Convincing myself it's not procrastination
Today, I really needed to work on two press kits, but writing isn't usually my first choice of tasks. I struggle with it. I thought I would get them in, at least one. I really did. However, I got tied up in new project scheduling. Yes, I need all these different colors to get my calendar straight. I have to plan on paper where I can see what is going on and when things need to be done. If I don't have it in front of me later on, I'll forget something. I do have appointments and all my authors' interviews set in my computer calendar. I should have all that's on my desk calendar in there too, but I don't.
The most ironic thing about all of this is on top of everything else that has made this a long week, last night I set up new phones for both of my parents (and that involved online chats with AT&T). The first time they have had smart phones. Today, the first day they have had them, my mom has put all of her appointments in her phone. My computer calendar syncs with my phone, but I usually don't refer to it. Yet, my mom is all technologically organized.