The story behind To Win Her Favor
interview with Tamera Alexander,
of To Win Her Favor
Against the backdrop of one of the
most turbulent times in American history, the post-Civil War era, one woman
struggles against prejudice, injustice and suffocating conventions of the 19th
century to pursue her dream. Tamera Alexander’s To Win Her Favor (Zondervan/May 12, 2015/ISBN:
9780310291077/ $15.99), the second
stand-alone novel in the Belle Meade Plantation series, is already receiving
high praise. According to Library Journal,
“Strong characters, a sense of the times and the themes of love, friendship and
the importance of loyalty and determination make To Win Her Favor a triumph.”
Maggie Linden lost nearly everything in the Civil War — including most of
her family. She’s about
to lose her stables and land at Linden Downs, and her racing hopes as well. A
gifted rider in a world where ladies never race, Maggie is determined that her
mare, Bourbon Belle, will become a champion. Indeed, her only hope of saving
Linden Downs is if the horse takes the top purse in the inaugural Peyton
Stakes, the richest race ever run in America. To give his daughter a chance,
Maggie’s wily
father makes a barter. But his agreement includes one tiny, troublesome detail: Maggie must
marry a man she’s never
— a man
she never would have chosen for herself.
Q: What made you choose to set your new novel, To Win Her Favor,
during the tumultuous years following the Civil War?
Born and raised in the South (Atlanta, GA), I’ve long held a strong connection with Southern
history. And what historical event defines the South as much as the War Between
the States? Family homes became headquarters for troops, churches and
schoolrooms became hospitals for the wounded, and the hills thick with pine and
the meadows lush with grass became hallowed ground with the blood of the dead
and dying. The years of Reconstruction forged a steel in the hearts of
surviving men and women for a new life, a new country. I find myself fascinated
by what they accomplished in the face of overwhelming odds. And remember,
ultimately, so much good came from this time of suffering in our history too.
So many advances in medicine, botany, mental health and social justice, to name
a few.
Q: What is the central message of To Win Her Favor?
That through hope and determination even the greatest obstacles can be
overcome. The story explores questions of race, faith and loyalty and offers
perspective on how Reconstruction affected racial relations, social status and
economic fortunes in the post-war South — and a passionate love story is at its very
Q. Many Kentucky Derby winners today trace their lineage back to
thoroughbreds at Belle Meade Plantation in the 1860s and 70s. Describe the
horse racing culture of the 19th century and what part it plays in your story.
Through three generations of the
Harding/Jackson family at Belle Meade, Belle Meade Plantation became the
preeminent stud farm and nursery for the horse racing industry. Belle Meade’s thoroughbred legacy
is at the center of the history of American horse racing and owes its heritage
to a line of successful studs, starting with Epsilon in 1844, then following in
the 1860s with Jack Malone, Vandal, Bonnie Scotland, Great Tom, Enquirer and
Luke Blackburn. You’re familiar with the 1973 Triple Crown Winner
Secretariat and perhaps the 2012 Kentucky Derby winner I’ll Have Another. These
modern-day winners and so many more trace their lineage back to Belle Meade.
Horse racing in the 19th century was the king of sports, but it was an industry
dominated by males. White men owned the blood horses, and young slave boys were
the ones who jockeyed the magnificent thoroughbreds. Women and girls weren’t allowed — at least, not until
Margaret Linden in To Win Her Favor.
Q: What was it like for African Americans in the south during this
era? Were they the only ones who faced racial discrimination in this country?
The Emancipation Proclamation (1863) granted freedom to slaves in the
10 states that were still in rebellion, but it didn’t outlaw slavery, nor did it grant citizenship
to freedmen (ex-slaves). And that freedom, as we know, was ultimately hard won.
But former slaves weren’t the
only ones who suffered enormous abuse and ridicule. Irish immigrants ranked
only slightly above that of freedmen in social status and were frequently
scorned in both newspapers and society. NINA signs (“No Irish Need Apply”) really hung outside of many retail shops and
businesses, as depicted in the story.
Q: In the book, Cullen McGrath is an Irishman trying to start a new
life in Tennessee while overcoming not only discrimination but also a haunted
past. Why is he so angry with God?
Cullen is angry with God because he believes God let him down, that
God didn’t follow
through on His end of the bargain. How often have we felt that way? We think, “If I do this for God, then of course God will do
this for me.” That’s very dangerous theology and certainly not
Biblical. Part of Cullen’s
journey — just as it is each of ours — is to learn what it means to trust God . . . no matter our circumstances.
Q: Some of the scenarios in the book paint a gritty picture of this
unsettled time. Why do you think it’s important we not gloss over this chapter in American history?
The old adage comes to mind, “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
Human history is filled with atrocities: race against race, religion against religion,
and greed-lust that annihilates anyone in its path. No matter the era, be it
the 19th century or the 21st, human nature hasn’t changed. We still struggle with the same sins and temptations, and
we have a responsibility to remember our past. So many of the racial issues people
dealt with following the Civil War are still prevalent in parts of our country
(and world) today, and glossing over — or rewriting history — not only
denies the truth, but it cheapens the price so many paid for the freedoms we do
Q: As a southerner yourself, how do you embrace the culture of the
south while still acknowledging its difficult place in the American story?
Very simply, the only way to embrace the Southern culture (or any
culture) is by knowing how that culture was formed and by acknowledging all
parts of its history, even the ugly and shameful parts. Dig deep enough into
any culture’s
history (you won’t have
to dig far), and you’ll find
deceit, greed, lust, murder, envy, and strife. Because at the core of who we
are, we are all the same: sinners in need of a Savior, no matter the color of
one’s skin.
So to downplay the racial injustices perpetrated by the people of that time — toward
people of every race, color and creed — is to risk making those same reprehensible
choices again.
Q: What can this era and the story in To Win Her Favor teach us
about forgiveness?
I’m always
amazed at how those who have suffered the most are often the most forgiving. At
the heart of forgiveness is a humility of spirit and an awareness of personal sin.
Once you’ve seen
how much you’ve been
forgiven, I believe it’s easier
(not easy, but easier) to forgive others for wrongs done to you. The
characters in To Win Her Favor each learn about forgiveness — both in
the giving and receiving — in their own ways.
Q: Your heroine, Maggie Linden, has lost all four of her brothers in
the war and her mother shortly thereafter. Why do you think God allows such
hardship and grief to affect those who love him?
Ah . . . the
age-old question. Volumes have been written attempting to answer this question,
so I’ll
briefly share what helps me reconcile a hurting world with a loving God.
This earthly life is transient. This world is not a believer’s home and was never intended to be. It’s vital in a believer’s faith walk to continually draw our focus back
to an eternal perspective, which isn’t our natural bent. Not by far. I try to see each day (and everything
that happens) as a way to grow closer to Christ. I try to focus not so much on “why” something is happening in my life but rather focus on what I can learn
from it. And, more importantly, how I can bring glory to Jesus Christ through
the experience. Eternal perspective changes everything.
Q: Have you ever felt like something bad that happened to you was a
punishment for past choices?
Sure. Because sin has consequences. However, not everything bad that
happens in a person’s life
is due to him or her having done something bad. We live in a fallen world where
bad things happen to good people all the time. It’s the nature of free will and a consequence of living in a fallen
Q: Like many women throughout history, Maggie finds herself in a
position where it seems her only way to save her dreams and family fortune is
through a marriage of convenience. What do you think you might have done if you
were in her shoes?
I think I would’ve done
precisely what Maggie did, which made it especially interesting to take that
journey with her. Someone recently said to me, “All marriages are marriages of convenience on some
level.” It’s a thought-provoking statement.
Q: You’ve said
Kizzy is your favorite character in this book; tell us
about her and why she captured your heart.
I fell in love with Kizzy and would love to write her continuing story
some day. Kizzy represents so much of the bold hope, tenacity, and raw courage
that was present in the generation of freedmen children coming of age after the
Civil War. In many ways, it was a brave new world for them. Yet, in others, the
world hadn’t
changed nearly enough, and the war was still being fought. I adore Kizzy’s approach to life and how she sees herself. And
how she sees others.
Q: Do you have a favorite way to celebrate the completion of a new
embarrassed to tell you, and no one has ever asked me this before. But I treat
myself to one of my favorite guilty pleasures. Remember the Hostess cupcakes
with the cream filling? The ones that come in the two-pack and are absolutely
horrible for you and have so many preservatives they could withstand a nuclear
holocaust? Well, I treat myself to a pack of those, and then I read for days on
end. Just dive headlong into a stack of novels and relish the experience.
Q: What kind of impact do you hope To Win Her Favor will have
on readers?
The same kind of impact it had on me .
. . that it will cause readers to search their own
motives and hearts in relation to prejudice and that they’ll have the courage to follow God’s lead in taking whatever steps are necessary
toward healing the divide.
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