A new appreciation for living alone
First of all, I apologize for being a woman of few words this week. That is very unlike me. I believe yesterday is the first day that I posted absolutely nothing at all since I first started my blog.
Life has been going on, and I didn't get back into town until around 8:00 last night from Arlington, Euless, Bedford or whatever mid-city that technically was. I know I went through Dallas going up and Arlington coming back. With my attitude greatly adjusted, I am now better prepared to blog non-sense.
I just didn't come straight home when I got into town last night (I'll get to that part in a minute), so I didn't turn on my computer to blog since I wanted to watch Grey's Anatomy, which by the way should have been renamed "Shepherd's Anatomy." ADD moment here. I read the Grey's message board on ABC.com, and everyone was complaining about "Addie's Anatomy," but I'm still going to put it off on Derek. I love McDreamy, but c'mon, I was looking forward to the engagement thing.
Alright, back to the real purpose of this story. As I have mentioned, my parents are packing up and in the process of moving for the first time in almost 32 years. A very highly-charged emotional, stressful time, as would be the case with any move, especially after such a long time in one place. That's not really the half of it right now though.
Well, my brother found someone to make a deal with. (He'd kick butt on the TV game show... he'd figure out a way to win what was behind all three doors, and get rid of the goats behind door #2 for more than a goat should ever be worth.) Their house was too small for the six of them, so he found someone desperate to move his family back out of his parents' house that wanted to buy his house. But, they had to be out of the house in 10 days.
He might have found a buyer, but I don't think this was one of Brian's finest deals. He really needed more time to get his stuff together and out of the house. And, well, I don't know... a place to live, maybe?!?!
Last night, Brian, Julie, Paige, Peyton, Madison and Layton moved in with my parents. Into the house with all the boxes that are being packed to be moved. Right now, it's 8 people in three bedrooms and two bathrooms (one of which is very small). Hopefully, in three weeks, they will all be able to pack up and move to my parents' new house where there will be four bedrooms and a bigger two bathrooms.
My mom told me to call her when I was leaving Bedford or Euless or wherever it was to let her know I was on my way home. That was about 6:30. Not even two hours into the estimated two month experience (the length of time to get the metal house built), Mom was thinking she may need an attitude adjustment.
Obviously, it was utter chaos last night as the crew moved in. Their living room looked like the three girls' closets spit up all over the place. (Much like Layton does anytime I hold him at church. That child has a talent. Peyton loves to remind me that he does that to me.) Of course, it's going to take some organization to get things in place.
Since I hadn't seen the girls in about two weeks, I had to stop by last night when I got into town to see them. I probably stirred up Peyton (and Madison too). She almost broke my neck holding on to me so hard.
"Audra, I've missed you soooo much. Don't leave the room, I want you."
"I've missed you too, but I can't breathe and my neck really, really hurts now."
I sent Julie a message via Facebook today to see when/if everyone finally got to sleep. "FINALLY! Brian slept on the couch, he said he didn't think he slept at all because he was thinking about everything he had to do today. Between some alarm that went off 3 different times during the night and Layton waking up 3 different times, I felt like I didn't get much sleep either! Your poor mom had to sleep in between Paige and your dad, so I know she couldn't have slept too good. Paige said her back hurt all night. Madison crashed pretty quick once they got laid down in the pink room, watching TV and I didn't think Peyton was ever going to go to sleep! It will get better, I HOPE!"
Dad tells me tonight, "I may need to borrow the mattress on your twin bed so Paige will have a place to sleep." The heck if I know where they are going to put the mattress, but...
A couple of nights ago, I was talking to my parents, and we were all saying how we were ready for a vacation. I tend to doubt that will happen this spring with everything going on, but they do have reservations for that one I'm not going on in July. I told them, "just think... you'll get to spend all this time together, and after living together, you all won't want to go vacation together in Branson." I just laughed.
I'm sitting here in my quiet house alone. I do have a stack of clothes that I need to hang up, but other than that my house is neat and straight. I have an all new appreciation for that tonight. However, I think my house is going to be everyone's getaway. The question is: who is going to get here first?
Life has been going on, and I didn't get back into town until around 8:00 last night from Arlington, Euless, Bedford or whatever mid-city that technically was. I know I went through Dallas going up and Arlington coming back. With my attitude greatly adjusted, I am now better prepared to blog non-sense.
I just didn't come straight home when I got into town last night (I'll get to that part in a minute), so I didn't turn on my computer to blog since I wanted to watch Grey's Anatomy, which by the way should have been renamed "Shepherd's Anatomy." ADD moment here. I read the Grey's message board on ABC.com, and everyone was complaining about "Addie's Anatomy," but I'm still going to put it off on Derek. I love McDreamy, but c'mon, I was looking forward to the engagement thing.
Alright, back to the real purpose of this story. As I have mentioned, my parents are packing up and in the process of moving for the first time in almost 32 years. A very highly-charged emotional, stressful time, as would be the case with any move, especially after such a long time in one place. That's not really the half of it right now though.
Well, my brother found someone to make a deal with. (He'd kick butt on the TV game show... he'd figure out a way to win what was behind all three doors, and get rid of the goats behind door #2 for more than a goat should ever be worth.) Their house was too small for the six of them, so he found someone desperate to move his family back out of his parents' house that wanted to buy his house. But, they had to be out of the house in 10 days.
He might have found a buyer, but I don't think this was one of Brian's finest deals. He really needed more time to get his stuff together and out of the house. And, well, I don't know... a place to live, maybe?!?!
Last night, Brian, Julie, Paige, Peyton, Madison and Layton moved in with my parents. Into the house with all the boxes that are being packed to be moved. Right now, it's 8 people in three bedrooms and two bathrooms (one of which is very small). Hopefully, in three weeks, they will all be able to pack up and move to my parents' new house where there will be four bedrooms and a bigger two bathrooms.
My mom told me to call her when I was leaving Bedford or Euless or wherever it was to let her know I was on my way home. That was about 6:30. Not even two hours into the estimated two month experience (the length of time to get the metal house built), Mom was thinking she may need an attitude adjustment.
Obviously, it was utter chaos last night as the crew moved in. Their living room looked like the three girls' closets spit up all over the place. (Much like Layton does anytime I hold him at church. That child has a talent. Peyton loves to remind me that he does that to me.) Of course, it's going to take some organization to get things in place.
Since I hadn't seen the girls in about two weeks, I had to stop by last night when I got into town to see them. I probably stirred up Peyton (and Madison too). She almost broke my neck holding on to me so hard.
"Audra, I've missed you soooo much. Don't leave the room, I want you."
"I've missed you too, but I can't breathe and my neck really, really hurts now."
I sent Julie a message via Facebook today to see when/if everyone finally got to sleep. "FINALLY! Brian slept on the couch, he said he didn't think he slept at all because he was thinking about everything he had to do today. Between some alarm that went off 3 different times during the night and Layton waking up 3 different times, I felt like I didn't get much sleep either! Your poor mom had to sleep in between Paige and your dad, so I know she couldn't have slept too good. Paige said her back hurt all night. Madison crashed pretty quick once they got laid down in the pink room, watching TV and I didn't think Peyton was ever going to go to sleep! It will get better, I HOPE!"
Dad tells me tonight, "I may need to borrow the mattress on your twin bed so Paige will have a place to sleep." The heck if I know where they are going to put the mattress, but...
A couple of nights ago, I was talking to my parents, and we were all saying how we were ready for a vacation. I tend to doubt that will happen this spring with everything going on, but they do have reservations for that one I'm not going on in July. I told them, "just think... you'll get to spend all this time together, and after living together, you all won't want to go vacation together in Branson." I just laughed.
I'm sitting here in my quiet house alone. I do have a stack of clothes that I need to hang up, but other than that my house is neat and straight. I have an all new appreciation for that tonight. However, I think my house is going to be everyone's getaway. The question is: who is going to get here first?