Becoming a Whole and Holy Mom
Part 1 of an Interview with Kristin Funston,
Author of More for Mom
(Watch for part two on May 9.)
For working moms, there
are performance pressures at work, home, and mind-sets that affect a mom’s
ability to feel complete and live more closely aligned with God. In More for Mom: Living
Your Whole and Holy Life (Abingdon Press), Kristin Funston encourages women to
stop believing the lie that more is needed from them and start living with the
truth that more is available for them. She sets forth the beginning steps for
moms to reset their spiritual and emotional health, habits and relationship
with God.
With real-life talk, humor and biblical truths, Kristin Funston helps hard working moms to look at each day and each facet of their life to discover what happens when they believe God has more for them than what they think the world needs from them. And what He has available is a whole and holy life, just waiting to be claimed–a salvation and day-to-day reality complete just as it is. The pieces of each mom’s life–the work life, mom life, social life, etc.–are mended together through Christ to complete her one whole life, set apart because of Him.
Q: What
sparked your own search for more, and ultimately, the idea behind More for
For a long
time, I lived my life from a place of depletion. I was physically and
emotionally tired all the time, always feeling like someone was needing
something from me, and ultimately just in a state of constant unrest, if you
will. I think that’s what drove me to church. I didn’t grow up in church, but I
would have called myself a “Christian” at that time, even though there wasn’t
really any sort of relationship with God at that point. The longer I went to
church, the more I learned about and believed God’s promise of an abundant
life, found in John 10:10.
When looking
back, I can see that I lived my life for so long from a transactional
standpoint—one that is very culturally based in our consumeristic world—a life
of giving and receiving—back and forth between myself, others, even God. Life
was always a give and take. However, this didn’t line up with John 10:10 in my
mind, as it wasn’t giving and receiving from a place of abundance, but of
depletion instead. I looked around and saw so many other women, moms
especially, living this same way.
When I first
pitched it, this book originally was called Embrace the Crazy. But upon
diving deeper into the writing process, I realized “the crazy” of our mom lives
is exactly how our lives are intended to be on this side of Heaven. The
daily grind, screaming kids, and relentless demands of work aren’t supposed
to be separated from one another or compartmentalized. All wrapped up together,
they complete this life Christ has called us to. They are whole in Christ, and
as believers, even holy, in the way we live it out. I feel like as a
whole, we should embrace our crazy, but it’s only because Jesus has MORE in
mind for us - to be whole and holy. This is the abundant life He promised.
Q: What does
it mean to be a whole and holy mom?
A whole and
holy mom is, number one, a believer in Christ and what He did for us on the
cross. This idea of “wholeness” stems all the way back to the garden with Adam,
Eve and the way humans were created. Just like when thinking of “whole foods,”
that food is in natural state—the way nature intended for it to be, or pretty
close to it. It’s the healthiest form of that food. Adam and Eve were
physically, emotionally, spiritually healthy, complete and whole in the garden
with each other and with God. Their lives were complete. This is how it was
supposed to be, the way nature intended for us to be. When we claim Jesus
Christ as our Lord and Savior, our relationship with our Creator is restored
back to a place of wholeness, completing us emotionally and spiritually. Our
“wholeness” is based on God’s ability to mend our brokenness and overlook our
sin, because of what Jesus did on the cross.
Because we
are “whole” and complete in Christ, back in proper relationship with Him, we
are, therefore, holy. Holy ultimately means to be set apart. So as believers in
Christ’s sacrifice for us, we live a life that is set apart—different—than the
way our culture and the world want or urge us to live. This life doesn’t have
to (and can’t) be a perfect life, but it is one that’s different. When we
follow Christ and live a life worthy of the calling He’s placed on us, God sees
Jesus’ covering of us. He sees Jesus’ holiness in place of our sinfulness.
So that’s
it. A whole and holy mom is not a perfect mom, but a believer and follower of
Christ right here on Earth, who admits she needs a savior.
Q: You want
to encourage women to stop believing the lie that more is needed from them and
start living the truth that more is available for them. What is the more that
they are missing out on?
I think the details
of the “more” they are missing out on is ultimately going to differ from one
woman to the next, but it’s all going to stem back to Jesus. Because doesn’t
everything? More life, more love, more joy, more peace, more of all that good
stuff—it comes from Him. He is and has the more they are missing
out on. Ephesians tells us that God is able to do more than we can even begin
to think or ask. However, on this side of heaven, where we moms are asked to
give and give and give, it’s hard to comprehend the abundance He has available
for us. This giving that’s required of us in our roles as moms, wives, sisters
and workers wears us down, distracting us from fully thriving and living in
that place of abundance.
Q: What are
some of the other lies moms need to let go of in regards to being whole?
First, that
our lives are somehow segmented into different areas such as the “mom life,”
“social life,” or “work life.” No, our lives aren’t meant to be
compartmentalized, but instead work and blend together to create one whole
and complete life. Just like ingredients in a loaf of bread, each segment of
our life isn’t good on its own, but together make one whole tasty
and nourishing loaf. It’s important to note that one whole loaf of bread
can feed an entire family. And if Jesus is involved, like in Mark 6, it can
feed thousands.
this umbrella of wholeness also lay lies about our identity. Such as ones that
say our worth is based on our work, or we must always be doing or giving to and
for others, or even that motherhood is the highest calling from God. I cover
many of these in the book, More for Mom, but they all come back to the
skewed perspective of how we view our identity and how we were created to be
whole and complete in Christ.
Q: What do
you mean when you write that our lives are full, but they aren’t whole?
We live in
this crazy, busy, modern world. A world that fills our schedules, minds, and
desires. We can literally fill our lives with things, people, events, books,
jobs, thoughts, feelings and so much more, but we can still be
incomplete. This stuff filling our lives doesn’t always complete us. I believe
it’s God, number one, that completes us, making us whole, and then His kindness
allows us to seal it with the extra blessing of relationships.
Q: You write
that we need our brains to create a muscle memory of what whole and holy
thoughts feel like. How do we do that?
mental muscle memory means we can self-correct when our thoughts, perspectives
and mindsets are not at a place where they should be based on our outside
circumstances. First, we must learn to feel and know when we are wrong, so we
can autocorrect and get our mindsets to a correct place of thinking—the place
that is whole and holy. This isn’t a fast process, but there are a few things
we can do to begin this training process.
First, we must
learn to identify triggers that set us off. These triggers can be
recognized easily when we notice them with what the Bible calls “works of the
flesh” from Galatians 5:19-21. Whatever happened right before these works of
the flesh showed up, that’s the trigger.
Second, once
we identify triggers, we redirect our thoughts by meditating on what is good.
We line up the thoughts, feelings and words we have next to scripture. A good
place to do this is Galatians 5:22-23, in what are called the fruit of the
spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control. When we look for this fruit in any given
situation, we are automatically meditating on what is good, focusing our
thoughts on godly things and training our minds to think this way, despite
outside circumstances.
Q: What do
you hope readers gain from reading this book?
As I’ve
mention, for the longest time I felt depleted and exhausted from my life. (If
I’m honest, I have to admit that I still feel that way sometimes.) I know I’m
not the only one who has ever felt that way or will feel that way in the
future. I’m ready for us to give from a place where we can do more than just
give; we can give in a celebratory way because we’ve already received more than
would ever be enough. This perspective will shape what our daily grind looks
and feels like because we’ll finally recognize what it means to be whole and
holy in the day-to-day. That’s very churchy language. Basically, I want
moms—really everyone—to have peace in their daily grind because of all we have
available through Christ.
Learn more
at Kristin Funston is
also active on Facebook (KristinDFunston) and Instagram (@kfunston).