The Bachelor Finale... Finally.
Here it is, Sunday night after 9 PM, and I'm starting my blog on the finale of The Bachelor (to post on Monday a week after the airing) becuase I need to suck it up and do it because this week is going to be crazy.
I wasn't able to completely disconnect from work while on vacation and actually worked most all day on Saturday to catch up to be ready for work this week which is going to be new release madness. It would have been nice to relax this weekend from a week on the go and in the car, but after church tonight, I went to Walmart and actually bought groceries there which I never do. It's sort of like, "how much punishment can you cram into a weekend?"
This week, I need to work on some projects because we start up doing three Saturday craft shows in a row, then I will work out at the shop we are in, have one week off, then we'll have two events in separate towns the last weekend of April, so I'll be making lots of stock over the next month.
That's why I need to get this season over with.
To be honest, I do know who Nick picked. I almost kept myself in the dark, but one night in the hotel, the TV was flipped onto/by an entertainment news TV show, and I saw who recieved the final rose.
Let me just say now... that won't last.
At any rate, here we go.
One one hand, there's Raven who's so in love with Nick. On the other is Vanessa who has her doubts about Nick because she knows he asked all the fathers for permission and that he doesn't really want to move to Canada. Despite my Fantasy League selection for the final rose from week 1, I think you can tell who I think he should pick.
Nick's family joins him in Finland to help him figure out what to do as he faces this last week. Everyone is a little skeptical it seems after Nick's last two experiences. Bella, his little sister, already met Raven on a date. Actually, more than just the sister met her, but she had the most time with her.
Raven is the first one to spend time with the family. They talk about their first date and meeting the family. Over dinner, they talk about how heart broken the last two seasons Nick was. Bella talks to Raven and asks if she really loves her brother. Bella is going to be pro-Raven. Raven professes her love to Nick's father. She thinks Nick is falling in love with her, or so she says when Dad grills her. She talks to Mom too.
Then, Mom talks to Nick and asks how he's so sure about moving forward. Nick says he isn't, but believes it's worth the risk of everything blowing up in his face. He says that Raven is fantastic.
After a fast 15 minutes of show, it's time for Vanessa to meet the family. With everyone gathered around, Dad says he wants Vanessa to tell everything about herself. She goes on to talk about their first date and how caring Nick was as she was as she became ill in zero gravity.
Vanessa wants to talk to Mom and see if she thinks her son is rushing into something. Vanessa wants to be engaged at the end, but is worried about it being too soon. There's conversations with another sister and Vanessa. Dad and Nick... Dad says he recognizes Vanessa as Nick's type, but that hasn't worked out before.
Dad and Vanessa talk. She tells him, too, that it is scary to be in this position, but she is in love with Nick. Vanessa asks Dad if he thinks love is enough to make a relationship last. He talks about commitment and sacrifice. Dad starts to cry. That's where Nick gets it from.
After Vanessa leaves, Nick's really large family talks about him. When he comes back in, they talk about how rejected he was before. He's hopeful it will work out this time, but it's hard to tell at this point which way he is leaning.
When it comes time to final dates, Vanessa is first. She has lots of questions, so the date may be a drag. However, Vanessa claims she is going to try to relax and be in the moment. They start by horseback riding in the snow. Since they are so close to the Arctic Circle, it seems Santa lives here. They go to a little cabin to meet him. After a little chit chat, Santa has a gift for Vanessa. It's a wooden sign with their likenesses.
Nick explains why this will work out if that's the decision at the end. She's not sure if she wants to win out in the end if her relationship is just slightly better than the other one.
Let me say right here that I completely understand where she is coming from. I would agree with her statement. But she can't act so unsure and ask the questions like she does and expect him to choose her. Later that night, she approaches some of the same things again. She accuses him of being generic in his answers. To his defense, he has to be in the situation. His answer is something about no guarantees.
When Vanessa asks Nick if he is ready to propose, his answer is the week isn't over and there are two people left. She said she doesn't like that answer. He says he knows that. Nick tells her he does not know his decision yet.
Surely Nick's date with Raven can't been such a buzz kill. Nick needs this day to make a decision. Since their thing is skating, Nick takes her ice skating on a frozen pond. Raven says this takes her back to the moment of falling in love with Nick on the roller skating rink.
Random interjection --- I prefer them being in the cold because the clothes are more normal than the ridiculously short shorts and shirts that require two sided tape when they go to the tropics.
Raven is much more confident in where their relationship is. She says there's no hesitations or reservations. Raven really thinks it's going to end with an engagement. Nick says it's easy with Raven. He even tells her how his family really likes her.
Then, Nick finds some husky puppies for them to play with. Later that night, she asks him how he's doing, in a caring way, not the quizzing way Vanessa does. He can't move his neck because he is stressed.
Raven tells him she knows the biggest of days is coming for him, but she has no hesitation. She is ready and sure of how she feels. The day will be easy for her if he chooses her. He tells her that he has always known where she stood with him. Their evening is much more relaxed and light-hearted.
For the fourth time in his life, Nick meets up with Neil Lane to pick out a ring. Neil shows him the biggest ring he's ever designed. There's a couple of big, gaudy rings in the running. But as Nick puts it, choosing a ring is the second hardest thing he has to do today.
Even as they prep, Vanessa talks about compromising. Raven talks about being ready.
Nick has to mentally prep to do to someone what was done to him... twice.
Chris Harrison welcomes Raven first. She is nervous, but upbeat. She expresses her heart and mind first. She couldn't be more sure. "I love you."
There's an awkward pause. Nick starts up smiling, talking about last night, the first night they met, thinking about every moment they have had. Then, it gets really awkward. This morning, he just doesn't know if he is "in love." His heart is somewhere else. He loved being with her last night, but that made it harder this morning. He's torn up inside, but is letting her go. The tears roll for both of them. She says she'll never regret telling him how she feels. Raven gives Nick a heartfelt hug before turning to walk away. Nick holds her hand as he walks her to the door and out into the cold. She gave Chris Harrison her coat when she came in. Guess it will just hang there.
In the limo, Raven questions what she could have done differently. Now, she doesn't know if it's possible to find love.
Nick says goodbye to the reindeer strategically staged outside and goes back in. He's been falling in love with Vanessa for a long time now, but he's afraid she will say, "No."
In her gut, she thinks Nick will propose, yet Vanessa has gone back and forth on whether or not she wants that to happen. While she wants to say, "Yes," she wants to make sure Nick is ready. Chris Harrison welcomes her as well. I'm not sure if Chris' coat or Raven's is hanging there.
Nick welcomes Vanessa with a kiss. He launches into his speech instead of letting her do hers. He remembers her stepping out of the limo and feeling something very special at the second rose ceremony. At times he tried to fight it, but he can say now how much he loves her and sees his future with her.
Then, she talks about her first night and seeing him for the first time. Now she's all happy. Nick gets down on a knee to propose, and Vanessa seems sure now. Maybe it's that sparkly ring. Then, he has to ask if she will accept his final rose. They ride off on a horse drawn sleigh.
Now... After the Final Rose...
Chris welcomes Nick... Fourth time's a charm? He jumps into asking Nick about sending Raven home. Nick claims it broke his heart to send her home. Of course, he's nervous to see Raven again.
Raven wants to explain that she was so stoic in the moment of rejection because she was processing, but meant everything she said. Nick said there was no judgment because he had been there before. They move on to talking about how to compartmentalize their relationship while knowing other relationships are going on.
Raven is going to go to Mexico and be on Bachelor in Paradise.
Next, Chris brings out Vanessa to see if it's happy ever after. Vanessa reveals some days are better than other. She wishes she had watched a full season before going on the show. Doing her homework would have helped. She didn't really realize how things worked. She explains she treated it like a real relationship in an unrealistic world.
They have to do a lot of talking. They live in two countries and can't see each other and start a relationship like other couples do. They love each other, but as she expresses herself, you gather she is not getting her way.
She talks about when they parted ways in Finland, they almost forgot to exchange phone numbers. It's not evidently off to a good start since they haven't been able to spend time together.
Chris brings Nick back and I close my eyes out of exhaustion and boredom. They haven't been able to do life together, and it's still not going to be normal when he starts Dancing with the Stars.
Since the newly engaged couple is so boring, they bring out Rachel, the next Bachelorette. How does Rachel feel about the ending? "Good for him." She's ready for her adventure. Blah, blah, blah. I'm really trying not to fall asleep as midnight is quickly approaching.
The big surprise of the night is for Rachel. They are starting Rachel's journey on the set. She's about to meet a few of the guys who will be vying for her heart.
This may be all of the blogging on Rachel's season you are going to get. I'm for sure not going to blog each episode of Bachelor in Paradise. Unless I get more feedback about enjoying these posts, I think I'm going to give up the recaps for a while. Rachel's season starts in May though, and that's pre-BIP.
A limo pulls up outside the studio.
I wasn't able to completely disconnect from work while on vacation and actually worked most all day on Saturday to catch up to be ready for work this week which is going to be new release madness. It would have been nice to relax this weekend from a week on the go and in the car, but after church tonight, I went to Walmart and actually bought groceries there which I never do. It's sort of like, "how much punishment can you cram into a weekend?"
This week, I need to work on some projects because we start up doing three Saturday craft shows in a row, then I will work out at the shop we are in, have one week off, then we'll have two events in separate towns the last weekend of April, so I'll be making lots of stock over the next month.
That's why I need to get this season over with.
To be honest, I do know who Nick picked. I almost kept myself in the dark, but one night in the hotel, the TV was flipped onto/by an entertainment news TV show, and I saw who recieved the final rose.
Let me just say now... that won't last.
At any rate, here we go.
One one hand, there's Raven who's so in love with Nick. On the other is Vanessa who has her doubts about Nick because she knows he asked all the fathers for permission and that he doesn't really want to move to Canada. Despite my Fantasy League selection for the final rose from week 1, I think you can tell who I think he should pick.
Nick's family joins him in Finland to help him figure out what to do as he faces this last week. Everyone is a little skeptical it seems after Nick's last two experiences. Bella, his little sister, already met Raven on a date. Actually, more than just the sister met her, but she had the most time with her.
Raven is the first one to spend time with the family. They talk about their first date and meeting the family. Over dinner, they talk about how heart broken the last two seasons Nick was. Bella talks to Raven and asks if she really loves her brother. Bella is going to be pro-Raven. Raven professes her love to Nick's father. She thinks Nick is falling in love with her, or so she says when Dad grills her. She talks to Mom too.
Then, Mom talks to Nick and asks how he's so sure about moving forward. Nick says he isn't, but believes it's worth the risk of everything blowing up in his face. He says that Raven is fantastic.
After a fast 15 minutes of show, it's time for Vanessa to meet the family. With everyone gathered around, Dad says he wants Vanessa to tell everything about herself. She goes on to talk about their first date and how caring Nick was as she was as she became ill in zero gravity.
Vanessa wants to talk to Mom and see if she thinks her son is rushing into something. Vanessa wants to be engaged at the end, but is worried about it being too soon. There's conversations with another sister and Vanessa. Dad and Nick... Dad says he recognizes Vanessa as Nick's type, but that hasn't worked out before.
Dad and Vanessa talk. She tells him, too, that it is scary to be in this position, but she is in love with Nick. Vanessa asks Dad if he thinks love is enough to make a relationship last. He talks about commitment and sacrifice. Dad starts to cry. That's where Nick gets it from.
After Vanessa leaves, Nick's really large family talks about him. When he comes back in, they talk about how rejected he was before. He's hopeful it will work out this time, but it's hard to tell at this point which way he is leaning.
When it comes time to final dates, Vanessa is first. She has lots of questions, so the date may be a drag. However, Vanessa claims she is going to try to relax and be in the moment. They start by horseback riding in the snow. Since they are so close to the Arctic Circle, it seems Santa lives here. They go to a little cabin to meet him. After a little chit chat, Santa has a gift for Vanessa. It's a wooden sign with their likenesses.
Nick explains why this will work out if that's the decision at the end. She's not sure if she wants to win out in the end if her relationship is just slightly better than the other one.
Let me say right here that I completely understand where she is coming from. I would agree with her statement. But she can't act so unsure and ask the questions like she does and expect him to choose her. Later that night, she approaches some of the same things again. She accuses him of being generic in his answers. To his defense, he has to be in the situation. His answer is something about no guarantees.
When Vanessa asks Nick if he is ready to propose, his answer is the week isn't over and there are two people left. She said she doesn't like that answer. He says he knows that. Nick tells her he does not know his decision yet.
Surely Nick's date with Raven can't been such a buzz kill. Nick needs this day to make a decision. Since their thing is skating, Nick takes her ice skating on a frozen pond. Raven says this takes her back to the moment of falling in love with Nick on the roller skating rink.
Random interjection --- I prefer them being in the cold because the clothes are more normal than the ridiculously short shorts and shirts that require two sided tape when they go to the tropics.
Raven is much more confident in where their relationship is. She says there's no hesitations or reservations. Raven really thinks it's going to end with an engagement. Nick says it's easy with Raven. He even tells her how his family really likes her.
Then, Nick finds some husky puppies for them to play with. Later that night, she asks him how he's doing, in a caring way, not the quizzing way Vanessa does. He can't move his neck because he is stressed.
Raven tells him she knows the biggest of days is coming for him, but she has no hesitation. She is ready and sure of how she feels. The day will be easy for her if he chooses her. He tells her that he has always known where she stood with him. Their evening is much more relaxed and light-hearted.
For the fourth time in his life, Nick meets up with Neil Lane to pick out a ring. Neil shows him the biggest ring he's ever designed. There's a couple of big, gaudy rings in the running. But as Nick puts it, choosing a ring is the second hardest thing he has to do today.
Even as they prep, Vanessa talks about compromising. Raven talks about being ready.
Nick has to mentally prep to do to someone what was done to him... twice.
Chris Harrison welcomes Raven first. She is nervous, but upbeat. She expresses her heart and mind first. She couldn't be more sure. "I love you."
There's an awkward pause. Nick starts up smiling, talking about last night, the first night they met, thinking about every moment they have had. Then, it gets really awkward. This morning, he just doesn't know if he is "in love." His heart is somewhere else. He loved being with her last night, but that made it harder this morning. He's torn up inside, but is letting her go. The tears roll for both of them. She says she'll never regret telling him how she feels. Raven gives Nick a heartfelt hug before turning to walk away. Nick holds her hand as he walks her to the door and out into the cold. She gave Chris Harrison her coat when she came in. Guess it will just hang there.
In the limo, Raven questions what she could have done differently. Now, she doesn't know if it's possible to find love.
Nick says goodbye to the reindeer strategically staged outside and goes back in. He's been falling in love with Vanessa for a long time now, but he's afraid she will say, "No."
In her gut, she thinks Nick will propose, yet Vanessa has gone back and forth on whether or not she wants that to happen. While she wants to say, "Yes," she wants to make sure Nick is ready. Chris Harrison welcomes her as well. I'm not sure if Chris' coat or Raven's is hanging there.
Nick welcomes Vanessa with a kiss. He launches into his speech instead of letting her do hers. He remembers her stepping out of the limo and feeling something very special at the second rose ceremony. At times he tried to fight it, but he can say now how much he loves her and sees his future with her.
Then, she talks about her first night and seeing him for the first time. Now she's all happy. Nick gets down on a knee to propose, and Vanessa seems sure now. Maybe it's that sparkly ring. Then, he has to ask if she will accept his final rose. They ride off on a horse drawn sleigh.
Now... After the Final Rose...
Chris welcomes Nick... Fourth time's a charm? He jumps into asking Nick about sending Raven home. Nick claims it broke his heart to send her home. Of course, he's nervous to see Raven again.
Raven wants to explain that she was so stoic in the moment of rejection because she was processing, but meant everything she said. Nick said there was no judgment because he had been there before. They move on to talking about how to compartmentalize their relationship while knowing other relationships are going on.
Raven is going to go to Mexico and be on Bachelor in Paradise.
Next, Chris brings out Vanessa to see if it's happy ever after. Vanessa reveals some days are better than other. She wishes she had watched a full season before going on the show. Doing her homework would have helped. She didn't really realize how things worked. She explains she treated it like a real relationship in an unrealistic world.
They have to do a lot of talking. They live in two countries and can't see each other and start a relationship like other couples do. They love each other, but as she expresses herself, you gather she is not getting her way.
She talks about when they parted ways in Finland, they almost forgot to exchange phone numbers. It's not evidently off to a good start since they haven't been able to spend time together.
Chris brings Nick back and I close my eyes out of exhaustion and boredom. They haven't been able to do life together, and it's still not going to be normal when he starts Dancing with the Stars.
Since the newly engaged couple is so boring, they bring out Rachel, the next Bachelorette. How does Rachel feel about the ending? "Good for him." She's ready for her adventure. Blah, blah, blah. I'm really trying not to fall asleep as midnight is quickly approaching.
The big surprise of the night is for Rachel. They are starting Rachel's journey on the set. She's about to meet a few of the guys who will be vying for her heart.
This may be all of the blogging on Rachel's season you are going to get. I'm for sure not going to blog each episode of Bachelor in Paradise. Unless I get more feedback about enjoying these posts, I think I'm going to give up the recaps for a while. Rachel's season starts in May though, and that's pre-BIP.
A limo pulls up outside the studio.
- Demario is the first up. He claims to be the only one and offers to elope in Vegas. He has a ring already.
- The next guy is a white guy who kisses her hand. His hair annoys me. His name is Blake and he has to have a second hug.
- Dean is a dorky white guy. He's ready to go black, and he's never going back.
- Eric from Baltimore is next. They quickly start grooving and dancing together.
That's it for tonight. They must start taping episodes the morning after the live show.
And with that, we close the season. I don't think Vanessa and Nick are going to last. Neither seemed excited about how things were going. To devote that much time to Rachel, I bet they are already done. Oh, Nick...