The Breakfast Song

A friend of mine had this posted on his Facebook page. I think it's funny enough to share tonight because I want to post something non-book related tonight.

#1 These people eat some strange things for breakfast.

#2 I have never booked anyone on this partiular TV show, and that might just be a good thing.

Information from You Tube:

This song aired on The Mornin' Show, a local program carried by NBC affiliate WTVA in Tupelo, Mississippi. In the clip, Minister Cleo Clariet and his fiancé Katherine Lane are shown singing on "The Kay Bain Show" in Tupelo, Mississippi in May or June of 2004. Clariet passed away from congenital heart disease on Dec. 13, 2004. Lane said he would have been thrilled to know his song is now entertaining so many people.


While I am sharing funny videos, I come into work this morning with a message from Tracy, "Church of Facebook made the NY Times best seller list?! Awesome."


Not quite. A tease from author Jesse Rice. She saw a feed to this video:

At least my morning started with a laugh. (No Jesse, I'm not planning to schedule you in Tupelo, MS so that you can be on this particular show. I think I can do better.)


Unknown said…
That Jesse! I am the most gullible publicist in the business!