Who Did Swallow Jonah?
Throwing it back to these soon to be high school freshmen!
Did Swallow Jonah?
Who did? Who did? Who did? Who did?
Who did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah?
Who did? Who did? Who did? Who did?
Who did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah?
Who did? Who did? Who did? Who did?
Who did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah?
Who did swallow Jonah? Who did swallow Jonah?
Who did swallow Jonah… Up?
The whale did. The whale did. x2
The whale did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah
The whale did. The whale did. x2
The whale did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah
The whale did. The whale did. x2
The whale did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah
The whale did swallow Jonah x2
The whale did swallow Jonah… Up!
Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah,
Noah in the arky, arky,
Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah,
Noah in the arky, arky,
Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah,
Noah in the arky, arky,
Noah in the arky, Noah in the arky,
Noah in the arky bailed.
Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel,
Daniel in the li, li, li, li.
Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel,
Daniel in the li, li, li, li.
Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel,
Daniel in the li, li, li, li.
Daniel in the lion’s, Daniel in the lion’s,
Daniel in the lion’s den.
Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter,
Peter on the sea, sea, sea, sea.
Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter,
Peter on the sea, sea, sea, sea.
Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter,
Peter on the sea, sea, sea, sea.
Peter walking on the, Peter walking on
Peter walking on the sea.
This includes verses I never knew from childhood. I didn't know there was ever more than Daniel and Jonah.