You Living Out Your Mission?
Mission-Centered Life explores how God’s grace
empowers his
people to serve in places of need
Greensboro, NC –
God calls us to live missionally, but what exactly does that look like?
Do we have to sell everything and head to a foreign country? For
Christians who long to serve God in broken places but aren’t sure where
to start, The
Mission-Centered Life: Following Jesus into the Broken Places
(New Growth Press/July 22, 2019), speaks to the “whys” and “hows” of
missional living. In this new ten-week group resource, author Bethany Ferguson
draws on her fifteen years of missionary experience to examine the
reasons believers should pursue lives of service and evangelism.
Mission-Centered Life is
organized into ten lessons designed for readers who want to explore
their role in building the kingdom of Christ. Readers will consider how
the gospel propels them to go out and love their neighbors, including
people who might be far away or very different from those they usually
encounter in everyday life. This in-depth study explores why holistic
missions is needed, how God’s grace empowers us to serve in places of
need, what to do when we fail as missionaries, and how to cultivate
hope in the midst of a broken world.
Mission-Centered Life emphasizes acknowledging your own
weakness, brokenness, and need as a vital component of serving a broken
and needy world. Many books emphasize the importance of living
sacrificially or adventurously (both of which can be important), but my
book focuses in on repentance and humility in missional living,”
Ferguson shares. “When you encounter the grace and love of Jesus for
you, you then want for others to also experience the powerful love of
Jesus. When you see how Jesus meets you in your brokenness, you are
then able to care for the needs of the world.”
Designed for personal reflection and small group discussion, Ferguson
provides Scripture study, profound application, and questions, as well
as essays and personal stories to illustrate the importance of
missions—both for the missionary and the community being served by the
missionary. Studying the book as a group allows participants to benefit
from what God is teaching the others in the group and provides encouragement
to apply what is learned. Ferguson hopes the group setting will be a
safe place to share not only successes but also worries and weaknesses.
This study will help readers find confidence in God’s missional
purposes in the world and a deeper understanding of life with Jesus,
who pursued the marginalized as shown throughout the New Testament.
Anchor your hope to Christ, who moves us out of our comfort zones to
care for the needs of the world.
“Mission begins when we encounter a God who rescues us from our own
brokenness and invites us to be instruments of healing in a broken
world,” Ferguson writes.
Of The
Mission-Centered Life, Philip G. Monroe, Director of
Training and Materials, Mission Trauma Healing at the American Bible
Society wrote, “You’ve heard it said, ‘Find out what God is doing in
the world and join his mission.’ But if, like me, you are asking how to
do this, I recommend The
Mission-Centered Life. Best of all, this is a group study.
Read, discuss, meditate, pray, and reflect together as God shows you
his heart for the world and your part in his mission.”
The Mission-Centered Life: Following Jesus into the
Broken Places, Study Guide
by Bethany Ferguson
July 22, 2019 / Retail Price: $15.99
Print ISBN 978-1-948130-67-7
Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth