For all the moms drowning in the “stress-pool of life”
Part 1 of an
interview with Debora M. Coty,
Author of Too Blessed to
be Stressed for Moms
With her own
offbeat brand of wit and near-wisdom, popular inspirational humorist Debora M. Coty addresses heart needs of
moms drowning in the churning stress-pool of busyness. In her beloved
mom-to-mom, grin-provoking style, Coty offers empathy, laughs, real-life
stories, practical parenting survival tips, and fresh biblical insights to help
you hear Papa God’s still, small voice through life’s chaos.
Whether moms
are struggling with stress related to attitude, time-management, guilt trips,
patience, or something in between, Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms (Shiloh Run Press, an imprint of Barbour
Publishing) will deliver a much-needed
smile and equip you with simple-to-implement tips for attaining the peace we
all crave—the peace that passes all understanding.
Q: Your book, Too Blessed to be
Stressed, has been very popular since its release seven years ago. Why was
now the time to write an edition especially for moms?
During my travels as a women’s event speaker since Too Blessed to be Stressed came out,
I’ve encountered many, many women who’ve expressed frustration with specific
stressors common to the ‘hood (motherhood).
Too Blessed to be
Stressed for Moms is me throwing a life preserver to mothers of
all ages who feel like they’re drowning in the stress-pool of life. This life
preserver really and truly helps a woman keep her head above water; it’s made
of empathy, good reasons to laugh out loud and lots of encouragement.
My books aren’t written for the have-it-all-together, but
for the scattered and tattered, scarred and scared. My hope is that this little
book will help my mom-sisters recover their joy.
Q: What are some
of the tips you offer for melting angst when you—not the kids—need a time out
and an attitude adjustment?
When the jeans on your attitude are inflicting a wedgie,
you need to unbutton. Adjust. Loosen your uptight. Satan’s best tool is to burn
us out and make us flimsy, one dimensional Flat Stanleys when we could be
Robust Robertas. When the
devil’s got that anxiety noose around your neck and he’s rocking the stool, try
some of these anst-melting tips:
Jive with the beat. Neuroscience studies have
found that when people listen to their favorite music, they often experience a
dopamine-induced high similar to that caused by eating chocolate or having sex.
Become your own manager. Just say no.
People — even well-meaning, God-fearing, good-hearted people — will drain your
time and energies because they’re clueless about the stress you’re under and
simply see you as fresh meat to help promote their causes. Good causes, sure.
But unless you draw the line, the pressure will never let up. It’s up to you to manage the limited energy Papa God
has allotted you. Discern what’s worth your precious time.
Protect your mind. We all know media news is 90
percent negative — death, destruction, evil. Horror makes good headlines, so
limit your exposure to once daily. Now I’m not saying play ostrich and bury
your head in the sand; I’m encouraging you to live out loud Philippians 4:8
(MSG): “You’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true,
noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious — the best, not the worst;
the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.”
Unplug. Farm the kids out and schedule a He-and-Me
Retreat: three hours, once a month, just you, your Creator, and your Bible and
journal, somewhere quiet and secluded. I know it sounds impossible, but it
really isn’t if you view refilling your empty spiritual tank as important as it
truly is.
Make fun. Do something fun at least once a week.
Schedule it and look forward to it all week. It can be with or without the family,
but the point is it must be as stress-free as possible and something that you enjoy. Key word here: enjoy. You need to recover your joy. Joy
is one of the first casualties of stress; rescuing joy rescues you.
Q: You outline
four basic parenting styles. Are all styles prone to stress or do some types
struggle more than others?
Stress is no respecter of parenting styles; it’s an equal
opportunity black plague. There are, however, inherent stressors related to the
level of parental input involved in each of the four basic parenting styles
identified by behavior scientists (I’ve added my own animal analogies to make
them easier to remember):
1. Polar Bears (psychologists call this style “Authoritative”)
Daddy Polar Bear is outta there after a one-night stand, leaving Mama
Bear on her own to care for the blind, toothless, totally helpless newborns.
Cubs stay by Mama Bear’s side for up to two years, receiving strict but
nurturing motherly attention and lots of bear hugs before lumbering off on
their own.
Humans following the Polar Bear technique generally have high
expectations of their kids. There are household rules and enforced consequences
for disobedience. Good behavior is expected and rewarded. Lines of
communication between kid and parent are open, with lots of give-and-take.
Parents explain the reasons for their expectation and the child is raised to
understand that she can speak to her parents without fear of harsh judgment or
2. Harp Seals (“Neglectful”)
Ma Harp Seal is a dedicated parent for the first 12 days of her
offspring’s life, then she pumps a flipper in the air, barks, “Okay, I’m done!”
She leaves her baby stranded on the ice, where he learns to swim and hunt for
food on his own. Or not. Thirty percent of harp seal pups die during their
first year.
The human Harp Seal version of parenting produces children with a poor
trust foundation because the parents take little interest in what’s happening
in the child’s life and therefore don’t meet the child’s emotional, spiritual,
and sometimes even physical needs. These children often have a hard time
forming relationships with other people and struggle with abandonment issues.
3. Black Eagles (“Permissive”)
Mom Black Eagle covers the basics, making sure her babies are fed and
housed, but that’s about all. She avoids confrontation and lacks the backbone
to make and enforce rules in her own nest. She refuses to intervene in
squabbles among her offspring and often just watches as her babies fight to the
Mom Black Eagle’s human counterpart has difficulty setting limits for
her children; she often compromises rules to avoid conflict. She may resort to
bribery to entice her children to cooperate and would rather be her child’s
friend than parent. The child often ends up as insecure, undisciplined and
self-centered, with poor social skills and a lack of motivation to improve.
4. Orangutans (“Authoritarian” or “Obsessive”)
Big Mama, the original “helicopter mother,” obstinately hovers over her
offspring, supervising every move they make. She nurses them up to 7 years
(fostering the longest dependency of any animal on earth). After they’re
weaned, female offspring stick with Big Mama for ten years before seeking
independence. Even then, they visit Big Mama frequently.
The hairy Big Mama (orangutan) is often more nurturing and compassionate
than the traditional “Authoritarian” hover-mom model. Although both lean toward
obsession, the human version tends to coldly rely on punishment to enforce
obedience to a list of strict rules based on a black and white perspective. The
child is given limited (if any) choices and is frequently controlled by the
can’t-touch-this reason, “Because I said so.”
Of course, rarely do we fit completely into one single
parenting style; we usually combine characteristics of several. It’s important
that we become aware of our own parenting styles so that when we blow it, we
can perform effective emotional damage control with our children.
Q: What
encouragement do you have for moms who are in the trenches, convinced they are
doing it all wrong?
I’ll share the response I gave to my teenage daughter
when she claimed she’d probably be in therapy for years due to my mothering: “Well,
it’s your job to be a better mother than you had. It was my job and my mother’s
and her mother’s before her. Keep all the good stuff and improve on the bad.
One day in the future, maybe one of our descendants will get it right.”
Listen, sister-mom, we don’t have to wallow in shame over
our mothering mistakes. Every single one of us makes ‘em. Some hide them better
than others, but we all fail at
times. And it’s okay. Really, it is. Papa God created us as imperfect,
stumbling, what-was-I-thinking humans, knowing we’d be raising offspring just
as flawed as we are.
The good news is that our heavenly Father loves us to
pieces anyway and wants us to look to Him as the only example of a perfect parent.
Q: There are
questions included at the end of each chapter. Can Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms be used in a group setting as a
Bible study?
Absolutely! Navigating
the ‘Hood questions at the end of each chapter are designed not only for
personal growth, but also for facilitating discussion in small groups to help
women build relationships vertically (with Papa God) and horizontally (with
each other).
Readers can connect with Debora Coty via her
website,, or on Facebook
(AuthorDeboraCoty), Twitter (DeboraCoty) and Instagram (DeboraCoty).