The Gospel-Centered Life in Exodus for Students
Finding the Gospel in the Old Testament
First in a new series of small group
studies for teens and
young adult uncovers the gospel story in Exodus
young adult uncovers the gospel story in Exodus
For many, Sunday school as a child is fondly remembered, with the introduction to the gospel story helped along with large picture books and easy-to-digest stories. Growing older, we made the move to Bibles with fewer pictures and more words and began to find the gospel in the Old Testament as well. However, we may have missed key instruction on how to make that transition. The new Gospel-Centered Life for Students series for teens and young adults will help make the connections clearer.
In the first book of the series, The Gospel-Centered Life in Exodus for Students (New Growth Press/July 23, 2018), author Kristen Hatton leads readers in finding and meeting Jesus in unexpected places as well as seeing the pattern of redemption present even in the Old Testament. As they learn the entire Bible is one unfolding story about Jesus, and the same God who spoke to Moses also sent his son to redeem our sins, study participants will better understand how to read Scripture and view it as the “manna” needed for their daily life.
“Throughout the book of Exodus, we see the Israelites grumble, complain, disobey, worship false gods, and try to be their own redeemer,” says Hatton. “In this way, Exodus lays out the pattern for redemption as it shows us the Israelites needed a Redeemer. It also shows us how much we are like them, have done some of the same things, and are in need of a Redeemer too.”
As students come together to read and discuss, they will not only see their own similarities to the ancient Israelites, they will also see how God comes to the rescue and gives grace to the guilty and over and over again. They will also see scripture pointing to the deliverance of his people which was later fulfilled in Christ and the gospel.
These twelve easy-to-use, self-contained lessons require no outside work and can be completed in one hour. Each lesson also includes a leader’s guide with discussion questions and background materials, making them self-explanatory for both participants and leaders.
John Perritt of Reformed Youth Ministries affirms, “Any youth worker or parent should pick up this helpful resource Kristen has produced. The Gospel-Centered Life in Exodus for Students can be used in one-to-one ministry, small groups, or large group settings. It’s very user-friendly and, most importantly, points students to Jesus Christ. At Reformed Youth Ministries our passion is passing the faith on to the next generation, and this resource will greatly assist us to that end!”
Kristen Hatton is a native Texan now putting roots down in Edmond, OK, with
her church-planter/pastor husband and their three teenagers. With a public
relations background from Southern Methodist University, Hatton has a wide
array of professional experiences, none of which she counts as important as the
job of being a “present” mom.
Through leading a small group Bible study of teenagers, she has
discovered her passion for teaching and writing about God’s grace. In addition
to her own blog, she is a frequent contributor to The Rooted Ministry blog and
enCourage women’s blog.
In addition to The Gospel-Centered Life in Exodus for Students,
she is the author of Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World and
Your Story Straight: A Teen Guide to Learning and Living the Gospel.
Learn more at
She is also active on Facebook
(@kristenbhatton), Twitter
(@Hattonkb) and Instagram