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the different parts of a worship service can be confusing for any young
child. One minute everyone is singing loudly, the next everyone is
sitting and listening quietly. Sometimes the adults know something that
should be said out loud, like, “Thanks be to God!” How did they know
what to say? What is communion all about? And why does the pastor
raise his hands and pray at the end of the service?
Using the
vision of Isaiah 6, God Made Me for Worship by Jared
Kennedy focuses on teaching kids about the key liturgical
movements in a worship gathering, including the call to
worship, praise and adoration, confession, assurance and passing
the peace, ministry of the Word and sacraments, and benediction and
This bright
and colorful children’s book illustrated by Trish
Mahoney celebrates how God reveals himself to his people in the
movements of worship. All the parts of worship tell the story of
the gospel, and since Jesus is the object of our worship, his
story of redemption gives shape to our worship.
author guides parents to help their kids understand why we’re
intentional about worship, encouraging them to engage—not just to
manage behavior during a worship
gathering, and invites children to respond to God
along with the whole church body.
God Made Me for Worship is part of the God Made Me series
which equips parents to have important, impactful conversations with
their children, helping them to grow in understanding of God,
themselves, and others. Each book in the series contains a special
section just for parents and caregivers that provides biblical guidance
and offers additional information and
resources for talking about the topic addressed in the
the author and illustrator
Jared Kennedy, MDiv, ThM, leads the children's ministry creative team
as Pastor of Families at Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, KY,
and is the children's ministry strategist for Sojourn Network. He is
the author of The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible, Jesus
Rose for Me, Jesus Came for Me, God Made Me for Worship and Are
You Close to God?; the coauthor of The Leadership
Mosiac; and has developed two VBS programs, Proof
Pirates and Clap Your Hands, Stomp Your Feet.
He and his wife, Megan, have three girls, Rachael, Lucy, and Elisabeth.
Trish Mahoney is a graphic designer and
illustrator in Seattle where she runs The Mahoney Studio with her
husband, Patrick, also a designer and illustrator. They have two
children, both budding artists too. Trish is the illustrator for the
God Made Me series and The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible.
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