Sarah Sundin thrills readers with a WWII tale of romance
Sarah Sundin thrills readers with
a WWII tale of romance and forgiveness
Combining a flair
for romance with exceptional research and attention to detail, Sarah Sundin
vividly brings to life the perilous challenges of World War II aviation and
nursing in her latest release. With Every Letter (Revell, September
1, 2012, ISBN 978-0800720810, $14.99)
launches Sundin’s new Wings of the Nightingale series in which three WWII
flight nurses will discover friendship, love, and peril in the skies and on the
shores of the Mediterranean.
In With Every Letter, readers
meet Lt. Mellie Blake who is looking forward to her training as a flight nurse.
What she’s not as enthusiastic about is writing a letter to a man she’s never
met as a part of a morale-building program, even if it is anonymous. The
recipient of Mellie’s letters is Lt. Tom MacGilliver, an officer stationed in
North Africa. Tom welcomes the idea of anonymous correspondence, especially
since he’s been trying to escape his infamous name and family history for
With every letter
written back and forth across the Atlantic, Tom and Mellie get to know one
another and develop a unique friendship despite not knowing the other’s true
identity. Each has always felt uncomfortable in his/her own skin, but the
letters allow them to shed some of their insecurities. However, when both are
transferred to Algeria, the two are poised to meet face-to-face for the first
time. Will they overcome their fears and reveal who they are, or will their
future be held hostage by their pasts?
In addition to the
war raging around them, both Tom and Mellie face the inward battle of learning
to see themselves as God sees them and grow into the people God wants them to
be. Mellie has always seen herself as merciful as she cares for the sick and
wounded, but the brutal events surrounding her stretch her understanding of
mercy. Both Tom and Mellie also learn new depths of the true meaning of
the Wings of the Nightingale Series, Sundin is able to uniquely combine her
affinity for the WWII era with her medical knowledge and training as a pharmacist.
“Although medications have changed significantly in the past seventy years, the
basic concepts remain,” explains Sundin. When asked about what draws her to
writing about this particular period of time, she shares, “Not only do I love
the clothes, uniforms, and music, but there’s an inexhaustible supply of
dramatic stories and settings—a novelist’s dream. This was a time when ordinary
men had to do extraordinary things, and when women explored non-traditional
roles—while remaining ladies. As a pharmacy resident at a VA hospital, I had
the honor of caring for many World War II veterans. As a rule, they were
cheerful, kind, and chivalrous, with the solid strength of someone who has been
tested—and passed. What more could you want in a hero?”
book launch promotion for With Every Letter will include a Kindle Fire
social media giveaway. Readers and fans will also be able to join Sundin in a
live chat on Facebook on September 27. During the Facebook party, prizes will
include copies of With Every Letter, Mellie’s First Aid Kits made from
vintage fabrics and loaded with Starbucks Via Coffee, and gift certificates. Watch
Sarah Sundin’s Facebook page
for more details.
For more information about Sarah
Sundin’s books and the events her stories are based on, visit
“I love the
nostalgia and drama of the WWII era. No one takes me back there better than
Sarah Sundin. With Every Letter is a beautiful love story and has
everything you want in a novel: romance, suspense, and characters you care
about from the very first page. A marvelous beginning for her new series. I
can’t wait to read the next book.”
~ Dan Walsh, award-winning and bestselling author of The
“(4 ½ Stars) Sundin skillfully uses an
alternating point of view between Mellie and Tom, and pulls readers into their
lives. The themes of anonymity and growing love linking the two makes this
story a romantic read.”
~ RT Book Reviews
romance specialist Sundin opens another WWII-era series with a well-researched
and absorbing tale of two Army specialists whose pen-pal relationship becomes a
lifeline… WWII-era fans won’t be able to put it down.”
~ Publishers Weekly
Sarah Sundin is the author of the Wings of Glory
series (A Distant Melody, A Memory Between Us, and Blue Skies
Tomorrow). In 2011, A
Memory Between Us was a finalist in the Inspirational Reader’s Choice
Awards, and Sarah received the Writer of the Year Award at the Mount Hermon
Christian Writers Conference. Her latest release, With Every Letter, is the first in the
new Wings of Nightingale series.
A graduate of UC San Francisco School of
Pharmacy, she works on-call as a hospital pharmacist. During WWII, her
grandfather served as a pharmacist’s mate (medic) in the Navy and her
great-uncle flew with the US Eighth Air Force in England. Sarah lives in California
with her husband and three children.
Learn more about Sarah
Sundin and her books at She also invites readers
to become a fan on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.
Sundin is available for interviews to promote the release of With Every
Letter. To request a review copy, schedule an interview or for more
information, please contact Audra Jennings,