National Day of Prayer

In honor of the National Day of Prayer,
we present to you Will Davis, Jr.
and his books on prayer.

Have you ever encountered a “Big Hairy Audacious Prayer”? Author Will Davis Jr. is a man who not only knows about asking big things from God, but he believes that all Christ-followers are equipped with the faith to make “Big Asks” from God! Beginning with the Lord’s Prayer as a biblical example, Davis teaches believers that God honors requests of His children that are specifically and biblically asked. Once believers learn to view God’s word as a prayer guide, the entire Bible becomes a treasure chest of promises and foundational prayers that enable Christ-followers to storm heaven’s gates with pinpoint accuracy!

Prayers should be so God-sized, so humanly impossible, and yet so utterly appealing that they totally consume you and drive you to your knees. Davis is not talking about a genie-in-a-lamp approach to prayer, but a prayer life that is founded upon God’s Word and one that gives new meaning to the biblical exhortation to come boldly before God’s throne.

Pray Big introduces the concept of Big Hairy Audacious Prayers (or BHAP’s) and reveals how vital our prayer lives are in the process of learning to submit to God and trusting Him with every detail of our lives. Whether you are begging for the salvation of a spouse, the removal of a cancerous tumor, or the resolution of a difficult financial situation, it is exciting to bring your requests before God when you are standing on biblical ground. Davis encourages believers to use Scripture intermingled with prayer so that requests can be made specifically and accurately. The practice of searching the Bible for God’s promises and direction will establish a solid foundation for making requests from your Heavenly Father.

Davis clearly builds a foundation for praying with scriptural accuracy in every area of life. Using personal and amazing examples from more than fifteen years in ministry, and ranging from interceeding for his mother’s life to moments of frustration over misplaced car keys, Davis teaches readers that God is not only interested in the big crisis moments of our lives, but that He also cares about our daily and personal needs and the desires of our hearts as well. Davis states that learning to pray big, strong, confident prayers will yield better marriages, healthier children, wiser leaders, improved relationships, more generosity, better conflict resolution, and, of course, more people seeking God. Davis believes that prayer should flow out of us as seamlessly and fluidly as when we inhale and exhale. As believers confess their sin to God (exhale) and ask to be filled with the Spirit (inhale), prayers become the doorway to God’s throne and, as a result, lives are radically changed.

God’s prayer directive doesn’t end with prayers for others. Throughout his years in ministry, Davis has encountered yet another area where believers felt inadequate in their prayer lives—interceding for themselves. Faith Set Free: Pray for Yourself with Reckless Abandon addresses a far more personal side to prayer. He encourages believers to ask God for specific things such as a greater closeness with God, an obedience to God, a guard for the mouth, a generous spirit, a stronger faith, and a courage to follow God wherever He leads. As lives become submitted to God through prayer, then believers become aware of the Holy Spirit leading them into greater areas of service and prayer becomes a more effective means through which they can reach others for Christ.

Every believer is equipped with the mustard-seed of faith that makes prayer possible. So quit holding your breath, believer, and start breathing your heart to God in prayer! You will live differently, love differently, and begin to learn what it means to pray without ceasing.

Pray Big: The Power of Pinpoint Prayers
ISBN: 978-0-8007-3204-2/Revell 

Faith Set Free: Pray for Yourself with Reckless Abandon
ISBN: 978-0-8007-3247-9/Revell
