New book teaches preschoolers the Lord’s Prayer
Learn about the Lord’s Prayer
children to a day of play, prayer and
This fall, David C Cook is launching a new series for toddlers and
preschoolers that combines word and song to help young children memorize
scripture. The first book in the HeartSmart series, Let’s Learn
about the Lord’s Prayer
(September 1, 2015/ISBN: 978-0781412698/$10.99) by bestselling
author Catherine
DeVries, not only
introduces children to Bible memory, but teaches them about how to pray.
In this vibrant, colorful board book illustrated by Ryan Jackson, DeVries
introduces Emma, a preschooler who welcomes readers at the front door and
invites them in for a special playdate. Upstairs they meet Blueberry, Emma’s
favorite teddy bear. The two show readers all the fun toys in Emma’s room before
heading downstairs for snack time. As they sit down in the kitchen and get
ready to pray before eating, Emma shares with readers she has been learning
about the Lord’s Prayer.
Emma quotes each line of the prayer and explains every part in a way
preschoolers can understand. As Emma’s mom taught her, children will learn “this
whole world belongs to God. Everything we do is for God’s glory, which is like
a big celebration that shows Him how amazing we think He is.” Children will
then head back to Emma’s room, where they teach the Lord’s Prayer to Blueberry.
The entire prayer appears at the back of this delightful book, along with an
access code to a whimsical song that will help them learn it.
Let’s Learn about the
Lord’s Prayer and all the coming HeartSmart releases will offer
parents the opportunity to infuse their homes with God’s Word. By using these
charming books, moms and dads will be equipped with a clear spiritual formation
path for building in their child a strong foundation of faith based on key
Scriptures. Through engaging and playful stories about children their own age, young
people will be captivated by the colorful illustrations and inspired to hide
God’s Word in their hearts through repetition and song — two prescriptions for
About the

She is a graduate of Calvin College who has won Retailer’s
Choice awards in 2000, 2009 and 2010, as well as a Gold Medallion award in 2008,
among others. She also serves on the board of the Tween Gospel Alliance. Catherine
lives with her husband, their three children and big furry dog in the Colorado
Learn more about Let’s Learn about the Lord’s Prayer and the HeartSmart series at