Enough of the weekend wake-up calls!
If you are wondering about the progress of any of my weekend projects, I'd have to say nothing got accomplished this weekend except for Paige's ecosystem project.
So that I won't hear all sorts of game and app alerts, I always turn off the sound on my phone before I go to sleep. The first thing I do when I get up is check my phone. At 9:30 AM Saturday, I had this text message, sent 21 minutes earlier.:
"Wrud today?? I just woke up. And im sure u are still asleep."
"I just got up"
"How about an aunt to niece day and i need some company today to work on my project. It wont take long. My dad can drop mr off in a little bit??"
From experience, I have learned that this could mean, "I'm around the corner, unlock the door."
In a mad dash, I threw on clothes and unlocked the door.
It's been a while since we've worked on one of her projects together. When she was in pre-school and the first few years of school, she got sent to my house for almost every project. She was supposed to build an ecosystem. She sent her dad to Tractor Supply for animals, telling him what she wanted. In addition to what is shown, she also ended up with a donkey and a calf. She ranted on about that donkey.
When Mom and Dad stopped by for Dad to check my stove, he couldn't convince her it was a mountain donkey either.
I'm not sure what brought it up, but the topic of poop came up. I told her every ecosystem had it. See the rabbit's...? Since we didn't have a Marriot marmot to include (family joke), she had to just leave it's poop.
I also convinced her to hide the donkey behind the tree where no one would ever know.
After that, she wanted to do something. (She always wants to go do something.) I took to Chili's and then mini golfing under a hot sun that reminded us summer was just a breeze away. She was not happy with her game. I beat her by two strokes, and she did the math 3 times just to be sure.
Then there was this morning.
I woke up before my alarm and put my feet on the floor about 7:50 AM. Usually on Sundays, I have to pep talk myself into getting out of bed at 8:20 after my alarm goes off at 8:00.
At 7:54 my phone rang. I have new phones and with the door shut to the bedroom, it just sounded odd. Caller ID tells me it's my grandmother. On Sunday. Before 8 AM.
"Are you up?"
I answered the phone didn't I? "I just got up."
Grandmother asked me to take her and her sister to see their sister who is very ill in Frisco because she had a really bad night. Her sister doesn't have long left and you could tell in her voice she was upset. She even said Ellene would miss church this morning, so we could go ahead and go up there. I told her I would do it, but needed to call her back in a few minutes after I called my mom because I wanted to see if she wanted to go and if I could take her car since mine is filthy.
I talked to my mom, gave her the charge of telling Ellene I could come by around 8:30.
Then, I call Grandmother to tell her we'd be up in Kaufman around 9:15.
"Oh, that soon?"
You called me before 8 AM and said Ellene would miss church... I thought it was dire...
"Well, I thought you wanted to get on up there."
We didn't make it to Kaufman until close to 9:45, but that was a combination of things. My mom coming by here after 8:30 to get me, Ellene not being able to get the gate open to her complex, stopping to get gas, me crying after I hit my head getting back into the car after throwing something away at the gas station.
It was just a long, emotional day. Then, on the way home from Kaufman, we got behind a piece of humongous farm equipment on a narrow road going 18 miles an hour for like 10 miles. We couldn't pass and I just wanted to get home.
Tomorrow will be another early morning (for me) as I have to be ready for the air conditioner people to be here between 8:30-9:00. I'll have to have my car moved out of the driveway so they can access the attic.
Here's to keeping my fingers crossed about no wake-up calls!