Healy’s Afloat is an exploration of the human spirit and supernatural possibilities
An interview with Erin Healy, Author of Afloat

We live
in a world where a spiritual battle between good and evil is continually raging
around us, whether we are aware of it or not. While supernatural fiction
portraying the battle between light and darkness has become a popular genre in
recent years, best-selling author Erin Healy hopes readers recognize a
difference between her books and the others out there. “The secular paranormal
genre is preoccupied with darkness. As honestly as I can, I try to be
preoccupied with light.” In her latest release, Afloat (Thomas Nelson/May 7, 2013/ISBN 978-1401685522/$15.99), Healy’s characters are faced with the
fight of their lives, in a desperate search for the light.
Q: How would you describe your latest book, Afloat?
Afloat is a
supernatural-disaster survival story. An eclectic group of people stranded in a
floating house grapple with the question of whether love can rise above
self-preservation instincts.
Q: Is there a “moral to the story” in Afloat you hope readers will walk away
I hope they’ll have a renewed sense that for
believers, death is nothing to fear; our survival is guaranteed. How we love
each other, however, is entirely up to us.
Q: How did you get into writing supernatural suspense?
Ted Dekker is partly
responsible for that. He invited me to write two books with him, Kiss and Burn, that contain supernatural elements. But the genre is a
natural fit for me. I appreciate many stories that have supernatural elements,
and I’m a person who believes the physical and spiritual parts of our lives are
far less compartmentalized than we think they are.
Q: Because you write in such a unique genre, do you think
it’s harder for you to come up with ideas than some other authors or does the
supernatural element give you more ideas to play with?
I don’t believe I
have more or fewer ideas to play with than any other writer, just different
ideas, and different expectations to meet.
Q: Some readers feel really uncomfortable with the
thought of reading supernatural fiction. Is there anything you would tell them
to invite them over to what they would consider to be the dark side?
I respect their
discomfort. There are certain genres that I’m not comfortable reading. But to
those who are curious I would say that the supernatural world is real, it is
biblical, it has a profound effect on our physical reality, and it is more
bright than dark. I believe it’s no more terrifying than the physical world, because
the same God rules over both. I write from a Christian worldview and make every
effort to honor the Lord through my stories, to whatever degree they might be
viewed as “supernatural” or “paranormal” or (as I think of them) “metaphorical”
or just plain weird. So while I can’t speak for every supernatural story, there
should be nothing to fear in mine.

I believe our
behaviors are informed by our values. For example, in Afloat, one of my main characters values his authority and
leadership, another values the lessons he’s learned from his past, another
values the stability she’s able to provide for her son. None of these values is
inherently bad. What makes the difference is whether a person holds his values
to serve his own sense of security or others’. Extreme pressure proves the
Q: What are some of the things give you a sense of
Love in my home,
locks on my doors, and money in the bank. That doesn’t sound very spiritual,
does it? I also crave approval, accomplishment, and a clear sense of purpose.
Again, none of these is bad, but I do notice that my trust in them (in the form
of fear that they will fail me) rises to the surface when I feel threatened. In
Afloat, the disaster strips most of
the characters of everything they thought would keep them safe. Learning how to
trust in the only lasting security of God’s perfect love is a lifelong
spiritual journey.
Q: Is it possible to love another person without
sacrificing something of yourself for him or her?
This is the question
at the heart of my hero’s story in Afloat.
Vance has experienced sacrificial love but is reluctant to accept or to give
it. I do believe it’s hard to love another person well without sacrifice. Jesus Christ, of course, is the ultimate
model of what this looks like. He gave up absolutely everything of worldly
value to love us. He even gave up his supernatural identity as the Son of God.
For me, the definition of true love is the ability to care about another
person’s needs more than I care about my own.
Q: For some people, there are there times when they feel
the need for certainty that God is real. Are there times when you live
comfortably with doubt?
When life is painful,
doubt is like a blister that puts a barrier between the wound and the world.
The protective layer—maybe God isn’t real
after all—is undesirable but normal and maybe even part of our healing
process. In my experience, God has the greatest opportunity to reveal himself
to us in the deepest valleys of life. Doubt is never comfortable for me, but
I’m learning to value seasons of doubt as a chance to know God more fully.
Q: Do you believe the Bible condemns you for your
mistakes or frees you to embrace God's love?
This question names a
defining struggle of my life. In the beginning, Danielle (Afloat’s leading lady) reads condemnation and judgment into the
message delivered to her. She can’t hear it as a message of love until it’s
almost too late. I have read the Bible both ways, only lately discovering that
the Word takes on whole new meaning—giving freedom, defeating fear, increasing
joy—when read through the lenses of God’s love.
Q: Most authors include something of themselves in each
book. What parts of you show up in Afloat?
I’m a totally fretful
parent. You’ll see me in Danielle’s and Mirah’s parenting.
Q: Given Alfoat’s
survival element, one would have to ask—are you much of an adventurist? How
long would you make it away from civilization?
A friend once said
that anything less than three stars is roughing it—I think that pretty much
describes me. I like the kind of adventures that come with hot running water
and clean socks. I like seeing new places, trying new things, eating new food,
meeting new people… but you won’t ever find me in a Survivor lineup.
Q: If you were set afloat, what three items would you
make sure were set adrift with you?
Tom Hanks, Wilson, and a copy of Laura
Hillenbrand’s Unbroken, a great
survival story that would remind me how to catch seagulls and sharks with my
bare hands.
Readers can enter to win an iPad
Mini from Erin Healy and Thomas Nelson. Watch for more details on her Facebook
Page. Click here
to view the book
trailer for Afloat.
Visit Healy website
at www.erinhealy.com to sign up for her newsletter and learn more about her
books. She’s also on Facebook (erinhealybooks) and Twitter (@erinhealybooks).