GodStories by Andrew Wilson
An Epic of Eternal Proportions
In his latest release, Andrew Wilson explores fifty-six of the glorious stories that make up the gospel of God and will change the way we live and worship
In his latest release, Andrew Wilson explores fifty-six of the glorious stories that make up the gospel of God and will change the way we live and worship
Today, multitudes see theology as a rabbit warren of concepts without narratives, a series of points, principles, and theories that take all the best bits (like characters, plot twists, and heroism) out of the Bible and leave behind a slightly inedible result—like eating cereal without milk or playing Scrabble without vowels. But in his new book, GodStories: Explorations in the Gospel of God (David C Cook, July 2009), author of the best-selling Incomparable brings Scripture to life with fresh and relevant insights on how its stories can profoundly affect our faith.
Just as we have one God in three persons, and one church made up of many people, so in Scripture we have one gospel made up of many stories. In fifty-six short narratives, Andrew Wilson examines these beautiful, triumphant, often heartbreaking, and always magnificent stories that make up the gospel of God—GodStories. Inside readers will rediscover the glorious mission of God, freedom from sin, and how the promises of God never fail.
“We have one gospel, for sure: a single, unifying, big story about God and creation, man and sin, Jesus and rescue,” says Wilson. “But we also have many different ways of telling that big story because it is too large for us to grasp all at once. Seeing the many GodStories in the one gospel does not reduce that gospel in glory or splendour. Quite the opposite—it dramatically increases it.”
Written in a devotional-style perfect for morning or evening reading, GodStories includes reflection sections that will give additional food for thought in the form of questions, scriptures and psalms, hymns, quotes from important church figures, prayers, etc. With winsome language and a solid biblical foundation, Wilson also introduces and walks through, in layman’s terms, some heavier points of theology, such as atonement, justification by faith, penal substitution, open theism, and the new covenant.
“We need to know, and preach, and live the gospel,” writes Wilson. “The good news that shines through every GodStory will bring us closer into worship, push us further into mission, and draw us closer into community—face down, flat out, all in. Prepare to be stunned and in total amazement at the many-faceted gospel story, the greatest story ever told.”
Author Bio
Andrew Wilson holds degrees in theology from Cambridge University and London School of Theology. His passion is to communicate the extraordinary truths of God. Andrew teaches internationally and is an elder at Kings Church Eastbourne in the UK, where he leads training and development. He is also the author of Incomparable: Explorations in the Character of God and lives with his wife, Rachel, and their newborn baby, Ezekiel, in the UK.
Just as we have one God in three persons, and one church made up of many people, so in Scripture we have one gospel made up of many stories. In fifty-six short narratives, Andrew Wilson examines these beautiful, triumphant, often heartbreaking, and always magnificent stories that make up the gospel of God—GodStories. Inside readers will rediscover the glorious mission of God, freedom from sin, and how the promises of God never fail.
“We have one gospel, for sure: a single, unifying, big story about God and creation, man and sin, Jesus and rescue,” says Wilson. “But we also have many different ways of telling that big story because it is too large for us to grasp all at once. Seeing the many GodStories in the one gospel does not reduce that gospel in glory or splendour. Quite the opposite—it dramatically increases it.”
Written in a devotional-style perfect for morning or evening reading, GodStories includes reflection sections that will give additional food for thought in the form of questions, scriptures and psalms, hymns, quotes from important church figures, prayers, etc. With winsome language and a solid biblical foundation, Wilson also introduces and walks through, in layman’s terms, some heavier points of theology, such as atonement, justification by faith, penal substitution, open theism, and the new covenant.
Author Bio
Andrew Wilson holds degrees in theology from Cambridge University and London School of Theology. His passion is to communicate the extraordinary truths of God. Andrew teaches internationally and is an elder at Kings Church Eastbourne in the UK, where he leads training and development. He is also the author of Incomparable: Explorations in the Character of God and lives with his wife, Rachel, and their newborn baby, Ezekiel, in the UK.
GodStories: Explorations in the Gospel of God by Andrew Wilson
David C Cook/July 2009/ISBN 978-1-434765-39-0/302 pages/softcover/$14.99
David C Cook/July 2009/ISBN 978-1-434765-39-0/302 pages/softcover/$14.99