Blind Spots Are Dangerous
Part 2 of an interview with Tim Riddle and Fil Anderson,
Authors of Blind Spots: What You Don’t See Can Hurt You
We all know blind spots are dangerous when
we’re changing lanes at 70 mph on an interstate highway. But just as critical
are the blind spots that block us from seeing the truth about ourselves and
others. No one is immune to either kind.
Blind spots are, by definition, invisible to
us. No matter how often we’re reminded to “check our blind spots,” we can’t—at
least on our own. Our only hope is for God and others to come alongside us and
help point them out. Once identified we can start becoming our best and most
authentic self.
Blinds Spots coauthors Tim Riddle and Fil Anderson help
readers learn how to recognize and avoid blind spots to become more like Jesus,
remembering the Holy Spirit is the revealer and healer. By drawing on stories
in Scripture and personal experience, the coauthors invite us to engage in an
approachable, logical conversation about what blind spots are, why they exist,
how to identify and remove them, how to keep them from returning, and how to
point them out in others.
You mention the “blind spot” metaphor is common for many Christians. How might
readers avoid apathy in exposing and getting rid of blind spots?
Fil Anderson |
Anderson (FA): Minimizing, ignoring or denying our blind spots comes naturally
and with gentle ease. On the other hand, avoiding apathy in exposing and
ridding ourselves of blind spots requires humility, courage, and other people’s
Just like a mirror can help us identify a dangerous blind spot
while driving, a trusted friend can do the same for our lives. In chapter two
of Blind Spots, in the section
entitled, “Finding the Aha Moments,” there are several questions that might
prove beneficial. As suggested there, “If you feel really brave, answer each of
these questions… Ask a few friends or family members to rate you as well.”
The process of becoming like Jesus requires action and hard work, which you
mention often. How do you handle the tension between avoiding a legalistic
message for readers and cultivating a dependence on the work of the Holy
While our transformation is not achieved by us straining and
striving, neither does it merely land in our laps. It is an undeserved gift we
receive from our benevolent God. It is a way of living, an attitude our mind
adopts and an orientation our soul adapts to. It is a gradual, progressive
It’s quite like how pickles are made, requiring a cucumber and a
brine solution it soaks in. Gradually the solution works its way into the
cucumber, changing it to a pickle. While this process takes several weeks,
becoming like Jesus takes much longer. Our lives are much more complicated than
cucumbers, and many factors are involved in our transformation.
Tim Riddle |
While you speak to what readers should do if blind spots return, what’s one
encouragement you might give Christians who repeatedly focus on the same blind
Riddle (TR): First of all, we can’t do it alone. And as Christ followers, we
have the promise of the Holy Spirit to help us nail our blind spots to the
cross daily if needed. But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so
we have to move beyond reactive to proactive. The best proactive strategy is to
surround ourselves with a few mirrors to help us recognize the blind spot
before it causes damage. We would never consider driving a new car without
adjusting the mirrors before backing out of the garage. But in life, we often
head out into the world without the proper mirrors in place.
Three great mirrors are:
1) Our time in scripture.
2) Our one on one time with
our Heavenly Father.
3) Our willingness to
surround ourselves with a few trusted accountability partners to help us see
what we can’t.
How does studying Scripture and continuously looking to the life of Jesus help
Christians identify, expose, and get rid of their blind spots?
The Bible is like no other book. It is practical and helpful at
identifying, exposing and assisting us in the elimination of our blind spots.
Its words possess the power to transform our lives, “It is sharper than any
double-edged sword. His word can cut through our spirits and souls and through
our joints and marrow until it discovers the desires and thoughts of our
hearts.” (Hebrews 4:12)
Jesus, the “visible expression of the invisible God” (Colossians
1:15), is the perfect image of a human without any blind spots. Because he
became human, he understands more than we do about human life. He felt the
entire range of human emotions. Because he is also fully God, he understands
the devastating and deadly consequences of blind spots. Jesus demonstrates it’s
better to hear or tell hurtful truths than comforting lies, and he goes the
second mile by showing us the way. Jesus is, therefore, our most reliable
friend, redeemer, and guide.
Can you speak to how essential Christian community is in recognizing and
removing blind spots?
Having a community of people who know us intimately, love us
regardless and are willing to be completely honest with us about our blind
spots is, in a word, “utterly” essential in recognizing and removing blind
spots. Countless times I have experienced the value of another set of eyes
trained on my blind spots, assisting me in seeing what can and will hurt me.
These invaluable “spotters” have demonstrated a level of care that
exceeded any concern about how I would respond. One of the wisest choices a
person can make is to invite those who know them best to observe and report how
they live (publicly and privately).
For more information about Blind
Spots: What You Don’t See Can Hurt You and other releases from New Growth
Press, visit You can also learn more at