My weekly reminder of why I don't teach school
I really do think it's because some of the lessons are way over their heads. Way. Over. Their. Heads.
Knowing this train of thought was too much, I said that the priests in the Old Testament were from the tribe of Levi. Did anyone know what tribe Jesus was a descendant of?
Let's just say the answers led me to say, "Jesus was not an Indian Outlaw. He was not part Cherokee and Choctaw." Of course, that part of Tim McGraw's career was over their heads too.
I told them the best behaved child - the obvious one, and then one boy and one girl got to pick a song for the video. I didn't care which one, how many parts, or if we had done it for the video before. The boys lost out on their choice. Then, I had to beg the two girls to hurry up and pick a song. We didn't know the second choice too well.
I just can't keep children under control. That's why I only lasted a semester teaching 4th graders in public school.