NYE Recap

I'm really not sure why yesterday was such a long day other than I got up late and within an hour and a half of getting up, Paige and Peyton were at my house for the duration.

I took Paige to the movies, and we did some other things before being back at my house at 6 PM for our NYE festivities. (Peyton stayed with Mom.) Peyton must not have slept well the night before because she was in a tired mood. And the more tired she is, the more of a drama queen she becomes. Her heel started bleeding from stepping on a carpet tack near my front door where the tile ends, and I know it hurt--I've done it many times myself--but you would have thought her foot had been severed.

By the time the evening was over with, Peyton was out around 9:00, Paige was "resting her eyes" by 9:45 and Jenny went home at 10:00. I had just dozed off when at 12:02 my phone chimed loudly with a "Happy New Year" text message from a friend. I turned the volume off the phone to miss the one from Jenny at 12:12 and prayed that the fireworks the neighbors were shooting off wouldn't wake the girls.

Because of the early to bed, we were up by 7:17 this morning.

That's all there is to that story. I had to take a nap this afternoon because I didn't sleep as well as the girls did. It feels a heck of a lot later than 7:00 PM now. Maybe I'll pull a Paige tonight and be asleep by 10.
