalries in Scripture so that all members of God’s family can find a safe place to come together to navigate conflict and heal relationships. Whether it is in politics, the professional world, a party, or a pew, every person faces some kind of conflict on a daily basis. It’s not only in-person interactions that can become heated—social media is deluged with opinion-spewing, hurt feelings, and broken friendships. What we so desperately need is hope and practical tools to navigate the tumultuous waters in order to live at peace with everyone. Q: These days it seems like people argue just for the sake of arguing rather than trying to find common ground. Do you have any theories on why every topic seems to be so polarizing? Honestly, with feelings of isolatio...

Join Me for the Mysteries of the Messiah Blog Tour

Watch more videos of Rabbi Jason Sobel sharing about Mysteries of the Messiah on YouTube .   Join me on a tour for this bestselling release from Rabbi Jason Sobel! Read more about the book, including an short excerpt, below. Click here to claim your copy! NOTE: Both hard copies and eBooks are available. The tour dates will be July 13-30. I'll be sending out emails about who made the tour around June 10, and books will go out in mid-June. The day before the tour starts (July 12...

Roll the Gospel Chariot Along

I'm back to a few weeks of flashback videos until I teach again. Then, I'm going to have to get a bunch of videos at once because my teaching schedule is off whack thanks to everyone else's summer schedule. At a teacher's meeting, I was the only one who had absolutely nothing to work around. I really need a vacation! That's what I need! Roll the Gospel Chariot Along Roll the gospel chariot along We will roll the gospel chariot along We will roll the gospel chariot along And we won't tag along behind. If a Brother's in the way We will stop and pick him up If a Brother's in the way We will stop and pick him up If a Brother's in the way We will stop and pick him up And we won't tag along behind. Roll the gospel chariot along We will roll the gospel chariot along We will roll the gospel chariot along And we won't tag along behind. If a Sister's in the way We will stop and pick her up If a Siste...

Introducing Carolyn Miller's Dusk's Darkest Shores

It's time to launch a new series, and to celebrate, I'm hosting a great giveaway! Be sure to enter at the bottom of this post. Today marks the release of Carolyn Miller's Dusk's Darkest Shores , the first in her Regency Wallflowers series.  While most stories set in Regency England focus on the rich, the young, and the beautiful, Carolyn decided she wanted to give readers something different for a change. Her new Regency Wallflowers series follows the commoners, away from the hustle and bustle of 1810s London, out in the Lake District of England. She tells the stories of women who are slightly older and have few prospects for marriage, women who might be considered "wallflowers."  Learn more about Dusk's Darkest Shores below and be sure to enter to win a fun prize pack inspired by the book and its English setting that includes:  a copy of Dusk's Darkest Shores a canvas bag to carry your latest reads a fun pair of Jane Austen socks Novel Teas' Engli...

Who Did Swallow Jonah?

Throwing it back to these soon to be high school freshmen! Who Did Swallow Jonah? Who did? Who did? Who did? Who did? Who did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah? Who did? Who did? Who did? Who did? Who did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah? Who did? Who did? Who did? Who did? Who did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah? Who did swallow Jonah? Who did swallow Jonah? Who did swallow Jonah… Up? The whale did. The whale did. x2 The whale did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah The whale did. The whale did. x2 The whale did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah The whale did. The whale did. x2 The whale did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah The whale did swallow Jonah x2 The whale did swallow Jonah… Up! Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah in the arky, arky, Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah in the arky, arky, Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah in the arky, arky, Noah in the arky, Noah in the arky, Noah in the arky bailed. Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel in the li, li, li, li. Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel in the ...

The Sea of Galilee

This is the first time I have ever posted a video of this song! The kids were supposed to come to class with a song that had either a fish or a bird in it, and this was one of the picks.  Our family minister taught the song in VBS a couple of years ago, but the song goes a little further than what we knew. The Sea of Galilee There’s a Sea of Galilee (2x) There’s a sea.  There’s a sea. There’s a Sea of Galilee. There’s a boat on the Sea of Galilee (2x) There’s a boat.  There’s a boat. There’s a boat on the Sea of Galilee. There are men in the boat on the Sea of Galilee (2x) There are men.  There are men. There are men in the boat on the Sea of Galilee. There are hands on the men in the boat on the Sea of Galilee. (2x) There are hands.  There are hands. There are hands on the men in the boat on the Sea of Galilee. There are nets in the hands of the men in the boat on the Sea of Galilee. (2x) There are nets.  There are nets. There are nets in the hands of the ...

Click here for your new book match -- Husband Auditions by Angela Ruth Strong!

  This is going to be a fun book you won't want to miss! Join me on the blog tour for Husband Auditions  by Angela Ruth Strong. This book releases July 20 from Kregel. NOTE: You can still join this tour even if you are already on Angela's launch team! Being a part of the tour is one way you can help spread the word. The tour dates will be July 20-August 10. I'll be sending out emails about who made the tour around June 1. The day before t...