Is your house in need of a Total Family Makeover?
Book Offers Hope for Overwhelmed Parents
Author and Bible Teacher Melissa Spoelstra provides
practical steps to making disciples at home.
In a culture where we’re all under the public
eye, from everyday scrutiny on Facebook and the school pickup line, to media
stories of affluenza teens and zoo trips gone wrong, the pressure to be a
perfect parent is high, especially for Christians. Fortunately, God doesn’t
demand parents to be perfect or to raise perfect children; instead He calls for
faithfulness to Him. Christian parents are instructed to train and lead their
children to Jesus, but kids are not a parenting report card. That truth can
give the freedom to parent with love and patience, trusting God to do the rest.
Many parents desire that kind of relationship with their children, but don’t
know where to begin. In Total Family Makeover: 8 Practical Steps to
Making Disciples at Home (Abingdon Press/ September 20,
2016/ISBN 978-1501820656/$16.99), Melissa Spoelstra gives parents easy-to-follow steps to
help disciple their children to be true Jesus followers.
Often parents long to help their children
grow deep, intimate relationships with God but are overwhelmed at the enormity
of the task. Spoelstra gives practical steps that build upon one another to
give parents a proverbial path to run on, freeing them from decision paralysis
and enabling them to take solid steps toward growth alongside their children. Total Family Makeover focuses first on
the state of the parents’ hearts. Using the analogy of an oxygen mask on an
airplane, she encourages parents first to put on their own spiritual “oxygen
mask” before attempting to help their children.
“God calls us to answer our kids’ questions,
train them and lovingly discipline them without exasperating them. So when they
obey, that must mean we are succeeding; and when they disobey, we’ve missed the
mark. Right?” Spoelstra asks. “Wrong. I’ve come to understand and embrace
something profound. God modeled perfect parenting. He walked in the garden in
close relationship with Adam and Eve. He clearly trained them, giving
instructions about which tree was off-limits. Even though he loved his children
perfectly, they still disobeyed. God continues to discipline, instruct, and
walk with his children. But he doesn’t grade himself according to his
children’s successes and failures. Neither should we.”
Family Makeover walks parents through building life-long,
life-giving spiritual habits with their children by teaching them how to:
Practice spending time in prayer
Read God’s Word
Grow through mentoring
Find community in the church
Serve others
Take time to rest
Giving back to God
Sharing their faith
The innovative structure of Total Family Makeover takes parents
through each spiritual discipline by first helping them model it in their own
lives, followed by a section called “A Practical Approach” in which Spoelstra
gives detailed, step-by-step ideas to help parents implement the principles
they’ve just learned. Each one builds upon the last, giving a deep,
well-rounded approach to moving beyond behavior to real discipleship.
Discipleship and spiritual growth are rarely
easy, but they don’t have to be complicated. With Total Family Makeover, parents can be equipped to build meaningful
family memories while investing in the eternal well-being of their children.
Total Family
Makeover is a recipient of a Gold Award
from the Mom’s Choice Awards for excellence in family-friendly media, products
and services.

~ Kerri Pomarolli, comedian,
actress and author of Moms’ Night
Out and Other Things I Miss
“Do you want your children to love Jesus and follow
Him forever? While there are no magic formulas, in the Bible God gives you
specific things you can do toward the mission of impressing the hearts of your
kids with a love for God. This book is full of those biblical principles and action
steps! You will come away with simple but powerful practices that will bless
your family for generations to come.”
~ Dr. Rob Rienow, founder
Visionary Family Ministries
“So many of us moms are overwhelmed by our
daily responsibilities, and intimidated by the idea of teaching our children
about Jesus and the Bible. Melissa encourages us to be confident and
intentional in our training, and to be thankful for all our mommy experiences.
Through her fun family stories, she shares practical and creative ways
to give our children the knowledge of God’s love, each day.”
~ Gina San Martin, MOPS Discussion Group Leader/Assistant Coordinator, Dublin, OH
the author
Melissa Spoelstra is a popular
women’s conference speaker, Bible teacher, and writer who is madly in love with
Jesus and passionate about helping women of all ages to seek Christ and know
Him more intimately through serious Bible study. She
has a deep, abiding passion for studying God’s word and teaching others to do
the same.
holds a Bachelor of Arts in Bible Theology from Moody Bible Institute and
enjoys teaching God's Word to diverse groups and churches within the body of
Christ. She is the author of First Corinthians: Living Love When We
Disagree (released in August), Joseph:
The Journey to Forgiveness, and Jeremiah:
Daring to Hope in an Unstable World Bible studies and Total Family Makeover: 8 Steps to Making Disciples at Home book
(all available from Abingdon Press at
As a parent, Spoelstra has struggled in the past with knowing
how to help her kids love and follow Jesus in a world that is pulling them in
many directions. Total Family Makeover
was born from her own biblical studies and experiences with her children.
Spoelstra wants to inspire parents to keep pursuing Jesus and implementing
ideas to help their kids develop their own relationships with Him.
Spoelstra describes herself as a small-town girl from East Texas,
but now resides Dublin, Ohio, with her church planter/pastor husband of 20
years and their four children.
To keep up
with Melissa Spoelstra, visit You can also
follow her on Facebook
(AuthorMelissaSpolestra) and Twitter (@MelSpoelstra).