The only reason it's not too early to start counting down to Christmas

Those of you that know me well or much at all know I'm not the biggest fan of the Christmas season in general.

I only want to hear Christmas music from the day after Thanksgiving to Christmas day itself. No earlier, no later.

The same goes for Christmas decorations. I'll start assembling on Thanksgiving, but I will disassemble on December 26, if not as soon as I get home from Kaufman on Christmas day itself.

Yes, I have been known to put up three Christmas trees, but that's a push to be well decorated and honestly decorating depresses me to no end every year.

And as OCD as I am, decorating my big Christmas tree to perfection is an anxiety attack waiting to happen. I hate it.

I'm annoyed at how early stores put out Christmas decorations and push you towards shopping. I say "let Halloween and Thanksgiving have their moments!" I say this those despising Halloween on so many levels that you don't want to get me started.

The best thing about Halloween is candy corn pumpkins. That's it. These little things right here.

But alas, I've had to put a countdown clock on the time we have until Christmas. Because I'm going to be an over achiever in my gift giving this year. (And I already have one person's present taken care that was not hand crafted.)

I've already mentioned that my mom has agreed to be given the hexagon afghan that I've been working on off and on for a year and a half. I haven't worked on it much in the past month or so, therefore, I must get after it now. Time's a wastin'!

See this pile of insides I started?

Because this here has to turn out to be king sized.

Oh, and this, the other lofty goal I have for presents... I'd like to get our summer vacation turned into a scrapbook by Christmas to give the girls a copy and my parents a copy.

I know... you are laughing really, really loud since it took me a whole year to finish my last Shutterfly project. I know.

Also take into account that I'm trying to finish taking down the wallpaper in the bathroom.

Stop laughing at me! I know, I know! I should have started this countdown in February!
