Cold, allergies, whatever, they need to go away

Last weekend it was rather cold, and I was sitting most of the day working on finish projects and personalizing things at the back of our booth near an outside door with a draft.

I don't know if that was the reason or a coincidence, but I ended up with a messed up head and sore throat. Mom said the woman in the booth next to us was overcome by the soaps from down the way. That probably paid a part too.

Cold, allergies, sinuses, whatever, I know I have not felt well and they need to go away.

Earlier in the week I wasn't feeling well, and Dad offered to get me some medicine. I wanted cold medicine. Bless his heart, he brought me back Sudafed and Benadryl. Sinus and allergy.

Sudafed makes me mentally unstable, and I can't sleep while taking it. (I seriously don't know why people would want to do meth.) Benadryl makes me sleepy and non-functional. What a choice!

At today's event, there were soap, lotion and bath bomb booths nearby. From time to time I would get so choked up I couldn't breath.

Essential oils may help some people cure everything that ails them, but they get me all choked up.

I usually end up like this the second week of December. I'm hoping this does it for the year, and I can check the annual head crap off the list.

Not how I want to feel on my birthday tomorrow. :(
