Go back to school with Lily Lapp!

Enter Lily Lapp's Back to School Giveaway

Suzanne Woods Fisher is celebrating the final book in the Adventures of Lily Lapp series, A Surprise for Lily, with a "Back to School with Lily Lapp" giveaway. Enter between 9/16 - 9/30 for a chance to win a year's worth of school supplies ($100 Target gift card), an iPad Mini, a set of the Lily books, and a Lily coloring book! Ten chances to win! (One winner will receive the back-to-school pack, 4 winners will receive a set of the Lily books and a coloring book, and 5 winners will receive a copy of Lily and a coloring book.)

Enter below using the widget!
Only those in the U.S. are eligible to win.

*Bonus Book Giveaway Activity* Share Lily with your local library or a young reader! Sign up to send out 10 stamped postcards to young readers or suggest a purchase to your library, and Suzanne will select 30 participants to win a signed Life with Lily book. (Fill out the short form here!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
