The Good Things God Wants for You
The Good
Things God Wants for You
By Katie Bennett
Excerpted from Heavenly
Minded Mom by Katie Bennett ©2018 by Abingdon Press, used with
He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—
how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
—Romans 8:32
He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—
how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
—Romans 8:32

She certainly spoke truth. God is undeniably, exceedingly, and completely good. He does want good things for His people, and He gives us many good things. Yet perhaps sometimes our definition of good is something far less than what God has in mind. Perhaps our finite, limited view leads us to define good things in terms of health, popularity, and material abundance. And thus, we settle.
However, eternity begs a different perspective. Eternity dictates that all our wealth, health, ease, and worldly success are here today and gone tomorrow. And while these are good things in a temporary sense, they will not matter past the moment in which they are enjoyed. What’s more, they do not bring about total dependence on God, and they do not drive us to throw aside everything to follow Jesus in complete surrender.
Could it be that there are better things in this life than the worldly blessings for which we busily pray and seek? Could it be that God is wiser, more loving, and more good than we know?
When we have the opportunity to be mistreated for the sake of the gospel, to faithfully persevere in trials, to return good for evil, and to radically and sacrificially give, we invest in eternity, glorify God, and store up treasures in heaven. All those days of comfort will hold no meaning.
So, consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds because these trials lead us to higher places than we could have otherwise trodden. Consider it pure joy when life is smooth, pleasant, and filled with the good things, recognizing that this too is a gift from God. Wisdom teaches us to “rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), knowing that God is trustworthy and loving. He wants truly good things for the children He loves, including deep character, perfect dependence on Him, abiding joy not bound to circumstances, spiritual maturity,
and rewards that will last forever.
Embrace God’s Word
For further insight, read James 1:2-5; Romans 8:28-39; and 1 Peter 3:9-14.
Journal Your Thoughts
Before today, how would you have defined what it means to say God wants good things for me?
How does viewing life in the scope of eternity help you trust God in all things?
Katie Bennett is the author of Heavenly Minded Mom and the creator of the Top Mommy Bloggers’ award-winning blog and podcast, Embracing a Simple Life. Katie stepped out of the career world and embraced a no frills, no extravagance or excess lifestyle. Just Jesus and her family—clearing out the excess and making the most of what matters most. Katie and her family live in the St. Louis, MO area.