Shopping is not a team sport

There is a reason why I do my Christmas shopping alone most years. I was reminded of this today. I made the comment to my mother that I needed to go shopping. I'm not certain that I really intended for this to be a mother-daughter bonding activity. After all, she had been on more than one shopping excursion having been off work recently.

Nevertheless, since I had my party on Saturday, she planned that we could go after church on Sunday. Which yeah, I was on board with to an extent, but knew that would mean kissing the sacred nap goodbye.

She decided we could take her car and that she would drive though I didn't mind. I'm almost to the point that I mind either one of my parents driving. They scare me to death - we're going to get run over.

I saw something for my sister-in-law that she talked me out of getting at the Hallmark. Where mind you, we had to go first so that she could get her annual ornament. She says we can probably find something at Belk on sale. Well, Belk had nothing on sell that was a good match. She offered to go back later on, but by that time I was on a firm "no."

I did keep finding things for Paige which I had covered first. I did find a few warm clothes for me that I needed.

We wandered around Target back and forth a few million times. She asked if I found something else I was thinking of for my sister-in-law which I had already told her I saw none of the times we just walked back and forth past a certain section. This meandering around lasted until she could finally see on my face I was done.

What I really wanted was a Starbuck's peppermint mocha frappachino courtesy of a gift card I had in my wallet, but the line was way long once we finished checking out. I was too busy missing my nap to get in line. If I were by myself, I would have gone through the drive-thru at the regular Starbuck's, but did not suggest that.

I don't know what it is, but I always find more by myself than with anyone with me. I go at the pace I want to the stores I want, and without someone trying to talk me out of something.

Other than the $2 orange glitter duck Christmas ornament that I found for Peyton to prove how few orange Christmas decorations there are out there, my shopping excursion proved fruitless on the Christmas front. (My mom did happen on something else I got my dad, but it wasn't a great find.)

I still have to buy for Brian and Julie. And I'm tired and cranky from missing my nap.
